Rules of Civility
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4.04 / 5

"Rules of Civility" Summary

By Amor Towles

fiction | 335 pages | Published in 2011

ISBN_13: 9780670022694

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A young woman navigates the vibrant social scene of 1930s New York City, encountering love and ambition along the way.


"Rules of Civility" by Amor Towles is a captivating novel set in New York City during the late 1930s. The story follows the life of Katey Kontent, a young woman from humble beginnings who finds herself navigating the glamorous and fast-paced world of Manhattan's elite. Through Katey's eyes, readers are transported into a world of jazz, high society, and the complexities of love and ambition.

Brief Synopsis

The plot of "Rules of Civility" revolves around the experiences of Katey Kontent, a smart and ambitious young woman who works as a secretary in a prestigious law firm. The story is set in New York City in 1938, against the backdrop of the Great Depression and the eve of World War II. The novel follows Katey's journey as she becomes entangled in the lives of the wealthy and influential, leading her to discover the true nature of love, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness.


The story predominantly takes place in New York City during the late 1930s, amidst the jazz age and the looming shadow of impending war. The city serves as a vibrant and dynamic backdrop, offering a rich tapestry of characters and experiences that shape Katey's journey.

Main Characters

The novel features several main characters who play pivotal roles in Katey's life:

Katey KontentA smart and ambitious young woman from modest origins, working as a secretary in a prestigious law firm in New York City.
Tinker GreyA charming and enigmatic young man who becomes a central figure in Katey's life, introducing her to the world of Manhattan's elite.
Eve RossKatey's beautiful and vivacious roommate, whose choices and actions significantly impact Katey's life.

Summary of Story Points

Chapters 1-5

Katey and her friend, Eve, meet Tinker Grey, a handsome and enigmatic young man, at a New Year's Eve party in 1937. A car accident involving the three of them forms a bond that leads to a complex and intertwined relationship between the trio.

Chapters 6-10

Katey's growing fascination with Tinker Grey leads her to discover his privileged upbringing and his connections to Manhattan's elite. Her interactions with Tinker and the upper-class society expose her to a world of glamour and sophistication that she had never experienced before.

Chapters 11-15

As Katey becomes more involved in Manhattan's high society, she grapples with the complexities of love and ambition. She finds herself torn between her feelings for Tinker and the realization that her aspirations may lead her down a different path.

Chapters 16-20

Eve's actions and choices create a rift in her friendship with Katey, leading to a series of events that test Katey's resilience and determination. Tensions rise as Katey confronts the consequences of her own desires and the unforeseen challenges that come with them.

Chapters 21-25

The dynamics of Katey's relationships with Tinker and Eve reach a turning point, forcing her to confront the true nature of love, loyalty, and self-discovery. As the story unfolds, Katey is confronted with decisions that will shape her future and redefine her understanding of happiness and fulfillment.

Main Events

  1. Katey and Eve meet Tinker Grey at a New Year's Eve party, setting the stage for a complex and intertwined relationship.
  2. Katey's growing fascination with Tinker introduces her to the world of Manhattan's elite, expanding her social circle and ambitions.
  3. Eve's actions create a rift in her friendship with Katey, leading to a series of events that test Katey's resilience and determination.
  4. The dynamics of Katey's relationships with Tinker and Eve reach a turning point, forcing her to confront the true nature of love, loyalty, and self-discovery.

Themes and Insights


  1. Social Mobility: The novel explores the theme of social mobility as Katey navigates her way through the rigid social hierarchies of 1930s New York City.
  2. Ambition and Aspiration: The pursuit of success and happiness is a central theme, as Katey grapples with her own desires and the sacrifices she must make to achieve her goals.
  3. Love and Friendship: The complexities of love and friendship are intricately woven into the narrative, highlighting the challenges and rewards of human relationships.


The novel provides valuable insights into the complexities of human nature, the impact of social class on personal relationships, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Reader's Takeaway

"Rules of Civility" offers readers a compelling exploration of ambition, love, and the pursuit of happiness in the midst of a rapidly changing world. Through the vivid and evocative storytelling, readers are invited to immerse themselves in the glamour and complexity of 1930s New York City, while reflecting on the timeless themes of love, friendship, and self-discovery.


In conclusion, "Rules of Civility" by Amor Towles is a captivating and thought-provoking novel that immerses readers in the vibrant world of 1930s New York City. Through the compelling narrative and richly developed characters, the novel offers a poignant exploration of ambition, love, and the enduring pursuit of happiness. With its timeless themes and immersive storytelling, "Rules of Civility" is a must-read for anyone seeking a compelling literary journey through the complexities of human relationships and the indomitable spirit of the human heart.

Rules of Civility FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'Rules of Civility'?

    The genre of 'Rules of Civility' is historical fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'Rules of Civility'?

    Amor Towles is the author of 'Rules of Civility'.

  3. What is the setting of 'Rules of Civility'?

    The book is set in New York City in the late 1930s.

  4. What is the main theme of 'Rules of Civility'?

    The main themes of the book include ambition, class, and the pursuit of happiness.

  5. Is 'Rules of Civility' a standalone novel or part of a series?

    'Rules of Civility' is a standalone novel.