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A good con is always based on the truth.

Gordon Korman

Sometimes the biggest rascals are the ones with the straightest faces.

Gordon Korman

Why do people always assume that the people who are doing conning are the bad guys?

Gordon Korman

If you're not getting away with something, it's not a con.

Gordon Korman

You can't con someone who's not greedy.

Gordon Korman

The only thing that beats a good con is a better con.

Gordon Korman

Fear is the one emotion that can override all the rest.

Gordon Korman

The key to any successful con is to keep the mark off balance.

Gordon Korman

It's not a crime if you're doing it for a good cause.

Gordon Korman

In the con game, the only thing that's true is that nothing is true.

Gordon Korman