Rules of Civility
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"Rules of Civility" Characters Analysis

By Amor Towles

fiction | 335 pages | Published in 2011

ISBN_13: 9780670022694

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Katey KontentProtagonist
Tinker GreyAntagonist
Eve RossSupporting Character
Wallace WolcottSupporting Character
Anne GrandynSupporting Character

Role Identification

Katey Kontent

Katey Kontent is the protagonist of "Rules of Civility," and the story revolves around her experiences, growth, and interactions with other characters.

Tinker Grey

Tinker Grey serves as the antagonist in the novel, influencing Katey's life in significant ways and driving certain plot developments.

Eve Ross, Wallace Wolcott, Anne Grandyn

Eve Ross, Wallace Wolcott, and Anne Grandyn are supporting characters who play crucial roles in shaping Katey's journey and influencing the overall narrative.

Character Descriptions

Katey Kontent

Katey Kontent is a young, ambitious woman living in New York City in the late 1930s. She is described as intelligent, independent, and determined, with a keen eye for detail and a strong sense of self-awareness. Katey is also known for her sharp wit and ability to navigate the complexities of high society with grace and poise.

Tinker Grey

Tinker Grey is a charismatic and enigmatic figure who enters Katey's life unexpectedly. Handsome and charming, Tinker exudes an air of mystery and sophistication, drawing others to him while concealing his true intentions and background.

Eve Ross

Eve Ross is Katey's close friend, a vivacious and free-spirited young woman who adds an element of spontaneity and adventure to Katey's life. Eve is known for her unconventional approach to life and her unwavering loyalty to those she cares about.

Wallace Wolcott

Wallace Wolcott is a wealthy and influential man who becomes entangled in Katey's social circle. His affluence and connections play a significant role in shaping the dynamics among the characters and influencing the trajectory of the story.

Anne Grandyn

Anne Grandyn is a socialite and acquaintance of Katey, known for her elegance, sophistication, and adherence to the societal norms of the time. Her presence serves as a contrasting element to Katey's more unconventional approach to navigating the complexities of high society.

Character Traits

Katey Kontent

  • Intelligence: Katey possesses a sharp intellect and a keen perception of human behavior, allowing her to navigate intricate social dynamics with ease.
  • Independence: She exhibits a strong sense of autonomy and self-reliance, refusing to conform to societal expectations that limit her ambitions.
  • Wit and Charm: Katey is known for her quick wit, engaging conversational skills, and ability to captivate others with her charm.

Tinker Grey

  • Charisma: Tinker exudes charm and magnetism, effortlessly drawing others into his sphere of influence.
  • Mystery: He maintains an air of secrecy and ambiguity, leaving others intrigued by his enigmatic nature and hidden motives.

Eve Ross

  • Spontaneity: Eve brings an element of spontaneity and adventure to the story, injecting moments of excitement and unpredictability into Katey's life.
  • Loyalty: She demonstrates unwavering loyalty to Katey, serving as a steadfast companion through the ups and downs of their experiences in the city.

Wallace Wolcott

  • Wealth and Influence: Wallace's affluence and connections grant him a position of power within the social circles of New York City, shaping the interactions and opportunities available to the other characters.

Anne Grandyn

  • Elegance and Tradition: Anne embodies the traditional values and expectations of high society, presenting a stark contrast to Katey's more unconventional approach to life in the city.

Character Background

Katey Kontent

Katey hails from a modest background, having moved to New York City to pursue a career and a life far removed from her humble origins. Her determination and resilience stem from her desire to transcend societal barriers and achieve success on her own terms.

Tinker Grey

Tinker's background and origins are shrouded in mystery, adding an aura of intrigue to his character. His enigmatic persona and elusive past contribute to the allure and mystique that captivate those around him.

Eve Ross

Eve's background is rooted in a bohemian lifestyle, characterized by a rejection of societal norms and a pursuit of personal freedom. Her unorthodox upbringing shapes her carefree and adventurous spirit.

Wallace Wolcott

Wallace comes from a privileged background, with his wealth and social standing affording him numerous opportunities and advantages within the elite circles of New York City.

Anne Grandyn

Anne's background is steeped in tradition and adherence to the established conventions of high society. Her upbringing instills in her a deep respect for societal expectations and decorum.

Character Arcs

Katey Kontent

Katey undergoes a transformative character arc, transitioning from a determined yet relatively inexperienced young woman to a seasoned and resilient individual who learns to navigate the complexities of love, ambition, and societal expectations.

Tinker Grey

Tinker's character arc unfolds as his true intentions and background gradually come to light, challenging the initial perceptions held by those around him and impacting the dynamics of his relationships with others.

Eve Ross

Eve's character arc is characterized by her unwavering loyalty to Katey and her willingness to embrace life's unpredictability, ultimately contributing to Katey's personal growth and the evolution of their friendship.

Wallace Wolcott

Wallace's character arc is intertwined with his interactions with Katey and the impact of his social status on the dynamics of their relationship, leading to moments of tension and revelation throughout the narrative.

Anne Grandyn

Anne's character arc revolves around her interactions with Katey and her evolving perceptions of societal expectations, tradition, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment outside the confines of convention.


Katey Kontent and Tinker Grey

The relationship between Katey and Tinker is marked by intrigue, romance, and the gradual unraveling of Tinker's mysterious persona, ultimately shaping Katey's understanding of love and emotional resilience.

Katey Kontent and Eve Ross

Katey and Eve share a deep and enduring friendship, characterized by mutual support, shared experiences, and the juxtaposition of their contrasting approaches to life in the city.

Katey Kontent and Wallace Wolcott

Katey's interactions with Wallace introduce elements of privilege, ambition, and societal expectations into her life, challenging her perceptions and desires as she navigates the complexities of their relationship.

Katey Kontent and Anne Grandyn

The dynamic between Katey and Anne reflects the clash between tradition and modernity, with their interactions highlighting the contrasting paths pursued by women in the societal landscape of 1930s New York City.

In "Rules of Civility," the characters' interactions and personal journeys intertwine to create a rich tapestry of experiences, emotions, and revelations, shaping the narrative and leaving a lasting impression on readers.