The Good Soldier
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"The Good Soldier" Summary

By Ford Madox Ford

fiction | 163 pages | Published in 2015

ISBN_13: 9781681952024
ISBN_10: 1681952025

Estimated read time: 7 min read

One Sentence Summary

A complex tale of deception, infidelity, and tragic consequences told through the eyes of a meticulous narrator.

The Good Soldier Book Summary: An Engaging Deep-Dive into a Literary Classic

Welcome to our quick and concise summary of "The Good Soldier" by Ford Madox Ford. This celebrated classic, often considered one of the greatest novels in English literature, unravels an intricate tale of deception, jealousy, and tragedy among two seemingly perfect couples. Don't worry if you haven't read it yet! We're here to shed light on its intriguing narrative without revealing too much detail so you can enjoy a well-rounded reading experience.

Plot Overview of "The Good Soldier"

"The Good Soldier" is a captivating novel written by Ford Madox Ford. The story unfolds through the perspective of John Dowell, an American man who narrates his experiences and interactions with four main characters.

  • Edward Ashburnham: A British soldier described as 'the good soldier'. He's a charming but flawed character having multiple affairs throughout the storyline.
  • Leonora Ashburnham: Edward's wife. She struggles to maintain her dignity amidst her husband’s infidelity.
  • Florence Dowell: John's wife. She feigns heart issues as an excuse for her unfaithful behavior.
  • Nancy Rufford: Leonora and Edward’s ward. Nancy becomes another object of affection in Edward’s complicated love life.

Key plot points include:

  1. Both couples (Dowells & Ashburnhams) meet at a German spa resort, sparking off their acquaintance leading to nine years of friendship.
  2. Florence fakes heart disease to cover up for her secret affair with Jimmy, later revealed after she commits suicide out of guilt when she wrongly suspects that John knows about it.
  3. Edward has several extra-marital affairs which torment Leonora causing conflicts in their marriage
  4. Nancy falls in love with Edward escalating tensions further; ultimately leading to his demise from heart failure.

Despite its title, "The Good Soldier" portrays no heroics or gallantry commonly associated with soldiership; rather the narrative revolves around deception, betrayal and tragic relationships among the central characters.

John DowellNarrator struggling between reality & illusion
Edward Ashburnham'Good soldier' grappling with personal flaws
Leonora AshburnhamSilent sufferer trying to save face
Florence DowellDeceptive wife hiding behind pretense
Nancy RuffordInnocent girl caught in complex adult world

In conclusion: It is not just about war battles but also battles within oneself against deceit and moral decline.

Character Analysis

  • John Dowell
    • John is the narrator of "The Good Soldier".
    • He's also a character within the book.
    • His trust in people often leads to his downfall.
  • Florence Dowell
    • Florence is John's wife and one of the main characters.
    • She has multiple affairs throughout their marriage.
  • Edward Ashburnham
    • Edward, known as "the good soldier", holds high moral standards but struggles with his own desires.
  • Leonora Ashburnham
    • Leonora is Edward’s long-suffering wife who tries to control her husband’s infidelities.

Relationship Table

John DowellFlorence DowellEdward AshburnhamLeonora Ashburnham
John Dowell-Misled byRivalMild Acquaintance
Florence DowellMisleads-DislikesRivals
Edward AshburnhamRivalAffair-Controlled By
Leonora AshburnhamMild Acquaintance Affair Rivals 733

Themes and Symbols in "The Good Soldier"


  • Deception and Secrecy: The characters frequently hide their true feelings, leading to a web of lies and deceit.
  • Love and Passion: Relationships are central to the plot, highlighting different forms of love.
  • Mental Illness: The theme is explored through multiple characters dealing with psychological issues.


  1. Ashburnham’s Cufflink: Represents deception as it's given under false pretenses.
  2. Florence’s Heart Condition: Symbolizes emotional turmoil hidden beneath physical ailment.
Dowell's CandleIlluminates harsh realities, revealing truth in darkness

Remember each symbol or theme contributes significantly towards understanding the depth of the narrative.

Historical Context

"The Good Soldier" was published in 1915, a time of great upheaval and change. Below are some key historical points that might shed light on the context of the book:

  • World War I: The world was embroiled in World War I. This global conflict introduced unprecedented levels of violence and destruction, reshaping cultural perceptions about heroism, patriotism, and masculinity.
  • Industrial Revolution: The late stages of the industrial revolution were taking place. New technologies were transforming everyday life while also creating new social problems such as child labor and urban poverty.
  • Social Class Shifts: There was significant movement within social classes during this period. The old aristocracy was losing ground to a rising middle class fueled by industry wealth.
1914Start of World War I
1915Publication of "The Good Soldier"

It's crucial to understand these historical contexts when reading "The Good Soldier". It provides insights into Ford Madox Ford's perspective and why he created characters with complex moralities navigating through personal crises amidst societal shifts.

