The Crossover
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"The Crossover" Quotes

By Kwame Alexander

poetry | 245 pages | Published in 2014

ISBN_13: 9999999999999


If you miss one shot, keep shooting. Because the next one just might go in.

Kwame Alexander

Basketball Rule #3: Never let anyone lower your goals.

Kwame Alexander

If you don't want to talk about something, you don't have to.

Kwame Alexander

Words are waiting. They are in a holding pattern. They are all around you.

Kwame Alexander

We all need a second chance. We all need to be forgiven.

Kwame Alexander

Life is like a game, and you have to know the rules to win.

Kwame Alexander

Some people find it easier to hate than to love.

Kwame Alexander

Basketball is like poetry in motion, cross the guy to the left, take him back to the right, he's fallin' back, then just J right in his face.

Kwame Alexander

Love is the most powerful magic there is.

Kwame Alexander

You have to know where you want to go before you can get there.

Kwame Alexander