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You can't ever fully regret the things you never did.

Chris Bohjalian

The truth is the truth, and the only time you have to worry is when it's not.

Chris Bohjalian

Sometimes the lies you tell are less frightening than the loneliness you might feel if you stopped telling them.

Chris Bohjalian

Every life is a story. What's your story?

Chris Bohjalian

The truth is not always what you want to hear. The truth is not always the best thing to know. But it is the truth, and if you live with it long enough, it becomes a part of you.

Chris Bohjalian

It's hard to hate someone you know really well.

Chris Bohjalian

The pain of watching someone you love die is the second most difficult thing you can experience in life. The most difficult thing is watching them live.

Chris Bohjalian

The truth is never easy to face, but it's easier than the alternative.

Chris Bohjalian

It's not about what's right or wrong. It's about what's right or what's less wrong.

Chris Bohjalian

Sometimes the hardest thing is knowing where to go.

Chris Bohjalian