The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole
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"The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole" Characters Analysis

By Sue Townsend

fiction | 304 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780060533984

Estimated read time: 8 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Adrian MoleProtagonist
Pandora BraithwaiteLove Interest
George MoleFather
Pauline MoleMother
Nigel HetheringtonBest Friend
Bert BaxterNeighbor
Mrs. LucasTeacher
Barry KentSchool Bully
Grandma MoleGrandmother
Mr. ScrutonHeadmaster

Role Identification

In "The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole," the protagonist, Adrian Mole, is a teenager navigating the complexities of adolescence. The book focuses on his personal growth, relationships, and struggles with school, family, and self-identity.

Character Descriptions

  • Adrian Mole: Adrian is an awkward and intellectual 13-year-old boy. He is constantly writing in his diary, documenting his experiences and observations. Adrian is socially awkward and often feels misunderstood by his family and peers.
  • Pandora Braithwaite: Pandora is Adrian's love interest and classmate. She is portrayed as beautiful, intelligent, and socially aware. Pandora is passionate about social issues and often challenges Adrian's views.
  • George Mole: George is Adrian's father. He is an unemployed and somewhat absent figure in Adrian's life. George often clashes with Adrian and struggles to provide for the family.
  • Pauline Mole: Pauline is Adrian's mother. She is portrayed as a caring but somewhat self-centered woman. Pauline frequently prioritizes her own desires over her family's needs.
  • Nigel Hetherington: Nigel is Adrian's best friend. He shares Adrian's interest in writing and often provides comedic relief. Nigel is portrayed as loyal and supportive.
  • Bert Baxter: Bert is Adrian's eccentric and unpredictable next-door neighbor. He frequently involves Adrian in his strange and often illegal activities.
  • Mrs. Lucas: Mrs. Lucas is Adrian's English teacher. She is portrayed as strict but fair and encourages Adrian's writing aspirations.
  • Barry Kent: Barry is a school bully who frequently targets Adrian. He is portrayed as physically intimidating and emotionally manipulative.
  • Grandma Mole: Adrian's grandmother is a source of stability and support in his life. She provides advice and guidance to Adrian, often in a humorous and unconventional manner.
  • Mr. Scruton: Mr. Scruton is the headmaster of Adrian's school. He is portrayed as authoritarian and often clashes with Adrian over disciplinary issues.

Character Traits

  • Adrian Mole: Intelligent, insecure, introspective, socially awkward
  • Pandora Braithwaite: Beautiful, intelligent, socially conscious, confident
  • George Mole: Unemployed, absent-minded, struggling financially
  • Pauline Mole: Caring, self-centered, indecisive
  • Nigel Hetherington: Loyal, humorous, supportive
  • Bert Baxter: Eccentric, unpredictable, adventurous
  • Mrs. Lucas: Strict, encouraging, fair
  • Barry Kent: Bully, physically intimidating, manipulative
  • Grandma Mole: Wise, humorous, unconventional
  • Mr. Scruton: Authoritarian, strict, disciplinary

Character Background

  • Adrian Mole: Adrian is a middle-class teenager growing up in a suburban town in England. He comes from a broken family and often feels like an outsider both at home and at school.
  • Pandora Braithwaite: Pandora comes from an affluent family and is academically successful. She is passionate about social issues and often challenges the societal norms around her.
  • George Mole: George is a struggling musician who is unable to find stable employment. He is often absent from Adrian's life, which contributes to Adrian's feelings of insecurity.
  • Pauline Mole: Pauline is a housewife who dreams of a more glamorous life. She often disregards the needs of her family in pursuit of her own desires.
  • Nigel Hetherington: Nigel is Adrian's best friend who shares his love for writing and literature. He provides a sense of camaraderie and support for Adrian throughout the book.
  • Bert Baxter: Bert is an eccentric and adventurous neighbor who involves Adrian in various misadventures. His unconventional nature adds a comedic element to the story.
  • Mrs. Lucas: Mrs. Lucas is Adrian's English teacher who recognizes his writing talent and encourages him to pursue his aspirations. Her strict but fair approach helps Adrian develop his skills.
  • Barry Kent: Barry is a school bully who frequently targets Adrian due to his social awkwardness. He represents the challenges and pressures faced by Adrian in his school environment.
  • Grandma Mole: Adrian's grandmother is a source of stability and wisdom in his life. Her unconventional advice and humorous outlook provide guidance to Adrian during his struggles.
  • Mr. Scruton: Mr. Scruton is the strict headmaster of Adrian's school. He often clashes with Adrian due to his disciplinary issues and represents the authority figures in Adrian's life.

