The Bone Collector
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"The Bone Collector" Summary

By Jeffery Deaver

mystery | 528 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780451188458

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A paralyzed forensic expert and a young cop team up to catch a sadistic serial killer in New York City.


In this book summary, we will delve into the gripping thriller "The Bone Collector" by Jeffery Deaver. Published in 1997, this novel introduces readers to the world of Lincoln Rhyme, a brilliant forensic detective who is confined to a wheelchair due to a tragic accident. As Rhyme faces his own personal demons, he must utilize his unique expertise to track down a sadistic serial killer known as the Bone Collector. This summary will explore the plot, main characters, key events, themes, and insights, providing readers with an in-depth understanding of this captivating crime novel.

Brief Synopsis

"The Bone Collector" is set in New York City, where the notorious serial killer, the Bone Collector, is terrorizing the city. The Bone Collector leaves behind a trail of victims, each having suffered gruesome and bone-related deaths. Lincoln Rhyme, a former head of the NYPD's forensics department, is paralyzed from the neck down after a work-related accident. Trapped in his own body, he is now a quadriplegic confined to a high-tech bed, with no will to live.

Amelia Sachs, a young patrol officer, stumbles upon the first crime scene and becomes involved in the investigation. Despite her initial reluctance, she is drawn into the world of forensic crime-solving and is assigned to work with Rhyme. Sachs becomes Rhyme's eyes and ears, gathering evidence and analyzing crime scenes under his guidance.

Together, Rhyme and Sachs must decipher the cryptic clues left by the Bone Collector and race against time to save the killer's next victim. As they delve deeper into the investigation, they uncover a web of deception and realize that the Bone Collector is not just an ordinary serial killer, but someone with a personal vendetta against Rhyme.

Main Characters

Here are the main characters in "The Bone Collector" and a brief description of each:

Lincoln RhymeA brilliant forensic detective who is quadriplegic and confined to a high-tech bed.
Amelia SachsA young patrol officer who becomes Rhyme's partner and aids him in solving the case.
The Bone CollectorThe sadistic serial killer who leaves behind bone-related clues at crime scenes.
ThomRhyme's live-in caretaker and assistant, who helps with Rhyme's daily needs.
Captain Howard CheneyRhyme's former colleague and friend, who supports his investigation.

Summary of Story Points

Chapters 1-5: The Bone Collector Strikes

The Bone Collector commits his first crime, leaving behind a severed finger and a cryptic clue. Amelia Sachs discovers the crime scene and contacts Lincoln Rhyme for assistance. They begin working together to unravel the Bone Collector's motives and identity.

Chapters 6-10: Uncovering Clues

Rhyme and Sachs analyze the evidence from the crime scene. They discover that the Bone Collector is targeting his victims based on their connection to Rhyme's past cases. As they investigate further, they uncover a pattern and narrow down the list of potential victims.

Chapters 11-15: The Race Against Time

Rhyme and Sachs race against the clock to prevent the Bone Collector from claiming his next victim. They follow the clues to various locations across the city, encountering dangerous situations and realizing that the Bone Collector is always one step ahead.

Chapters 16-20: Confronting the Bone Collector

Rhyme and Sachs finally confront the Bone Collector in a climactic showdown. With their combined skills and determination, they manage to outsmart the killer and bring him to justice. However, not before a shocking revelation about the Bone Collector's true identity is revealed.

Main Events

  1. The discovery of the Bone Collector's first victim and the introduction of Lincoln Rhyme and Amelia Sachs.
  2. Rhyme and Sachs gathering evidence and deciphering clues left by the Bone Collector.
  3. The realization that the Bone Collector is targeting victims related to Rhyme's past cases.
  4. The intense race against time to prevent the Bone Collector from claiming his next victim.
  5. The final confrontation and capture of the Bone Collector, along with the shocking revelation of his identity.

Themes and Insights

"The Bone Collector" explores themes of obsession, redemption, and the power of the human mind. Through Lincoln Rhyme's character, the novel delves into the depths of the human spirit and the resilience of the human mind, even in the face of physical limitations.

The book also highlights the importance of teamwork and the strength that can be found in unlikely partnerships. Rhyme's collaboration with Amelia Sachs showcases the effectiveness of combining different skill sets and perspectives in solving complex crimes.

Furthermore, "The Bone Collector" delves into the dark and twisted nature of human psychology, shedding light on the motivations and methods of a sadistic serial killer. It raises questions about the line between justice and revenge and the lengths one may go to seek personal satisfaction.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Bone Collector" is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that keeps readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Jeffery Deaver's masterful storytelling and intricate plot twists make this novel a must-read for fans of the crime genre. The book offers an engaging blend of forensic science, psychological suspense, and captivating characters, leaving readers with a sense of satisfaction and anticipation for further adventures in the Lincoln Rhyme series.


"The Bone Collector" by Jeffery Deaver is a thrilling crime novel that showcases the brilliance and resilience of its main characters. Through its fast-paced plot, intriguing clues, and shocking revelations, the book keeps readers hooked until the very end. With its exploration of themes such as obsession, redemption, and the power of the human mind, "The Bone Collector" offers a thought-provoking reading experience. Whether you are a fan of crime fiction or simply enjoy a compelling mystery, this novel is sure to captivate and entertain.

The Bone Collector FAQ

  1. What is 'The Bone Collector' about?

    'The Bone Collector' is a crime thriller novel by Jeffery Deaver. It follows the story of Lincoln Rhyme, a former NYPD detective who becomes a quadriplegic after a tragic accident. Rhyme is drawn back to the world of crime-solving when a serial killer known as 'The Bone Collector' starts terrorizing New York City.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Bone Collector'?

    'The Bone Collector' is written by Jeffery Deaver.

  3. Is 'The Bone Collector' part of a series?

    Yes, 'The Bone Collector' is the first book in the Lincoln Rhyme series by Jeffery Deaver. The series features Lincoln Rhyme, a brilliant forensic detective, and his partner Amelia Sachs.

  4. What genre does 'The Bone Collector' belong to?

    'The Bone Collector' belongs to the crime thriller genre.

  5. Is 'The Bone Collector' suitable for young readers?

    Due to its graphic content and mature themes, 'The Bone Collector' is recommended for adult readers.

  6. Are there any movie adaptations of 'The Bone Collector'?

    Yes, 'The Bone Collector' was adapted into a film in 1999 starring Denzel Washington as Lincoln Rhyme and Angelina Jolie as Amelia Sachs.

  7. How long is 'The Bone Collector'?

    'The Bone Collector' has approximately 496 pages.

  8. Where can I purchase 'The Bone Collector'?

    You can purchase 'The Bone Collector' from various online retailers or at your local bookstore.

  9. Is 'The Bone Collector' available in e-book format?

    Yes, 'The Bone Collector' is available in e-book format for Kindle, Nook, and other e-readers.

  10. Can I read 'The Bone Collector' as a standalone book or should I read the entire series?

    While 'The Bone Collector' can be enjoyed as a standalone book, reading the entire Lincoln Rhyme series by Jeffery Deaver will provide a more in-depth understanding of the characters and their development.