Estimated read time: 8 min read

Table of Contents

  1. List of Characters

List of Characters

AnnaLove Interest
HunterFather Figure

Role Identification

In Dmitry Glukhovsky's dystopian novel "Metro 2033," the characters play crucial roles in shaping the narrative and reflecting the harsh realities of post-apocalyptic Moscow. From the protagonist Artyom to the supporting cast, each character serves a specific purpose in the story, contributing to its themes of survival, morality, and the human condition.

Character Descriptions


Artyom serves as the protagonist of "Metro 2033." He is a young man who grew up in the post-apocalyptic Moscow Metro system. Artyom is courageous, resourceful, and curious. Despite his flaws and insecurities, he becomes a symbol of hope and resilience in the face of adversity.


Khan is a mysterious character who acts as Artyom's mentor. He possesses extensive knowledge about the Metro and its inhabitants. Khan is wise, philosophical, and detached from the struggles of ordinary people. His guidance and philosophical insights shape Artyom's understanding of the world.


Miller is a charismatic and authoritative figure who leads the Rangers, a paramilitary group within the Metro. He is a skilled strategist and a respected leader. Miller's character embodies the complexities of power, responsibility, and the sacrifices necessary to protect the Metro.


Ulman is a close friend and ally of Artyom. He is resourceful, cunning, and street-smart. Ulman's loyalty to Artyom is unwavering, and he provides invaluable assistance throughout their journey. Despite his rough exterior, Ulman reveals a caring and compassionate side.


Bourbon is a seasoned traveler and ally who aids Artyom early in the story. He is a rugged and self-interested character, primarily motivated by personal gain. However, Bourbon's actions demonstrate the potential for redemption and the importance of camaraderie in a hostile world.


Pavel serves as the primary antagonist in "Metro 2033." He is a treacherous and manipulative character who poses a significant threat to Artyom's mission. Pavel's actions reflect the darker aspects of human nature and the lengths individuals are willing to go for personal gain.


Anna is a skilled sniper and love interest of Artyom. She is strong-willed, independent, and capable. Anna's character represents the resilience and determination of the Metro's inhabitants, particularly its female population.


Hunter is a father figure to Artyom and a respected member of the Metro community. He is pragmatic, disciplined, and dedicated to protecting the Metro from external threats. Hunter's guidance and mentorship shape Artyom's growth throughout the story.


Melnik is a seasoned guide who assists Artyom in navigating the treacherous tunnels of the Metro. He is knowledgeable, cautious, and skilled in survival. Melnik's character highlights the importance of experience and expertise in navigating the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world.

Character Traits

Each character in "Metro 2033" possesses distinct traits that contribute to their development and the overall narrative:

  • Artyom: Courageous, resourceful, curious, flawed, insecure
  • Khan: Mysterious, wise, detached, philosophical
  • Miller: Charismatic, authoritative, strategic, sacrificing
  • Ulman: Resourceful, cunning, loyal, compassionate
  • Bourbon: Rugged, self-interested, potentially redeemable
  • Pavel: Treacherous, manipulative, self-serving
  • Anna: Strong-willed, independent, skilled
  • Hunter: Pragmatic, disciplined, mentor-like
  • Melnik: Knowledgeable, cautious, experienced

Character Background

The characters in "Metro 2033" have diverse backgrounds shaped by the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit:

  • Artyom: Born and raised in the Metro, Artyom's childhood was marred by the devastating nuclear war that forced humanity underground. His experiences within the Metro's harsh environment have shaped his worldview and motivations.
  • Khan: Little is known about Khan's past, adding to his air of mystery. He possesses extensive knowledge about the Metro's history, anomalies, and philosophical concepts.
  • Miller: As the leader of the Rangers, Miller has a deep understanding of the Metro's political landscape and the need to maintain order and protect its inhabitants.
  • Ulman: Similar to Artyom, Ulman was born and raised in the Metro. His experiences as a survivor have made him street-smart and resourceful.
  • Bourbon: Bourbon is a seasoned traveler who has explored various parts of the Metro. His past remains enigmatic, but his knowledge of the tunnels and factions proves invaluable to Artyom.
  • Pavel: Pavel's background is rooted in treachery and self-interest. He represents the darker aspects of the Metro's inhabitants, driven by personal gain and power.
  • Anna: Anna's background is not extensively explored, but her skills as a sniper suggest a life shaped by survival and combat within the Metro.
  • Hunter: Hunter's background is shrouded in mystery, but his reputation as a skilled fighter and protector of the Metro's inhabitants denotes a history of selflessness and sacrifice.
  • Melnik: Melnik's background is primarily that of a guide within the Metro, showcasing his expertise and experience in navigating the treacherous tunnels.

