The Good Soldier
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"The Good Soldier" Quotes

By Ford Madox Ford

fiction | 163 pages | Published in 2015

ISBN_13: 9781681952024
ISBN_10: 1681952025


No one truly knows what goes on behind closed doors.

Ford Maddox Ford

To forgive is divine, but forgetting is a challenge.

Ford Maddox Ford

The truth can tear apart even the strongest relationships.

Ford Maddox Ford

Sometimes, the line between love and obsession is blurred.

Ford Maddox Ford

Through tragedy, we discover our strength.

Ford Maddox Ford

In the face of betrayal, revenge becomes tempting.

Ford Maddox Ford

The past haunts us until we confront it head-on.

Ford Maddox Ford

In love, even the strongest hearts can be broken.

Ford Maddox Ford

The facade of happiness can hide a world of pain.

Ford Maddox Ford

The weight of guilt can crush a person's soul.

Ford Maddox Ford