The Crossover
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"The Crossover" Characters Analysis

By Kwame Alexander

poetry | 245 pages | Published in 2014

ISBN_13: 9999999999999

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Josh BellProtagonist
Jordan "JB" BellProtagonist's brother
Chuck "Da Man" BellFather
Crystal BellMother
Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"Love interest
Filthy McNastyBasketball player
JB's team membersSupporting characters

Role Identification

Josh Bell

Josh Bell is the protagonist of "The Crossover," a young basketball player navigating the challenges of adolescence and family dynamics.

Jordan "JB" Bell

JB is Josh's twin brother and plays a significant role in the story, particularly in relation to his bond with Josh and their shared passion for basketball.

Chuck "Da Man" Bell

Chuck is the father of Josh and JB, a former basketball star who imparts wisdom and guidance to his sons.

Crystal Bell

Crystal is the mother of Josh and JB, providing emotional support and stability for her family.

Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"

Miss Sweet Tea is a love interest for Josh, offering a romantic subplot in the narrative.

Filthy McNasty

Filthy McNasty is a skilled basketball player who influences Josh and JB's lives, serving as a mentor figure.

JB's team members

The members of JB's basketball team contribute to the story's development and the dynamics of the Bell family.

Character Descriptions

Josh Bell

Josh is a 12-year-old boy with a passion for basketball, known for his agility and skill on the court. He possesses a competitive spirit and a deep love for his family.

Jordan "JB" Bell

JB shares his brother's love for basketball and is characterized by his charisma and strong bond with Josh. His personality contrasts with Josh's, adding depth to their relationship.

Chuck "Da Man" Bell

Chuck is a former basketball star who now imparts his knowledge and experience to his sons. He is a source of wisdom and guidance for Josh and JB.

Crystal Bell

Crystal is a caring and supportive mother who provides stability and love for her sons. Her presence offers warmth and emotional depth to the narrative.

Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"

Miss Sweet Tea is a positive influence on Josh, offering companionship and support. Her character represents an important aspect of Josh's personal growth.

Filthy McNasty

Filthy McNasty serves as a mentor and inspiration for Josh and JB, influencing their perspectives on basketball and life.

JB's team members

JB's team members contribute diverse personalities and experiences, shaping the narrative and the dynamics within the Bell family.

Character Traits

Josh Bell

  • Competitive
  • Athletic
  • Loyal
  • Compassionate
  • Determined

Jordan "JB" Bell

  • Charismatic
  • Supportive
  • Energetic
  • Competitive
  • Charismatic

Chuck "Da Man" Bell

  • Wise
  • Inspirational
  • Discerning
  • Supportive
  • Knowledgeable

Crystal Bell

  • Nurturing
  • Loving
  • Supportive
  • Empathetic
  • Strong-willed

Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"

  • Kind-hearted
  • Independent
  • Empathetic
  • Encouraging
  • Optimistic

Filthy McNasty

  • Influential
  • Inspirational
  • Motivational
  • Wise
  • Charismatic

JB's team members

  • Diverse
  • Supportive
  • Competitive
  • Companions
  • Influential

Character Background

Josh Bell

Josh comes from a family deeply rooted in basketball, with his father, Chuck "Da Man" Bell, being a former basketball star. This familial background has heavily influenced Josh's passion for the sport and his competitive spirit.

Jordan "JB" Bell

Like his brother, JB has been immersed in basketball culture from a young age, shaping his identity and aspirations. His close bond with Josh also forms a crucial part of his background.

Chuck "Da Man" Bell

Chuck's background as a renowned basketball player informs his guidance and support for his sons, providing them with valuable insights and advice based on his own experiences.

Crystal Bell

Crystal's background contributes to the nurturing and loving environment she creates for her sons, instilling in them important values and emotional support.

Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"

Miss Sweet Tea's background adds a new perspective to Josh's life, offering a connection beyond the basketball court and enriching his personal growth.

Filthy McNasty

Filthy McNasty's background as a talented basketball player and mentor figure influences Josh and JB, providing them with guidance and inspiration rooted in his own life experiences.

JB's team members

The diverse backgrounds of JB's team members contribute to the rich tapestry of experiences and influences that shape the narrative and the dynamics within the Bell family.

Character Arcs

Josh Bell

Josh undergoes a transformative character arc, navigating the challenges of adolescence, family dynamics, and personal growth. His journey involves discovering his individual identity outside of basketball and learning valuable life lessons.

Jordan "JB" Bell

JB experiences his own character arc, which revolves around his relationship with Josh, his personal aspirations, and the impact of external influences on his development as an individual.

Chuck "Da Man" Bell

Chuck's character arc involves his role as a father and mentor, as he imparts wisdom and guidance to his sons while also learning from the new perspectives they bring into his life.

Crystal Bell

Crystal's character arc revolves around her unwavering support for her sons and the emotional strength she exhibits in the face of family challenges.

Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"

Miss Sweet Tea's character arc intertwines with Josh's, as she becomes a source of personal growth and emotional support for him, contributing to his evolving outlook on life beyond basketball.

Filthy McNasty

Filthy McNasty's character arc encompasses his mentorship of Josh and JB, as well as his own reflections on the impact he has on the lives of the young athletes he influences.

JB's team members

The character arcs of JB's team members involve their individual growth, the dynamics of their relationships with Josh and JB, and the role they play in shaping the narrative's themes of teamwork and camaraderie.


Josh and Jordan "JB" Bell

The relationship between the Bell brothers is central to the narrative, characterized by their shared passion for basketball, sibling rivalry, and unwavering support for each other.

Chuck "Da Man" Bell and Crystal Bell

The parental relationship between Chuck and Crystal Bell showcases their unity in providing guidance and love for their sons, while also navigating their individual roles as father and mother.

Josh and Alexis "Miss Sweet Tea"

Josh's relationship with Miss Sweet Tea introduces a romantic subplot, offering a glimpse into his personal life beyond basketball and the emotional support he seeks outside of his family.

Chuck "Da Man" Bell and Filthy McNasty

Chuck's relationship with Filthy McNasty reflects mentorship and mutual respect, as Filthy McNasty influences Chuck's sons while also learning from Chuck's experiences.

JB and his team members

JB's relationship with his basketball team members highlights the themes of camaraderie, teamwork, and the support system they provide for each other both on and off the court.

The characters in "The Crossover" come to life through their unique traits, relationships, and transformative arcs, creating a rich tapestry of experiences and dynamics within the Bell family and beyond.