The Fox and The Hound
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"The Fox and The Hound" Characters Analysis

By Walt Disney Company

childrens | 251 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780671772727

Estimated read time: 9 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Amos SladeAntagonist
Widow TweedSupporting Character
ChiefSupporting Character
VixeySupporting Character

Role Identification

In Walt Disney's "The Fox and The Hound," there are several key characters that play important roles in driving the narrative forward. The main characters include Tod and Copper, who are both protagonists, and Amos Slade, the antagonist. Additionally, there are supporting characters such as Widow Tweed, Chief, and Vixey who contribute to the overall story.

Character Descriptions


Tod is a young and playful red fox. He starts off as a curious and innocent character, filled with a sense of wonder and adventurous spirit. Tod is orphaned at a young age and is taken in by Widow Tweed, who raises him as her own. As the story progresses, Tod's character evolves, and he becomes more aware of the conflicts that exist between different animal species.


Copper is a young and energetic hound dog. He is initially Tod's best friend and the two share a strong bond. Copper goes through training to become a hunting dog, and as he grows older, he becomes torn between his loyalty to Tod and his duty as a hunting dog. Copper's character embodies the struggle between friendship and societal expectations.

Amos Slade

Amos Slade is the primary antagonist of the story. He is an experienced hunter who despises Tod and seeks to eliminate him. Amos represents the human conflict with nature and the desire to control and dominate the wild. His relentless pursuit of Tod adds tension and conflict to the plot.

Widow Tweed

Widow Tweed is a kind-hearted woman who takes Tod in after he is orphaned. She acts as a mother figure to Tod and tries to protect him from the dangers of the outside world. Widow Tweed's character portrays compassion and empathy, providing a contrast to the antagonistic actions of Amos Slade.


Chief is a grumpy and old bloodhound who serves as Amos Slade's hunting dog. He is initially portrayed as a tough and intimidating character. However, as the story progresses, Chief's relationship with Copper and his interaction with Tod reveal a softer side to his personality. Chief's character demonstrates the potential for change and redemption.


Vixey is a beautiful and wise vixen who becomes Tod's love interest. She is part of a group of foxes that Tod encounters in the forest. Vixey is portrayed as independent and self-assured, providing guidance and support to Tod throughout his journey. Her character represents wisdom and the possibility of finding love and companionship.

Character Traits


  • Curious
  • Playful
  • Adventurous
  • Innocent
  • Brave


  • Energetic
  • Loyal
  • Torn between loyalty and duty
  • Determined
  • Conflicted

Amos Slade

  • Ruthless
  • Vengeful
  • Obsessed with hunting
  • Cruel
  • Stubborn

Widow Tweed

  • Kind-hearted
  • Compassionate
  • Protective
  • Motherly
  • Wise


  • Grumpy
  • Intimidating
  • Protective
  • Experienced
  • Capable of change


  • Beautiful
  • Wise
  • Independent
  • Supportive
  • Loving

Character Background


Tod's background is initially a mystery. He is found as an orphaned fox cub by Widow Tweed, who takes him in and raises him. Tod grows up in the care of Widow Tweed, sheltered from the dangers of the outside world. However, as he ventures out and interacts with other animals, Tod begins to understand the complexities of the world he inhabits.


Copper is a hound dog who grows up alongside Tod. He undergoes training to become a hunting dog, following the footsteps of his owner, Amos Slade. Copper's background is rooted in the expectations placed upon him as a hunting dog, which creates a conflict within him as he forms a friendship with Tod.

Amos Slade

Amos Slade is an experienced hunter who has a deep hatred for foxes. His background as a hunter shapes his character, driving him to relentlessly pursue and eliminate Tod. Amos represents the conflict between humans and wild animals, and his background as a hunter fuels his determination to assert dominance over nature.

Widow Tweed

Widow Tweed's background is relatively unknown, but she is portrayed as a kind-hearted woman with a nurturing nature. Her background is not a significant focus of the story, but her role as Tod's caretaker and protector is crucial to the development of the plot.


