Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

An astronaut crashes on a planet where humans are primitive and apes are the dominant species.


In the classic science fiction novel "Planet of the Apes" by Pierre Boulle, readers are transported to a world where humans have lost their dominance and intelligence to a species of highly evolved apes. This gripping tale explores themes of civilization, evolution, and the consequences of human arrogance. First published in 1963, "Planet of the Apes" has captivated audiences for decades with its thought-provoking narrative and powerful social commentary.

Brief Synopsis

The story begins when a group of astronauts from Earth embark on a space mission. Their spacecraft crashes on an unknown planet, which they soon discover is inhabited by intelligent apes who rule over a primitive human population. The protagonist, Ulysse Mérou, and his two fellow astronauts, Professor Antelle and Arthur Levain, find themselves captured by the apes and subjected to their rule.

Ulysse befriends two chimpanzee scientists, Zira and Cornelius, who challenge the prevailing belief that humans are inferior. With their help, Ulysse learns more about the ape society and its history. He also discovers a forbidden human city known as the "Forbidden Zone," where he uncovers a shocking truth about the planet's past.

As Ulysse attempts to navigate this strange world, he faces numerous challenges, including the oppressive ape society and its strict hierarchy. Along the way, he forms a bond with Nova, a primitive human woman, and together they navigate the dangers of this new world.

Main Characters

Ulysse MérouThe protagonist, a human astronaut who finds himself stranded on the planet of the apes. He is highly intelligent and curious, constantly questioning the nature of ape society.
ZiraA chimpanzee scientist who befriends Ulysse and helps him navigate the ape society. She challenges the status quo and questions the belief that humans are inferior.
CorneliusAnother chimpanzee scientist and mate of Zira. He shares her curiosity about humans and their potential.
NovaA primitive human woman whom Ulysse befriends. She becomes his companion and ally throughout the story.

Summary of Different Story Points over Chapters

Chapter 1-3: The Spaceship Crash and Discovery of the Apes

  • The spaceship crashes on an unknown planet, and the surviving astronauts encounter a primitive human population.
  • They are captured by the apes, who exhibit a high level of intelligence and civilization.
  • Ulysse and his companions are subjected to the ape society's rules and hierarchy.

Chapter 4-6: Ulysse's Encounters with Zira and Cornelius

  • Ulysse befriends Zira and Cornelius, two chimpanzee scientists who challenge the prevailing belief that humans are inferior.
  • They help Ulysse navigate the ape society and provide him with insights into their culture and history.
  • Ulysse learns about the Forbidden Zone, a prohibited area where he suspects the truth about the planet's past lies.

Chapter 7-9: The Forbidden Zone and Shocking Revelation

  • Ulysse and Nova venture into the Forbidden Zone and stumble upon an ancient human city.
  • They discover evidence of a highly advanced human civilization that predated the apes' rise to power.
  • This revelation challenges the ape society's beliefs and raises questions about the nature of civilization and evolution.

Chapter 10-12: Ulysse's Struggle against Oppression

  • Ulysse becomes determined to expose the truth about the Forbidden Zone and the history of the planet.
  • He faces opposition from the ape authorities, who fear the potential consequences of his discoveries.
  • Ulysse and Nova confront numerous dangers and obstacles as they navigate the complex ape society.

Main Events

  • The spaceship crash on an unknown planet.
  • The discovery of the highly evolved ape society and their dominance over humans.
  • Ulysse's friendship with Zira and Cornelius, who challenge the belief in human inferiority.
  • The exploration of the Forbidden Zone and the revelation of the planet's history.
  • Ulysse's struggle against the oppressive ape authorities.

Themes and Insights

  1. Civilization and Evolution: The novel explores the nature of civilization and the role of intelligence in society. It raises questions about the consequences of human arrogance and the potential for other species to surpass us in evolution.
  2. Power and Oppression: "Planet of the Apes" examines the dynamics of power and oppression within a society. The ape ruling class subjugates the human population, highlighting the destructive nature of hierarchical systems.
  3. Prejudice and Stereotypes: The novel challenges stereotypes and prejudices by presenting intelligent and capable apes alongside primitive humans. It prompts readers to question their own preconceived notions about intelligence and superiority.
  4. Loss of Identity: Ulysse's journey on the planet of the apes forces him to confront the loss of his identity as a human. He grapples with the realization that he is seen as inferior by the apes and struggles to find his place in this new world.

Reader's Takeaway

"Planet of the Apes" is a thought-provoking and gripping novel that explores themes of civilization, evolution, and the consequences of human arrogance. Through its compelling narrative and complex characters, it challenges readers to question their own beliefs about intelligence, power, and identity.


Pierre Boulle's "Planet of the Apes" is a timeless science fiction masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its powerful social commentary and thought-provoking themes. As readers delve into the world of highly evolved apes and their rule over humans, they are confronted with questions about the nature of civilization, the dynamics of power, and the essence of humanity itself. This classic novel serves as a reminder of the potential consequences of our actions and the importance of humility and compassion in a changing world.

Planet of the Apes FAQ

  1. Who is the author of Planet of the Apes?

    The author of Planet of the Apes is Pierre Boulle.

  2. What is the genre of Planet of the Apes?

    Planet of the Apes is a science fiction novel.

  3. When was Planet of the Apes first published?

    Planet of the Apes was first published in 1963.

  4. Is Planet of the Apes part of a series?

    No, Planet of the Apes is a standalone novel.

  5. Was Planet of the Apes adapted into a film?

    Yes, Planet of the Apes has been adapted into several films, starting with the 1968 film.

  6. What is the main premise of Planet of the Apes?

    Planet of the Apes is set in a future where apes have become the dominant species and humans are treated as primitive creatures.

  7. Are there any sequels or spin-offs to Planet of the Apes?

    Yes, there have been sequels, prequels, and spin-off novels and films based on the Planet of the Apes universe.

  8. Is Planet of the Apes suitable for young readers?

    Planet of the Apes is generally recommended for mature readers due to its themes and content.

  9. Is Planet of the Apes available in other languages?

    Yes, Planet of the Apes has been translated into multiple languages.

  10. What are some other notable works by Pierre Boulle?

    Other notable works by Pierre Boulle include 'The Bridge over the River Kwai' and 'Escarboucle Or The Blue Diamond.'