Revolutionary Road
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"Revolutionary Road" Quotes

By Richard Yates

fiction | 354 pages | Published in 2007

ISBN_10: 0375708448
ISBN_13: 9780375708442


Hopelessness was not the most depressing thing about the lives of the Wheelers.

Richard Yates

But there was only the same profound love and affection she had always felt for him.

Richard Yates

She found the idea vaguely amusing - that her best self was someone she had never been.

Richard Yates

Sometimes people try to destroy you, precisely because they recognize your power – not because they don’t see it, but because they see it and they don’t want it to exist.

Richard Yates

Being alone has nothing to do with how many people are around.

Richard Yates

You should've joined the circus when I suggested it. You'd have made a marvelous clown.

Richard Yates

It's a disease. Nobody thinks or feels or cares any more; nobody gets excited or believes in anything except their own comfortable little God damn mediocrity.

Richard Yates

By morning they had seen through the pretense. There wasn't an inch of genuine intimacy between them.

Richard Yates

It was the emptiness that was unbearable, the sense that life might as well be lived in a vacuum.

Richard Yates

How fragile we are under the sheltering sky. Behind the sheltering sky is a vast dark universe.

Richard Yates