The Adventures of Augie March
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"The Adventures of Augie March" Quotes

By Saul Bellow

fiction | Published in 2006

ISBN_13: 9780143039570
ISBN_10: 0143039571


I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city—and go at things as I have taught myself, free-style, and will make the record in my own way: first to knock, first admitted; sometimes an innocent knock, sometimes a not so innocent.

Saul Bellow

All my life I wanted to be somebody, and here I am.

Saul Bellow

I want to get rich quick and be poor again with a resonant patrimony out of which I can work up something to make it worth my while thereafter not to be rich quick.

Saul Bellow

The world allows you just as many chances as you can count.

Saul Bellow

A man can get sad, because he doesn't think he's going to win or live long enough for anything to matter.

Saul Bellow

Everybody else was boss, but he had the aristocratic talent of making himself boss.

Saul Bellow

Why does money have to be a dirty business?

Saul Bellow

A guy without much money will certainly spend some nights alone.

Saul Bellow

Women are like that: when they outsiders themselves in with a man they mean to stick.

Saul Bellow

You don't have to thank me! I already feel your gratitude.

Saul Bellow