Sentimental Education
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"Sentimental Education" Characters Analysis

By Gustave Flaubert

classics | Published in 2013

ISBN_13: 9780141907079
ISBN_10: 014190707X

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Frédéric MoreauProtagonist
Madame ArnouxLove Interest
DeslauriersChildhood Friend
Charles DambreuseWealthy Aristocrat
Jacques ArnouxMadame Arnoux's Husband

Role Identification

In Gustave Flaubert's novel, "Sentimental Education," various characters play crucial roles in the development of the plot and the protagonist's personal journey. Each character has a distinct purpose and contributes to Frédéric Moreau's coming-of-age narrative.

Character Descriptions

Frédéric Moreau

Frédéric Moreau is the novel's young and idealistic protagonist, hailing from a middle-class background. He is portrayed as both naïve and ambitious, constantly yearning for love, success, and a higher social status. Throughout the story, Moreau experiences various relationships and encounters that shape his character and lead him towards disillusionment.

Madame Arnoux

Madame Arnoux serves as the primary love interest for Frédéric Moreau. She is a beautiful married woman of refined taste and elegance. Madame Arnoux embodies both physical attractiveness and intellectual depth, captivating Moreau from the moment he first lays eyes on her. Their forbidden love becomes an obsession for Moreau, driving much of his actions and motivations throughout the novel.


Deslauriers is Frédéric Moreau's childhood friend and confidant. He is depicted as intelligent and ambitious, but in contrast to Moreau, he approaches life with a pragmatic mindset. Deslauriers acts as a foil to Moreau's idealism, often providing him with advice and challenging his romantic notions.

Charles Dambreuse

Charles Dambreuse is a wealthy and influential aristocrat. He is portrayed as an older, politically connected man who becomes entangled in a financial scandal. Dambreuse plays a significant role in Moreau's life, introducing him to the world of politics and providing opportunities for social advancement.


Rosanette is a mistress and former lover of Frédéric Moreau. She is depicted as a beautiful and seductive woman who initially captures Moreau's attention with her charm and vivacity. However, their relationship is ultimately characterized by instability and betrayal.

Jacques Arnoux

Jacques Arnoux is Madame Arnoux's husband and a successful businessman. Though Arnoux is less prominent in the narrative, his presence serves as a constant reminder of the forbidden love between Madame Arnoux and Moreau. Arnoux's position as a husband and provider complicates Moreau's pursuit of Madame Arnoux's affections.

Character Traits

Frédéric Moreau

  • Naïve
  • Idealistic
  • Romantic
  • Ambitious
  • Impressionable

Madame Arnoux

  • Beautiful
  • Intelligent
  • Enigmatic
  • Sophisticated
  • Emotionally Reserved


  • Pragmatic
  • Intelligent
  • Loyal
  • Ambitious
  • Realistic

Charles Dambreuse

  • Wealthy
  • Influential
  • Politically connected
  • Shrewd
  • Scandalous


  • Seductive
  • Manipulative
  • Volatile
  • Impulsive
  • Materialistic

Jacques Arnoux

  • Successful
  • Married
  • Business-oriented
  • Polite
  • Lacks emotional depth

Character Background

Frédéric Moreau

Frédéric Moreau hails from a modest middle-class family in rural France. He possesses a limited education but dreams of attaining a higher social position. His encounter with Madame Arnoux, a married woman of higher social standing, becomes a significant turning point in his life, shaping his aspirations and leading him on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery.

Madame Arnoux

Madame Arnoux comes from an affluent background and leads a respectable life as a married woman. She represents the epitome of beauty and elegance, captivating Frédéric Moreau with her charm and intellectual depth. Her life is shrouded in mystery and longing, as she enters into a clandestine love affair with Moreau.


Deslauriers shares a childhood friendship with Frédéric Moreau. He comes from a similar socio-economic background but possesses a more practical and realistic outlook on life. Deslauriers acts as a voice of reason for Moreau, offering advice that contrasts with Moreau's idealism.

Charles Dambreuse

Charles Dambreuse is an aristocrat and a wealthy businessman. He becomes entangled in a financial scandal, which creates opportunities for Frédéric Moreau to move up socially. Dambreuse's position and connections provide Moreau with a glimpse into the world of politics and wealth.


Rosanette is a beautiful and seductive woman who captivates Frédéric Moreau with her charm and vivacity. She represents a different aspect of love and desire in Moreau's life. Despite having a troubled past, she captures Moreau's attention and becomes a source of both pleasure and turmoil.

Jacques Arnoux

Jacques Arnoux is the husband of Madame Arnoux and a successful businessman. Although not explored in-depth in the novel, his presence serves as a constant reminder of Moreau's forbidden love for his wife. Arnoux represents stability, conventionality, and the obstacles that hinder Moreau's pursuit of love and happiness.

Character Arcs

Frédéric Moreau

Frédéric Moreau undergoes a significant character arc throughout "Sentimental Education." He begins as an optimistic and impressionable young man, filled with romantic ideals and aspirations. However, as he navigates various relationships and encounters, Moreau becomes increasingly disillusioned and cynical about his initial dreams and desires. Ultimately, Moreau's journey leads him to a greater understanding of the complexities of love, societal expectations, and personal growth.


Character NameRelationship with Frédéric Moreau
Madame ArnouxForbidden Love, Obsession
DeslauriersChildhood Friend, Voice of Reason
Charles DambreuseSocial Advancement, Political Connection
RosanetteTemptation, Turbulent Relationship
Jacques ArnouxObstacle, Symbol of Stability

Frédéric Moreau's relationships with various characters in "Sentimental Education" shape his experiences and contribute to his personal growth. Madame Arnoux represents his forbidden love and obsession, while Deslauriers acts as a voice of reason and provides guidance. Charles Dambreuse introduces Moreau to social advancement opportunities, and Rosanette serves as a tempting and turbulent love interest. Jacques Arnoux becomes an obstacle and a symbol of stability in Moreau's pursuit of love and happiness.

In conclusion, "Sentimental Education" features a range of multidimensional characters whose interactions and relationships drive the narrative forward. Each character plays a crucial role in Frédéric Moreau's journey of self-discovery, providing contrasting perspectives and influencing his growth. Through the exploration of their backgrounds, traits, and character arcs, Gustave Flaubert constructs a captivating web of emotions and aspirations within this classic novel.