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"Swindle" Characters Analysis

By Gordon Korman

adventure | 256 pages | Published in 2008

ISBN_13: 9780439903448

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Griffin BingProtagonist
Ben SlovakAntagonist
Savannah DrysdaleSupporting Character
MelissaSupporting Character
Darren VaderSupporting Character
Logan KellermanSupporting Character
PitchSupporting Character

Role Identification

Griffin Bing

Griffin Bing is the protagonist of "Swindle" and the mastermind behind the plan to retrieve his valuable baseball card.

Ben Slovak

Ben Slovak is the antagonist in "Swindle" and is responsible for stealing Griffin's valuable baseball card.

Savannah Drysdale

Savannah Drysdale is a supporting character who joins Griffin's team to help him retrieve his baseball card.


Melissa is a supporting character who becomes involved in Griffin's plan to recover his baseball card.

Darren Vader

Darren Vader is a supporting character who assists Griffin in executing the plan to retrieve his baseball card.

Logan Kellerman

Logan Kellerman is a supporting character and a member of Griffin's team to recover the stolen baseball card.


Pitch is a supporting character who is part of Griffin's team and aids in the heist to retrieve the baseball card.

Character Descriptions

Griffin Bing

Griffin Bing is a resourceful and determined young boy with a strong sense of justice. He is intelligent and quick-witted, often leading his friends in various adventures.

Ben Slovak

Ben Slovak is a cunning and deceptive antagonist who steals Griffin's valuable baseball card, setting off the chain of events in the story.

Savannah Drysdale

Savannah Drysdale is a confident and skilled young girl who brings her own expertise to Griffin's team, contributing significantly to their plan.


Melissa is a loyal and supportive friend who stands by Griffin's side and aids him in his mission to reclaim his stolen baseball card.

Darren Vader

Darren Vader is a tech-savvy and inventive character who uses his skills to assist Griffin in the heist to retrieve the baseball card.

Logan Kellerman

Logan Kellerman is a brave and adventurous member of Griffin's team, willing to take risks to help recover the stolen baseball card.


Pitch is a dedicated and trustworthy friend who joins Griffin's team and plays a crucial role in the plan to retrieve the stolen baseball card.

Character Traits

Griffin Bing

  • Resourceful
  • Determined
  • Intelligent
  • Quick-witted

Ben Slovak

  • Cunning
  • Deceptive
  • Antagonistic

Savannah Drysdale

  • Confident
  • Skilled
  • Resourceful


  • Loyal
  • Supportive
  • Reliable

Darren Vader

  • Tech-savvy
  • Inventive
  • Resourceful

Logan Kellerman

  • Brave
  • Adventurous
  • Willing to take risks


  • Dedicated
  • Trustworthy
  • Reliable

Character Background

Griffin Bing

Griffin Bing is a young boy known for his clever schemes and problem-solving abilities. He values his friendships and is fiercely protective of his possessions, as seen with his determination to recover his stolen baseball card.

Ben Slovak

Ben Slovak is known for his deceptive nature and his willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, even if it means resorting to theft and deceit.

Savannah Drysdale

Savannah Drysdale comes from a family with a background in art and antiques, providing her with valuable knowledge and skills that prove instrumental in the team's plan to retrieve the stolen baseball card.


Melissa is a steadfast friend of Griffin's, always ready to support him in his endeavors. Her loyalty and reliability make her an essential part of Griffin's team.

Darren Vader

Darren Vader's background in technology and innovation allows him to contribute significantly to the team's plan, using his expertise to overcome obstacles and aid in the retrieval of the stolen baseball card.

Logan Kellerman

Logan Kellerman's adventurous spirit and fearlessness stem from his background, as he is always eager to join Griffin in his daring escapades, including the mission to reclaim the stolen baseball card.


Pitch's background as a loyal and trustworthy friend makes him a valuable asset to Griffin's team, as his dedication and reliability play a crucial role in the success of their plan.

Character Arcs

Griffin Bing

Griffin undergoes significant growth throughout the story, learning the value of teamwork and collaboration as he forms a team to recover his stolen baseball card. He evolves from a solitary problem-solver to a leader who recognizes the strengths of his friends and relies on their support.

Ben Slovak

Ben's character arc revolves around his descent into deeper deceit and manipulation as he attempts to evade the consequences of his actions and outsmart Griffin and his team.

Savannah Drysdale

Savannah's character arc involves her transition from a knowledgeable outsider to an integral part of Griffin's team, utilizing her unique skills and expertise to contribute to the retrieval of the stolen baseball card.


Melissa's character arc emphasizes her unwavering loyalty and steadfast support for Griffin, showcasing her growth as a dependable and essential member of his team.

Darren Vader

Darren's character arc demonstrates his development as a problem-solver and innovator, using his technological skills to overcome obstacles and contribute to the success of the team's plan.

Logan Kellerman

Logan's character arc highlights his bravery and willingness to take risks, showcasing his growth as a daring and dependable ally in Griffin's endeavors.


Pitch's character arc revolves around his steadfast dedication and reliability as he becomes an indispensable member of Griffin's team, showcasing his unwavering commitment to their mission.


Griffin Bing and Ben Slovak

Griffin and Ben's relationship is characterized by conflict and tension, as Ben's actions drive the central conflict of the story, leading to a high-stakes showdown between the two characters.

Griffin Bing and Savannah Drysdale

Griffin and Savannah's relationship evolves from initial skepticism to mutual respect and collaboration, as they join forces to retrieve the stolen baseball card, each recognizing the other's unique strengths and contributions.

Griffin Bing and Melissa

Griffin and Melissa's relationship is defined by loyalty and trust, as Melissa unwaveringly supports Griffin in his mission to recover his stolen baseball card, showcasing their strong bond as friends.

Griffin Bing and Darren Vader

Griffin and Darren's relationship is characterized by collaboration and shared ingenuity, as they work together to overcome obstacles and execute their plan to retrieve the stolen baseball card, relying on each other's expertise.

Griffin Bing and Logan Kellerman

Griffin and Logan's relationship is marked by adventurous camaraderie and mutual daring, as they team up to tackle challenges and take risks in their pursuit of reclaiming the stolen baseball card.

Griffin Bing and Pitch

Griffin and Pitch's relationship is defined by unwavering support and dedication, as Pitch proves to be a reliable and trustworthy ally in Griffin's mission to recover his stolen baseball card, showcasing their strong friendship and mutual reliance.


In "Swindle" by Gordon Korman, the diverse cast of characters contributes to a dynamic and engaging narrative, with each character playing a unique role in the story's development. Through their distinct traits, backgrounds, and relationships, the characters propel the plot forward and undergo significant growth, creating a compelling and multifaceted exploration of friendship, teamwork, and determination.