Chief is an old bloodhound with a reputation for being a skilled hunting dog. His background as a hunting dog is evident in his interactions with Copper and his loyalty to Amos Slade. Chief's character arc involves a transformation from a grumpy and tough dog to a more compassionate and understanding companion.


Vixey's background is not explicitly explored in the story. She is depicted as a wise and independent vixen who resides in the forest. Vixey's background is implied to be similar to Tod's, as she understands the challenges and dangers of living in the wild.

Character Arcs


Tod's character arc is centered around his journey from innocence to understanding. Initially sheltered by Widow Tweed, Tod gradually becomes aware of the conflicts between different animal species and the dangers he faces as a fox. Throughout the story, Tod learns about friendship, love, and the complexities of the world, ultimately finding his place in the wild.


Copper's character arc revolves around the conflict between loyalty and duty. As a young hound dog, Copper forms a strong bond with Tod. However, as he goes through training to become a hunting dog, Copper becomes torn between his friendship with Tod and his obligations as a hunting dog. Copper's arc highlights the internal struggle he faces as he navigates conflicting loyalties.

Amos Slade

Amos Slade's character arc is one of unyielding vengeance. From the beginning, he despises Tod and seeks to eliminate him. Throughout the story, Amos becomes increasingly consumed by his obsession with hunting Tod, leading to a climactic confrontation. Amos's arc showcases the destructive nature of revenge and the consequences it can have.


Chief's character arc involves a transformation from a grumpy and tough hunting dog to a more compassionate and understanding companion. Initially portrayed as a fierce adversary, Chief's interactions with Copper and his encounters with Tod soften his demeanor. Chief's arc demonstrates the potential for growth and change, even in seemingly hardened characters.


Vixey's character arc is more subtle compared to the other characters. She serves as a guide and support system for Tod, offering him wisdom and companionship. Vixey's arc is intertwined with Tod's, as she helps him navigate the challenges he faces in the wild and ultimately becomes his love interest.


Tod and Copper

Tod and Copper share a bond of friendship and loyalty. They are initially inseparable, but as Copper undergoes training to become a hunting dog, their relationship becomes strained. Despite the conflicts that arise, their friendship remains at the core of the story, showcasing the power of true friendship that transcends societal expectations.

Tod and Amos Slade

Tod and Amos Slade's relationship is one of animosity and conflict. Amos hunts Tod relentlessly, driven by his hatred for foxes. Their relationship represents the clash between humans and wild animals, highlighting the destructive consequences of human interference in nature.

Tod and Widow Tweed

Tod and Widow Tweed's relationship is one of love and protection. Widow Tweed takes Tod in and cares for him as her own, providing a safe and nurturing environment. Her relationship with Tod underscores the importance of compassion and the impact of a loving guardian.

Copper and Amos Slade

Copper and Amos Slade's relationship is one of ownership and duty. Copper is a loyal hunting dog, following Amos's commands and training to become a skilled hunter. Their relationship portrays the influence of societal expectations and the struggle to balance loyalty with personal convictions.

Chief and Copper

Chief and Copper's relationship evolves from a strict hunter-dog dynamic to a more understanding and compassionate companionship. Chief serves as a mentor figure to Copper, guiding him through the challenges they face together. Their relationship highlights the potential for growth and change, even in characters initially perceived as tough and unyielding.

Tod and Vixey

Tod and Vixey's relationship develops into a love interest. Vixey acts as a wise and supportive companion to Tod, offering guidance and love as he navigates the complexities of the wild. Their relationship symbolizes the possibility of finding love and companionship amidst challenging circumstances.

In conclusion, "The Fox and The Hound" by Walt Disney Company presents a cast of diverse and well-developed characters. Tod, Copper, Amos Slade, Widow Tweed, Chief, and Vixey each play significant roles in driving the narrative forward. Their unique traits, backgrounds, character arcs, and relationships contribute to the overall depth and emotional impact of the story.