Critical Reception

"The Good Soldier" by Ford Madox Ford garnered significant acclaim and criticism alike. Here's a snapshot of its critical reception:

  • Acclaim: The novel has been revered for its intricate narrative structure, characterized by non-linear time sequences and unreliable narration.
    • New York Times described it as "One of the finest novels in the English language."
    • Literary critic Harold Bloom included it in his list of canonical works in "The Western Canon".
  • Criticism: Certain critics found the complex plot to be confusing.
    • Some readers felt detached due to lack of chronological order.
New York TimesOne of the finest novels
Harold BloomIncluded in 'The Western Canon'
General ReadershipPlot complexity is confusing
  1. The book ranked #30 on Modern Library’s “100 Best Novels” list.
  2. It is often considered one of the greatest literary achievements of the 20th century.

Despite variations in opinions, "The Good Soldier" continues to influence modern literature profoundly with its innovative storytelling techniques.

Key Quotes and Passages from "The Good Soldier"

Below are some of the prominent quotes from Ford Madox Ford's "The Good Soldier".

  • "I know nothing - nothing in the world - of the hearts of men. I only know that I am alone - horribly alone."
    • This quote exhibits an intense feeling of loneliness and isolation, reflecting a key theme in the novel.
  • "Why can't people have what they want? The things were all there to content everybody; yet everybody has got the wrong thing."
    • Here, Ford explores the idea of dissatisfaction with one’s life circumstances.
  • "You may well ask why I write. And yet my reasons are quite many..."
    • An example where Ford uses metafiction by acknowledging he is telling a story.
  • "If for nine years I have possessed a goodly apple that is rotten at its core and discover its rottenness only in nine years and six months less four days, isn't it true to say that for nine years I possessed a goodly apple?"
    • This passage provides insight into how appearances can be deceiving.

These quotes offer just a glance into this beautifully written classic. Each holds profound meaning about humanity, relationships, or storytelling itself.

Wrapping Up

In the novel "The Good Soldier", Ford Madox Ford invites us into a world of deceit, passion and heartbreak. The tale is an intense exploration of love's darker side, unveiling how appearances can belie reality. It provokes deep introspection about truth in relationships.

As readers, we've journeyed through this rich narrative which continually challenges our perceptions. By presenting characters that are deeply flawed yet humanly relatable, Ford asks us to question the nature of goodness itself. In conclusion, "The Good Soldier" is not just a story; it's an experience worth diving into for any avid reader out there seeking complex and hard-hitting literature.

The Good Soldier FAQ

  1. What is 'The Good Soldier' about?

    The Good Soldier is a novel by Ford Madox Ford that explores themes of deception, love, and the destructive nature of human relationships. It follows the lives of two couples - Edward and Leonora Ashburnham and John and Florence Dowell - whose complicated relationships lead to tragic consequences.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Good Soldier'?

    The Good Soldier was written by Ford Madox Ford.

  3. Is 'The Good Soldier' based on a true story?

    No, 'The Good Soldier' is a work of fiction and is not based on a true story.

  4. What is the setting of 'The Good Soldier'?

    'The Good Soldier' is primarily set in the early 20th century, with parts of the story taking place in various locations including England, Germany, and Italy.

  5. What are some major themes in 'The Good Soldier'?

    Some major themes in 'The Good Soldier' include betrayal, unreliable narration, the loss of innocence, and the crumbling of social and moral values.

  6. Is 'The Good Soldier' suitable for young readers?

    Due to its mature themes and complex storytelling, 'The Good Soldier' is generally recommended for mature readers, rather than young audiences.

  7. Is 'The Good Soldier' a romance novel?

    'The Good Soldier' is not strictly a romance novel. While there are elements of love and relationships in the story, it delves deeper into themes of deception, infidelity, and the failure of human connections.

  8. Are there any adaptations of 'The Good Soldier'?

    Yes, 'The Good Soldier' has been adapted into film and television. One notable adaptation is the 1981 TV mini-series directed by Kevin Billington.

  9. What is the writing style of 'The Good Soldier'?

    Ford Madox Ford's writing style in 'The Good Soldier' is characterized by intricate narration and multiple perspectives. The narrative jumps between past and present, often revealing new information and challenging the readers' assumptions.

  10. Is 'The Good Soldier' part of a series?

    No, 'The Good Soldier' is a standalone novel and is not part of a series.