Metaphors We Live By
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"Metaphors We Live By" Summary

By George Lakoff

philosophy | 276 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780226468013

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

Metaphors shape our understanding of the world and influence our everyday lives.


In "Metaphors We Live By," George Lakoff and Mark Johnson explore the profound impact that metaphors have on our everyday lives. Published in 1980, this groundbreaking book revolutionized the way we understand language, thought, and communication. By highlighting the pervasive presence of metaphors in our language and cognition, the authors argue that metaphors shape our understanding of the world and influence our actions in ways we may not even realize. This book is an essential read for anyone interested in linguistics, cognitive science, and the power of language.

Brief Synopsis

The book begins by challenging the conventional view of metaphors as mere figures of speech. Lakoff and Johnson argue that metaphors are not limited to poetic language but are deeply ingrained in our everyday thought and communication. They propose that metaphors are not just linguistic devices, but cognitive structures that shape our understanding and experience of the world.

The authors introduce the concept of "metaphorical thought," which suggests that our thinking relies heavily on metaphors. They argue that metaphors are not just decorative additions to language, but fundamental mechanisms through which we make sense of the world around us.

To support their claims, Lakoff and Johnson provide numerous examples of metaphors that structure our thinking. For instance, they discuss the metaphor of "argument as war," where we use combat-related language to describe disagreements ("he shot down my argument," "she defended her position"). This metaphor shapes our understanding of arguments as battles, influencing how we approach and engage in debates.

The authors also explore the metaphor of "time as money," which shapes our perception of time as a resource that can be spent, wasted, or saved. This metaphor influences our behavior and priorities, leading to phrases like "don't waste my time" or "I need to budget my time."

Throughout the book, Lakoff and Johnson analyze a wide range of metaphors, revealing how they structure our understanding of concepts such as emotions, morality, politics, and more. They argue that metaphors are not arbitrary but arise from our embodied experiences and cultural contexts.

Main Characters

As "Metaphors We Live By" is a non-fiction book, it does not follow a traditional narrative structure. Instead, the main "characters" in this book are the authors themselves, George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. Both authors are renowned scholars in the fields of linguistics and cognitive science, and their collaboration in this book brings together their expertise and insights.

Summary of Different Story Points

The book is organized into several chapters, each focusing on different aspects of metaphors and their influence on our lives. Here is a summary of some of the key story points covered in each chapter:

ChapterStory Points
Chapter 1: Metaphor in DiscourseIntroduction to the pervasive presence of metaphors in language and cognition.
Chapter 2: Why Metaphor Can Matter for PhilosophyExamines the implications of metaphorical thought for philosophy and challenges traditional philosophical views.
Chapter 3: The Systematicity of Metaphorical ConceptsExplores how metaphors are not isolated instances but form systematic networks of related concepts.
Chapter 4: Metaphors We Live ByExamines common metaphors that shape our understanding of concepts such as time, arguments, and relationships.
Chapter 5: The Metaphorical Structure of the Human Conceptual SystemDiscusses the embodied nature of metaphors and how they are grounded in our physical experiences.
Chapter 6: Metaphor and Cultural CoherenceAnalyzes how metaphors are shaped by cultural and social factors, and how they contribute to cultural coherence.
Chapter 7: The Myth of ObjectivismCritiques the view that language and thought can be objective, highlighting the role of metaphors in shaping our subjective experiences.

Main Events

As a non-fiction book, "Metaphors We Live By" does not have a traditional plot with main events. Instead, each chapter builds upon the previous ones to present a comprehensive exploration of metaphors and their significance in our lives. The main events in this book are the analyses and discussions of various metaphors, their origins, and their impact on our understanding of the world.

Themes and Insights

"Metaphors We Live By" delves deep into the role of metaphors in shaping our cognition, language, and perception of reality. Some of the key themes and insights explored in this book include:

  1. Metaphors as cognitive structures: The book highlights that metaphors are not just linguistic devices but fundamental mechanisms through which we understand and experience the world.
  2. Embodied nature of metaphor: Lakoff and Johnson argue that metaphors arise from our physical experiences and are grounded in our embodied cognition.
  3. Metaphors and cultural coherence: The authors explore how metaphors are shaped by cultural and social factors, contributing to cultural coherence and shared understanding.
  4. Subjectivity and metaphor: The book challenges the notion of objectivity in language and thought, emphasizing the subjective nature of our experiences shaped by metaphors.

Reader's Takeaway

"Metaphors We Live By" offers readers a fresh perspective on the power of language and metaphors. Through engaging examples and thought-provoking analysis, the book encourages readers to critically examine the metaphors that shape their thinking and perception of reality. It prompts us to reflect on the ways in which metaphors influence our communication, beliefs, and actions, ultimately highlighting the importance of metaphorical awareness in our everyday lives.


"Metaphors We Live By" is a seminal work that challenges conventional views of metaphors as mere figures of speech. By exploring the pervasive presence and influence of metaphors in our language and cognition, Lakoff and Johnson provide a thought-provoking analysis of how metaphors shape our understanding of the world. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the power of language, cognitive science, and the intricate relationship between thought and metaphor.

Metaphors We Live By FAQ

  1. Who is the author of 'Metaphors We Live By'?

    The author of 'Metaphors We Live By' is George Lakoff.

  2. What is the main subject of the book?

    The main subject of 'Metaphors We Live By' is the role of metaphors in shaping our understanding of the world.

  3. What is the book about?

    'Metaphors We Live By' explores how metaphors are not just linguistic devices, but also fundamental to our conceptual systems. The book argues that metaphors shape our thoughts, actions, and perceptions in ways we may not even realize.

  4. Is this book suitable for academic study?

    Yes, 'Metaphors We Live By' is often used as a foundational text in linguistics, cognitive science, and philosophy courses. It provides a valuable theoretical framework and analysis of metaphorical language.

  5. Are there any practical applications of the book's ideas?

    Yes, the book offers insights into how metaphors influence our everyday lives, from political discourse to understanding abstract concepts. Understanding the power of metaphors can help in communication, persuasion, and critical thinking.

  6. Is this book accessible to readers without a background in linguistics?

    Yes, while 'Metaphors We Live By' does delve into linguistic theories, it is written in a way that is accessible to general readers. The author provides clear explanations and examples to illustrate his points.

  7. Does the book provide examples of metaphors?

    Yes, 'Metaphors We Live By' includes numerous examples of metaphors in different contexts, ranging from everyday language to scientific discourse. These examples help readers understand the concept and its implications.

  8. Does the book offer any counterarguments to its main thesis?

    Yes, the author acknowledges and addresses counterarguments throughout the book. He presents alternative viewpoints and engages with criticisms to provide a comprehensive analysis of the subject.

  9. Are there any follow-up books or related works by the author?

    Yes, George Lakoff has written several other books exploring the role of metaphor in cognition and communication. Some notable works include 'Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things' and 'Where Mathematics Comes From'.

  10. Where can I purchase or read 'Metaphors We Live By'?

    You can purchase 'Metaphors We Live By' from major online book retailers such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble. It is also available in many libraries and can be accessed through e-book platforms.