The Hound of the Baskervilles
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"The Hound of the Baskervilles" Characters Analysis

By Arthur Conan Doyle

classics | Published in 2012

ISBN_13: 9780451528018
ISBN_10: 0451528018

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters

Sherlock HolmesProtagonist
Dr. John WatsonProtagonist
Sir Henry BaskervilleProtagonist
Sir Charles BaskervilleVictim
Jack StapletonAntagonist
Beryl StapletonAntagonist
Dr. James MortimerSupporting

Role Identification

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is the brilliant and enigmatic detective who takes on the case of the Baskerville family. He is known for his exceptional deductive reasoning and keen observation skills.

Dr. John Watson

Dr. Watson is Sherlock Holmes's loyal friend and companion. He provides a supportive role to Holmes throughout the investigation.

Sir Henry Baskerville

Sir Henry Baskerville is the last heir of the Baskerville family and the primary target of the mysterious curse that haunts the family.

Sir Charles Baskerville

Sir Charles Baskerville is the victim of the supposed curse that looms over the Baskerville family.

Jack Stapleton

Jack Stapleton is a pivotal character in the story, with his true nature revealed as the plot unfolds.

Beryl Stapleton

Beryl Stapleton, initially presented as Jack Stapleton's sister, becomes entwined in the intricate web of deceit and mystery.

Dr. James Mortimer

Dr. Mortimer, a trusted friend of the Baskerville family, seeks Holmes's assistance in solving the perplexing case.

Character Descriptions

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is depicted as a tall, lean, and sharp-featured man with piercing eyes that reflect his astute intellect. He is often described as having an intense and focused demeanor, indicative of his unwavering dedication to solving complex cases.

Dr. John Watson

Dr. Watson is characterized as a dependable and steadfast companion to Holmes. He is portrayed as a practical and level-headed individual, balancing Holmes's more eccentric traits with his pragmatic approach.

Sir Henry Baskerville

Sir Henry Baskerville is described as a robust and amiable gentleman, embodying a sense of courage and determination despite the looming threat to his life.

Sir Charles Baskerville

Sir Charles Baskerville is depicted as a respected and affluent figure, whose untimely demise sets the stage for the unfolding mystery.

Jack Stapleton

Jack Stapleton initially presents himself as an amiable naturalist, concealing his true nature behind a facade of congeniality.

Beryl Stapleton

Beryl Stapleton is portrayed as a demure and delicate woman, her outward appearance masking the turmoil within her tumultuous existence.

Dr. James Mortimer

Dr. Mortimer is described as a rational and affable individual, deeply concerned about the ominous events surrounding the Baskerville family.

Character Traits

Sherlock Holmes

  • Analytical
  • Observant
  • Unconventional
  • Detached
  • Brilliant

Dr. John Watson

  • Loyal
  • Practical
  • Caring
  • Resilient
  • Dependable

Sir Henry Baskerville

  • Courageous
  • Resolute
  • Good-natured
  • Trusting
  • Impulsive

Sir Charles Baskerville

  • Affluent
  • Distinguished
  • Cautious
  • Kind-hearted
  • Traditional

Jack Stapleton

  • Deceptive
  • Manipulative
  • Calculating
  • Charismatic
  • Ruthless

Beryl Stapleton

  • Submissive
  • Enigmatic
  • Vulnerable
  • Resilient
  • Manipulative

Dr. James Mortimer

  • Concerned
  • Rational
  • Trustworthy
  • Supportive
  • Inquisitive

Character Background

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes, a consulting detective, is renowned for his unparalleled deductive abilities and unconventional methods of solving intricate cases. His background remains shrouded in mystery, adding to his enigmatic persona.

Dr. John Watson

Dr. John Watson, a former army doctor, forms a steadfast partnership with Holmes, chronicling their adventures and investigations. His background as a war veteran adds depth to his character, influencing his approach to challenges.

Sir Henry Baskerville

As the last descendant of the Baskerville lineage, Sir Henry inherits the sprawling Baskerville estate and the ominous legacy that accompanies it. His lineage and inheritance shape his identity and the challenges he faces.

Sir Charles Baskerville

Sir Charles Baskerville, a revered figure, holds the key to the ancestral history and the malevolent forces that threaten the family. His demise sets the stage for the unfolding mystery.

Jack Stapleton

Jack Stapleton's origins and motives are gradually unveiled, shedding light on his sinister intentions and the intricate web of deceit he weaves.

Beryl Stapleton

Beryl Stapleton's background intertwines with the nefarious machinations orchestrated by Jack Stapleton, adding layers to the enigmatic unfolding of events.

Dr. James Mortimer

Dr. Mortimer's association with the Baskerville family and his concern for their well-being stem from his deep-rooted ties to the community and his ethical obligations as a physician.

Character Arcs

Sherlock Holmes

Throughout the narrative, Sherlock Holmes undergoes a transformative arc wherein his logical reasoning and astute observations guide the unraveling of the complex mystery, showcasing his evolution as a masterful detective.

Dr. John Watson

Dr. Watson's character arc revolves around his unwavering loyalty to Holmes and his development from a supportive companion to an active participant in the investigation, showcasing his growth and resilience in the face of danger.

Sir Henry Baskerville

Sir Henry's character arc encompasses his journey from inheriting the ominous Baskerville legacy to confronting the malevolent forces, embodying courage and resilience as he navigates the treacherous path ahead.

Jack Stapleton

Jack Stapleton's character arc delves into the revelation of his true nature, exposing the depths of his deceit and the extent of his nefarious schemes, leading to a climactic confrontation with Holmes and Watson.

Beryl Stapleton

Beryl Stapleton's character arc unfolds as her entanglement in Jack Stapleton's machinations leads to a pivotal moment of decision, culminating in a revelation that alters the course of the narrative.


Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson

The dynamic partnership between Holmes and Watson is characterized by mutual respect and reliance, with Watson providing unwavering support to Holmes, forming the bedrock of their enduring friendship.

Sir Henry Baskerville and Dr. John Watson

Dr. Watson's protective and supportive stance towards Sir Henry Baskerville fosters a bond of trust and camaraderie, as they navigate the perilous circumstances together.

Jack Stapleton and Beryl Stapleton

The intricate relationship between Jack and Beryl Stapleton unravels as their true connection is unveiled, leading to a critical juncture that alters the course of the narrative.

Sir Charles Baskerville and Dr. James Mortimer

Dr. Mortimer's deep concern for Sir Charles Baskerville's well-being underscores their longstanding association, setting the stage for the unfolding mystery and the ensuing investigation.

The characters in "The Hound of the Baskervilles" exhibit a diverse range of traits, backgrounds, and relationships, contributing to the intricately woven tapestry of the narrative. As each character's role, arc, and interactions unfold, they collectively propel the story towards its riveting conclusion, captivating readers with their compelling personas and the enthralling dynamics that bind them together.