My Uncle Oswald
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"My Uncle Oswald" Characters Analysis

By Roald Dahl

fiction | 208 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780140055771

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters:

Character NameRole
Oswald Hendryks CorneliusProtagonist
Yasmin HowcomelyLove Interest
Uncle OswaldTitle Character
Professor A. R. WoresleyFriend and Partner in Crime
Lady GeorginaWealthy Aristocrat
HenryOswald's Butler
Yasmin's FatherYasmin's Parent
Dr. Yasmin HowcomelyYasmin's Mother
Various Historical FiguresSupporting Characters

Role Identification:

In "My Uncle Oswald" by Roald Dahl, the characters play various roles that contribute to the development of the story. The protagonist, Oswald Hendryks Cornelius, is a charming and cunning adventurer who is always on the lookout for new opportunities. Yasmin Howcomely serves as Oswald's love interest and becomes entangled in his schemes. Uncle Oswald, the title character, is Oswald's wealthy and eccentric uncle who sets him on a path of mischief and adventure. Professor A. R. Woresley acts as Oswald's friend and partner in crime, aiding him in his pursuit of rare and valuable substances. Lady Georgina, a wealthy aristocrat, becomes an important figure in Oswald's plans. Henry, Oswald's loyal butler, provides comedic relief and assists Oswald in his escapades. Yasmin's parents, Yasmin's father and Dr. Yasmin Howcomely, add depth to Yasmin's character and influence her choices.

Character Descriptions:

Oswald Hendryks Cornelius

Oswald Hendryks Cornelius is a charismatic and intelligent protagonist in "My Uncle Oswald." He is described as tall, charming, and possessing a magnetic personality. Oswald is always impeccably dressed, exuding an air of sophistication and confidence. His dark hair and piercing blue eyes captivate those around him. Oswald's suave demeanor and quick wit make him both likable and formidable.

Yasmin Howcomely

Yasmin Howcomely is a beautiful and intelligent young woman who captures Oswald's attention. She is described as having lustrous brown hair, sparkling green eyes, and a radiant smile. Yasmin possesses a sharp intellect and is not easily swayed by Oswald's charm. She is independent, curious, and willing to take risks for the thrill of adventure.

Uncle Oswald

Uncle Oswald is an eccentric and wealthy character who serves as the catalyst for Oswald's adventures. He is portrayed as a larger-than-life figure, with a flamboyant style and a mischievous nature. Uncle Oswald is known for his vast collection of rare substances and his insatiable appetite for pleasure. Despite his wild and unorthodox behavior, he is a generous and caring mentor to Oswald.

Professor A. R. Woresley

Professor A. R. Woresley is Oswald's partner in crime and a trusted friend. He is described as a scholarly and reserved man, often overshadowed by Oswald's charismatic presence. Professor Woresley possesses a keen intellect and a deep knowledge of chemistry, which proves invaluable in their escapades. He serves as the voice of reason and caution, balancing Oswald's impulsiveness.

Lady Georgina

Lady Georgina is a wealthy aristocrat who becomes entangled in Oswald's schemes. She is portrayed as a beautiful and sophisticated woman, known for her exquisite taste and social standing. Lady Georgina is initially wary of Oswald's intentions but is eventually won over by his charm and charisma. She adds an element of unpredictability to the story, as her desires and motivations are not always clear.


Henry is Oswald's loyal and devoted butler. He is depicted as a comically stoic character, always impeccably dressed and prim. Henry's deadpan humor and unwavering loyalty to Oswald provide moments of levity in the story. Despite his seemingly rigid exterior, Henry proves to be resourceful and quick-thinking when called upon.

Yasmin's Father and Dr. Yasmin Howcomely

Yasmin's father and Dr. Yasmin Howcomely are Yasmin's parents who play a minor but significant role in the story. They represent the protective and concerned parents, providing a contrast to Oswald's adventurous and unconventional lifestyle. Their presence adds depth to Yasmin's character as she navigates her relationship with Oswald.

Character Traits:

Oswald Hendryks Cornelius

  • Charming
  • Intelligent
  • Adventurous
  • Manipulative
  • Quick-witted

Yasmin Howcomely

  • Beautiful
  • Intelligent
  • Independent
  • Curious
  • Brave

Uncle Oswald

  • Eccentric
  • Generous
  • Mischievous
  • Wealthy
  • Adventurous

Professor A. R. Woresley

  • Scholarly
  • Reserved
  • Intelligent
  • Cautious
  • Loyal

Lady Georgina

  • Sophisticated
  • Mysterious
  • Alluring
  • Wealthy
  • Impulsive


  • Loyal
  • Stoic
  • Resourceful
  • Humorous
  • Devoted

Yasmin's Father and Dr. Yasmin Howcomely

  • Protective
  • Concerned
  • Traditional
  • Loving
  • Caring

Character Background:

Oswald Hendryks Cornelius comes from a privileged background, with Uncle Oswald as his eccentric and wealthy mentor. His upbringing has given him a taste for adventure and a desire to experience the finer things in life. Yasmin Howcomely, on the other hand, comes from a more conventional background, with caring and protective parents. Despite their differences in background, Oswald and Yasmin share a thirst for excitement and are drawn to each other's unconventional lifestyles. Uncle Oswald's reputation as a collector of rare substances and his influence on Oswald's upbringing have shaped Oswald's character and his appetite for mischief.

Character Arcs:

Throughout "My Uncle Oswald," the characters undergo various character arcs that drive the plot forward. Oswald Hendryks Cornelius starts as a charming and adventurous protagonist, always seeking new opportunities. However, as the story progresses, he learns the importance of trust, loyalty, and genuine connections. Oswald's character arc is one of self-discovery and growth, transforming from a cunning opportunist to a more compassionate individual who values meaningful relationships.

Yasmin Howcomely begins as an independent and curious woman who is intrigued by Oswald's charm. As the story unfolds, she becomes more entangled in Oswald's escapades, discovering her own capacity for adventure and risk-taking. Yasmin's character arc is one of self-realization and empowerment, as she navigates the complexities of her relationship with Oswald and embraces her own desires and ambitions.

Uncle Oswald, despite being a title character, does not undergo a significant character arc. He remains the eccentric and mischievous mentor figure, driving the plot forward with his wealth and influence.


The relationships in "My Uncle Oswald" play a crucial role in shaping the characters and driving the narrative. Oswald and Yasmin's romantic relationship is at the heart of the story, with their shared love for adventure and excitement bringing them together. Their bond evolves throughout the book as they face challenges and discover their true desires.

Uncle Oswald's relationship with Oswald is one of mentorship and familial connection. Oswald looks up to his uncle and seeks his guidance in his various schemes. Uncle Oswald's influence on Oswald's character is evident throughout the story.

Oswald's friendship with Professor A. R. Woresley provides a balance to Oswald's impulsive nature. The two complement each other, with Oswald's charisma and Professor Woresley's intelligence working in tandem to achieve their goals.

Lady Georgina's relationship with Oswald is initially one of skepticism and wariness. However, as the story progresses, she is drawn to Oswald's charm and becomes a willing accomplice in his adventures. Their relationship adds an element of unpredictability and excitement.

Yasmin's relationship with her parents highlights the contrast between her conventional background and her desire for adventure. Their concern for her well-being adds tension to her choices and influences her character development.

In "My Uncle Oswald" by Roald Dahl, the characters' relationships intertwine and shape the narrative, driving the plot forward and creating a dynamic and engaging story.