
I'm afraid I must be rather an expensive father to you, dear old boy. Daddy does his best, however.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

In my simple way—I have never learnt to dance, but my motto has always been ‘Never too late to mend,’—I said, ‘No thank you, my dear Helene. I shouldn’t like to begin any office-work, nor be called ‘Mr. Pooter,’ nor yet ‘Old Pooter,’ and the firm Pooter, Patridge and Pooter sounds too much like a joke. No, thank you.’

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

Gowing said the same, only more so. We said we should look in about nine o’clock. Lupin said: 'Oh, bring him, some of us will be at home.' Carrie, rubbing his hair the wrong way (a thing I don’t like), said: 'He’s a bad boy, I’m afraid; you’ll find him rather a handful.'

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

As he left the room, he said: 'I think, Jack, I’ll have half an hour with you, just before retiring. I have a good deal to say to you.'

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

Pooter, I sometimes think—mind I only say THINK—you are a fool.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

HIST! Who plays? Hidalgos? Out. Whores? The tutti. For her? Said Bloom.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

Ayurvedic, homeopathic and allopathic, said Ben. It will be a homeopathy. Allopathy. Pyrrhonic skeleton. Mummy. Invalid carriage.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

Simon thought of grand opera. They travelled by grand rounds through the crimson dusk, under the coaly clouds. Nightcentury winter passing toward dawn.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

All the people they loved, all the people who loved them, coming toward them in a crowd, crossing, ferrying, waiting, calling to one another.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith

It was wonderful to encounter a genuine intellectual like Anthony, a stimulating talker who also knew his own limitations and did not promise something more than he could deliver.

George Grossmith, Weedon Grossmith