Character Arcs

  • Adrian Mole: Throughout the book, Adrian experiences personal growth as he navigates the challenges of adolescence. He becomes more confident in expressing himself and starts to understand his place in the world.
  • Pandora Braithwaite: Pandora's character arc revolves around her growth as a socially aware and independent individual. She challenges societal norms and encourages Adrian to do the same.
  • George Mole: George's character arc focuses on his struggle to find stable employment and provide for his family. He experiences moments of self-reflection and growth as he tries to improve his situation.
  • Pauline Mole: Pauline's character arc centers around her self-centeredness and indecisiveness. She learns to prioritize her family's needs and becomes more responsible as the story progresses.
  • Nigel Hetherington: Nigel's character arc is mainly supportive of Adrian. He remains a loyal friend throughout the book and provides comedic relief during Adrian's struggles.
  • Bert Baxter: Bert's character arc showcases his eccentricity and unpredictability. He adds an element of adventure to Adrian's life and helps him step out of his comfort zone.
  • Mrs. Lucas: Mrs. Lucas's character arc highlights her role as Adrian's mentor. She recognizes his talent and encourages him to pursue his writing aspirations, contributing to his personal growth.
  • Barry Kent: Barry's character arc revolves around his bullying behavior and manipulation. He serves as a constant challenge for Adrian, forcing him to confront his fears and develop resilience.
  • Grandma Mole: Grandma's character arc focuses on her role as a source of wisdom and stability in Adrian's life. Her unconventional advice and humor provide guidance to Adrian during his struggles.
  • Mr. Scruton: Mr. Scruton's character arc emphasizes his role as the authoritarian headmaster. He represents the challenges and disciplinary issues Adrian faces in the school environment.


  • Adrian and Pandora: Adrian's relationship with Pandora evolves from a simple crush to a deeper connection. They share their thoughts, dreams, and challenges, providing support and understanding for each other.
  • Adrian and George: Adrian's relationship with his father is strained due to George's absence and financial struggles. However, they share moments of bonding and understanding as the story unfolds.
  • Adrian and Pauline: Adrian's relationship with his mother is complex. While Pauline often prioritizes her own desires over her family's needs, Adrian still loves and seeks approval from her, resulting in a mix of tension and affection.
  • Adrian and Nigel: Adrian's relationship with Nigel is one of loyalty and friendship. Nigel provides support and comedic relief for Adrian, and they share a common interest in writing and literature.
  • Adrian and Bert: Adrian's relationship with Bert is one of adventure and mischief. Bert involves Adrian in various misadventures, often leading to trouble but also providing excitement and life lessons.
  • Adrian and Mrs. Lucas: Adrian's relationship with Mrs. Lucas is one of mentorship and encouragement. She recognizes his writing talent and provides guidance and support throughout the book.
  • Adrian and Barry: Adrian's relationship with Barry is one of constant conflict and intimidation. Barry represents the challenges and pressures Adrian faces in the school environment.
  • Adrian and Grandma: Adrian's relationship with his grandmother is one of love, stability, and humor. She offers unconventional advice and guidance, providing a sense of comfort and understanding for Adrian.
  • Adrian and Mr. Scruton: Adrian's relationship with Mr. Scruton is one of tension and discipline. They frequently clash due to Adrian's disciplinary issues, representing the challenges he faces in the school system.