Revolutionary Road
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"Revolutionary Road" Summary

By Richard Yates

fiction | 354 pages | Published in 2007

ISBN_10: 0375708448
ISBN_13: 9780375708442

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A married couple trapped in suburban complacency secretly yearn for something more, leading to a devastating unraveling of their lives.


In this book summary, we will explore "Revolutionary Road," a captivating novel written by Richard Yates. Published in 1961, this book offers a gripping and thought-provoking exploration of suburban life in 1950s America. Through vivid storytelling and complex characters, Yates delves into themes of conformity, disillusionment, and the pursuit of the American Dream. In this summary, we will provide a brief synopsis of the plot, introduce the main characters, discuss the prominent themes and insights, and offer a reader's takeaway.

Brief Synopsis

"Revolutionary Road" takes place in the mid-1950s and follows the lives of Frank and April Wheeler, a seemingly ordinary couple living in the suburbs of Connecticut. Frank works in a monotonous office job, while April is a housewife longing for something more fulfilling. They live on Revolutionary Road, a symbolically ironic name for a street that promises revolutionary change but instead represents the stifling conformity of suburban life.

The plot unfolds as Frank and April begin to question their roles and aspirations, yearning for something beyond the mundane existence they find themselves trapped in. They decide to break free from societal expectations and pursue their dreams by moving to Paris. However, as they make plans to escape, their relationship becomes strained, and their dreams start to unravel under the weight of their own insecurities and disappointments.

As the story progresses, the Wheelers' marriage deteriorates further, revealing the dark undercurrents beneath their seemingly perfect suburban facade. The novel explores the complexities of their relationship, the suffocating nature of conformity, and the devastating consequences of unfulfilled dreams.

Main Characters

Frank WheelerThe protagonist of the novel, Frank is a disillusioned man trapped in a monotonous job. He yearns for a more meaningful and exciting life.
April WheelerFrank's wife, April is an intelligent and ambitious woman who feels trapped in the role of a suburban housewife.
John GivingsA mentally unstable son of Frank and April's real estate agent, John serves as a catalyst for the couple's self-reflection.
Shep CampbellFrank's friend and neighbor, Shep represents the idealized version of suburban life that the Wheelers strive to escape.

Themes and Insights

Conformity and the Illusion of the American Dream

"Revolutionary Road" explores the theme of conformity and the illusion of the American Dream. The characters in the novel are trapped in a suburban lifestyle that promises happiness and fulfillment but ultimately leads to disillusionment and despair. The Wheelers, like many others around them, conform to societal expectations and sacrifice their individuality in the pursuit of an idealized version of the American Dream. Yates challenges this notion and exposes the emptiness and dissatisfaction that can arise from such conformity.

The Struggle for Authenticity

The novel delves into the struggle for authenticity in a world that values conformity. Frank and April desperately seek a sense of purpose and individuality, but their attempts to break free from societal norms and pursue their dreams ultimately lead to their downfall. Yates explores the difficulties of maintaining authenticity in a society that rewards conformity and questions the price one must pay for pursuing personal fulfillment.

Gender Roles and Discontentment

"Revolutionary Road" also addresses the confines of traditional gender roles and the discontentment they can breed. April, constrained by the role of a 1950s housewife, yearns for independence and intellectual stimulation. Her dissatisfaction reflects the limitations placed on women during that era and serves as a critique of the societal expectations imposed upon them.

The Destructive Power of Illusion

Yates examines the destructive power of illusion throughout the novel. The characters create elaborate fantasies to escape the harsh realities of their lives, only to have those illusions shattered. The consequences of living in a world of delusion are explored as the characters confront their own weaknesses and the reality they have been avoiding.

Reader's Takeaway

"Revolutionary Road" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that challenges the notion of the American Dream and explores the complexities of suburban life in the 1950s. Yates' vivid storytelling and deeply flawed characters create a compelling narrative that forces readers to question the pursuit of conformity and the sacrifices made in the name of societal expectations. This book serves as a cautionary tale, reminding us of the importance of staying true to ourselves and pursuing authentic lives, rather than succumbing to the illusion of a predetermined path to happiness.


"Revolutionary Road" is a significant contribution to American literature, offering a scathing critique of suburban life and the pursuit of the American Dream. Through the lens of Frank and April Wheeler's tumultuous journey, Richard Yates explores themes of conformity, disillusionment, gender roles, and the destructive power of illusion. This novel serves as a poignant reminder that the path to personal fulfillment and authenticity requires courage and self-awareness in the face of societal pressures. "Revolutionary Road" is a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers today, prompting reflection on the choices we make and the lives we lead.

Revolutionary Road FAQ

  1. Who is the author of Revolutionary Road?

    The author of Revolutionary Road is Richard Yates.

  2. When was Revolutionary Road first published?

    Revolutionary Road was first published in 1961.

  3. What is the genre of Revolutionary Road?

    Revolutionary Road is a novel in the genre of literary fiction.

  4. What is the setting of Revolutionary Road?

    Revolutionary Road is set in the mid-1950s in the suburbs of Connecticut, USA.

  5. What is the book about?

    Revolutionary Road explores the lives of Frank and April Wheeler, a young suburban couple struggling with the constraints of societal norms, their personal ambitions, and their deteriorating marriage.

  6. Is Revolutionary Road based on a true story?

    No, Revolutionary Road is not based on a true story. It is a work of fiction.

  7. Is Revolutionary Road a movie?

    Yes, Revolutionary Road was adapted into a film in 2008, directed by Sam Mendes and starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio.

  8. How long is Revolutionary Road?

    Revolutionary Road has a total of 355 pages.

  9. Is Revolutionary Road a sequel to another book?

    No, Revolutionary Road is not a sequel to any other book. It is a standalone novel.

  10. Has Revolutionary Road won any awards?

    Yes, Revolutionary Road won the National Book Award for Fiction in 1962.