Character Arcs

The characters in "Metro 2033" experience significant arcs that contribute to their growth and the overall narrative:

  • Artyom: Artyom begins as a young, inexperienced survivor burdened with a mission to save the Metro. Throughout the story, he confronts his fears and insecurities, ultimately finding the strength to confront the challenges that lie ahead.
  • Khan: Khan's arc revolves around guiding and enlightening Artyom. His interactions with Artyom help deepen the protagonist's understanding of the Metro's history, anomalies, and philosophical concepts.
  • Miller: Miller's arc centers on his struggles as a leader and protector of the Metro. He is forced to make difficult choices and sacrifices to ensure the survival of its inhabitants.
  • Ulman: Ulman's arc highlights his loyalty and compassion, ultimately revealing a caring and selfless side. He develops a close bond with Artyom, becoming an invaluable ally.
  • Bourbon: Bourbon's arc explores the potential for redemption in a harsh world. Through his interactions with Artyom, he learns the importance of camaraderie and the need to fight for something greater than personal gain.
  • Pavel: Pavel's arc revolves around his treachery and manipulation, ultimately leading to a confrontation with Artyom. His actions expose the darker side of human nature within the Metro.
  • Anna: Anna's arc showcases her strength and independence. She becomes more than just a love interest, actively contributing to the mission and demonstrating her resilience.
  • Hunter: Hunter's arc primarily revolves around his role as a mentor and protector. His guidance helps shape Artyom's growth and understanding of the Metro's challenges.
  • Melnik: Melnik's arc revolves around his role as a guide, providing essential knowledge and expertise to Artyom. He aids in the protagonist's journey through the treacherous tunnels.


The relationships in "Metro 2033" are vital to the story's development and the characters' growth:

  • Artyom and Khan: Khan serves as Artyom's mentor, guiding him through the dangers of the Metro and imparting philosophical insights. Their relationship deepens Artyom's understanding of the world and his purpose.
  • Artyom and Miller: Miller, as the leader of the Rangers, becomes a father figure to Artyom. Their relationship is characterized by mutual respect and the shared goal of protecting the Metro.
  • Artyom and Ulman: Ulman's loyalty and friendship provide Artyom with much-needed support throughout their journey. Their relationship showcases the importance of trust and camaraderie in the Metro.
  • Artyom and Bourbon: Bourbon initially serves as a self-interested ally to Artyom but eventually develops a bond based on mutual respect and the understanding of the dangers they face.
  • Artyom and Pavel: Pavel serves as the primary antagonist, creating a tense and adversarial relationship with Artyom. Their interactions highlight the darker aspects of human nature within the Metro.
  • Artyom and Anna: Anna becomes Artyom's love interest, providing both emotional support and a skilled partner in combat. Their relationship adds depth and vulnerability to Artyom's journey.
  • Artyom and Hunter: Hunter acts as a mentor and father figure to Artyom, shaping his understanding of the Metro and the responsibilities that come with survival.
  • Artyom and Melnik: Melnik's role as a guide cements his relationship with Artyom. He provides essential knowledge and expertise, aiding Artyom in navigating the treacherous tunnels.

In conclusion, "Metro 2033" by Dmitry Glukhovsky presents a diverse cast of characters, each serving a specific role in shaping the narrative and exploring the depths of the post-apocalyptic Moscow Metro. From Artyom's growth as a protagonist to the complex relationships he forms, the characters embody the struggles, strengths, and flaws of humanity in a world on the brink of extinction.