Still Alice
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"Still Alice" Characters Analysis

By Lisa Genova

fiction | 292 pages | Published in 2007

ISBN_13: 9780595440092

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Alice HowlandProtagonist
John HowlandAlice's husband
Anna Howland-JonesAlice's oldest daughter
Tom HowlandAlice's son
Lydia HowlandAlice's youngest daughter
Dr. BenjaminAlice's neurologist
Dr. Alice's Research ColleaguesSupporting Characters

Role Identification

Alice Howland

Alice is the protagonist of "Still Alice" and the character through which the readers experience the progression of early-onset Alzheimer's disease.

Character Descriptions

Alice Howland

Alice is a renowned cognitive psychology professor at Harvard University who is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's disease at the age of 50. She is intelligent, articulate, and passionate about her work and family.

John Howland

John is Alice's husband, a supportive and caring individual who struggles to cope with the changes in Alice as her condition worsens.

Anna Howland-Jones

Anna is Alice and John's oldest daughter, a successful lawyer who initially finds it challenging to come to terms with her mother's diagnosis.

Tom Howland

Tom is Alice and John's son, who has a strained relationship with his mother due to his career choices and lifestyle.

Lydia Howland

Lydia is Alice and John's youngest daughter, a struggling actress who becomes a primary caregiver for her mother.

Dr. Benjamin

Dr. Benjamin is Alice's neurologist who delivers the diagnosis of her early-onset Alzheimer's disease and guides her through the progression of the illness.

Dr. Alice's Research Colleagues

These characters represent the supportive network of colleagues and friends who witness and assist Alice as she navigates the challenges of Alzheimer's disease.

Character Traits

Alice Howland

  • Intelligent
  • Articulate
  • Passionate
  • Determined
  • Frustrated (as the disease progresses)

John Howland

  • Supportive
  • Caring
  • Struggles with acceptance

Anna Howland-Jones

  • Successful
  • Initially in denial
  • Struggles with acceptance

Tom Howland

  • Strained relationship with Alice
  • Struggles with understanding and acceptance

Lydia Howland

  • Struggling actress
  • Becomes primary caregiver
  • Emotional and overwhelmed

Dr. Benjamin

  • Knowledgeable
  • Supportive
  • Empathetic

Dr. Alice's Research Colleagues

  • Supportive
  • Understanding
  • Involved in Alice's journey

Character Background

Alice Howland

Alice is a highly accomplished cognitive psychology professor at Harvard University. She has a loving family and a successful career, which is abruptly altered by her diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's disease.

John Howland

John is a successful professional who is deeply committed to his family but struggles to cope with the changes brought about by Alice's illness.

Anna Howland-Jones

Anna is a confident and successful lawyer who initially finds it challenging to accept her mother's diagnosis and its implications for their family.

Tom Howland

Tom has a strained relationship with Alice due to his career choices and lifestyle, which adds complexity to his interactions with his mother as her condition worsens.

Lydia Howland

Lydia is a struggling actress who becomes a primary caregiver for her mother as she grapples with the emotional and overwhelming impact of Alzheimer's disease on their family.

Dr. Benjamin

Dr. Benjamin is a knowledgeable and empathetic neurologist who delivers the diagnosis of early-onset Alzheimer's disease to Alice and supports her through the progression of the illness.

Dr. Alice's Research Colleagues

These characters represent the supportive network of colleagues and friends who witness and assist Alice as she navigates the challenges of Alzheimer's disease.

Character Arcs

Alice Howland

Alice's character arc follows her initial denial and frustration with her diagnosis, her struggle to maintain her sense of self as the disease progresses, and her eventual acceptance and adaptation to her new reality.

John Howland

John's character arc revolves around his initial difficulty in accepting Alice's diagnosis, his emotional struggle in witnessing her decline, and his eventual growth in becoming a supportive caregiver for her.

Anna Howland-Jones

Anna's character arc encompasses her initial denial of her mother's illness, her emotional journey in coming to terms with it, and her eventual role as a supportive daughter and caregiver.

Tom Howland

Tom's character arc involves his strained relationship with Alice, his struggle to understand her illness, and his eventual growth in providing support and care for her.

Lydia Howland

Lydia's character arc revolves around her transition from a struggling actress to becoming a primary caregiver for her mother, navigating the emotional impact of Alzheimer's on their family, and finding strength in her role.

Dr. Benjamin

Dr. Benjamin's character arc centers on his professional guidance and support for Alice as her condition progresses, showing empathy and understanding in his interactions with her.

Dr. Alice's Research Colleagues

Their character arcs involve providing unwavering support and assistance to Alice as they witness her journey through Alzheimer's disease, showcasing the impact of the illness on their professional and personal relationships.


Alice and John

Alice and John share a loving and supportive marriage, but their relationship undergoes significant strain as they navigate the challenges posed by Alice's illness.

Alice and Anna

Alice and Anna have a close mother-daughter relationship, which is tested as Anna struggles to accept and understand her mother's illness.

Alice and Tom

Alice and Tom have a strained relationship due to their differing lifestyles and career choices, adding complexity to their interactions as Alice's condition progresses.

Alice and Lydia

Alice and Lydia have a loving mother-daughter relationship, which evolves as Lydia becomes a primary caregiver for her mother, navigating the emotional impact of Alzheimer's on their family.

Alice and Dr. Benjamin

Alice and Dr. Benjamin share a professional relationship as he delivers the diagnosis of her illness and provides guidance and support as her neurologist.

Alice and Research Colleagues

Alice's research colleagues form a supportive network that witnesses and assists her as she navigates the challenges of Alzheimer's disease, showcasing the impact of the illness on their professional and personal relationships.