The Last Temptation of Christ
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"The Last Temptation of Christ" Characters Analysis

By Nikos Kazantzakis

fiction | 512 pages | Published in 2012

ISBN_13: 9781439144589
ISBN_10: 1439144583

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
JesusProtagonist, Son of God
Judas IscariotAntagonist, Disciple
Mary MagdaleneSupporting Character
PilateRoman Governor
John the BaptistSupporting Character

Role Identification

In "The Last Temptation of Christ," a novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, several characters play significant roles in the narrative. The main protagonist is Jesus, the Son of God, who is conflicted by his divine nature and the demands of his earthly life. Jesus' closest followers, Judas Iscariot and Peter, play prominent roles as well. Mary Magdalene represents a supporting character who is closely associated with Jesus. Pilate, the Roman Governor, has an essential role in the story, and John the Baptist also appears as a supporting character.

Character Descriptions

  1. Jesus: Jesus is portrayed as a complex and tormented individual, torn between his divine mission and his human desires. He is depicted as a compassionate and empathetic figure, who experiences doubts and temptations throughout the story.
  2. Judas Iscariot: Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus' disciples, is portrayed as a conflicted character. He is torn between his loyalty to Jesus and his doubts about Jesus' mission. Judas ultimately becomes the antagonist, as he betrays Jesus to the authorities.
  3. Mary Magdalene: Mary Magdalene is a devoted follower of Jesus and also develops a romantic relationship with him in the novel. She is portrayed as a strong and caring individual who supports Jesus through his struggles.
  4. Peter: Peter is another disciple of Jesus, known for his impulsive nature and fierce loyalty. He often acts as a voice of reason and support for Jesus, even though he sometimes struggles to fully understand his teacher's message.
  5. Pilate: Pilate is the Roman Governor who presides over the trial and crucifixion of Jesus. He represents the secular authority and struggles with the decision to condemn Jesus to death, partly due to the pressure from the religious leaders.
  6. John the Baptist: John the Baptist plays a smaller role in the novel, appearing as a supporting character who baptizes Jesus and influences his spiritual journey.

Character Traits

  1. Jesus: compassionate, conflicted, tormented, divine, empathetic, prone to doubts
  2. Judas Iscariot: conflicted, loyal, doubtful, betrayer
  3. Mary Magdalene: devoted, caring, supportive, strong
  4. Peter: impulsive, loyal, supportive, sometimes confused
  5. Pilate: conflicted, pressured, reluctant, secular
  6. John the Baptist: spiritual, influential, supporting

Character Background

  1. Jesus: Jesus is the central figure of Christianity, believed to be the Son of God and the messiah by his followers. He is born into a humble family, grows up as a carpenter, and eventually embarks on his divine mission to spread the word of God.
  2. Judas Iscariot: Judas is one of Jesus' twelve disciples and is known for his role in betraying Jesus to the authorities. His background is not extensively explored in the novel, but he is portrayed as a loyal follower initially, who becomes conflicted and ultimately acts against Jesus.
  3. Mary Magdalene: Mary Magdalene is often mentioned in the Bible as one of Jesus' loyal followers. In the novel, she is depicted as a former prostitute who finds redemption and becomes a devoted supporter and love interest for Jesus.
  4. Peter: Peter is one of Jesus' closest disciples and a prominent figure in the New Testament. He is portrayed as a simple fisherman who becomes one of Jesus' most loyal followers. He struggles with understanding Jesus' teachings at times but ultimately becomes a key figure in the early Christian community.
  5. Pilate: Pontius Pilate is a historical figure, known for his role in the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the novel, Pilate is depicted as a conflicted and reluctant ruler who is caught between political pressure and his own conscience.
  6. John the Baptist: John the Baptist is a significant figure in Christian tradition, known for baptizing Jesus before his ministry began. In the novel, he makes a brief appearance as an influential figure in Jesus' spiritual journey.

Character Arcs

  1. Jesus: Jesus undergoes a profound character arc throughout the story. Initially torn between his divine calling and his human desires, he ultimately embraces his role as the messiah and willingly sacrifices himself for mankind.
  2. Judas Iscariot: Judas starts as a loyal disciple but becomes disillusioned and conflicted. His ultimate betrayal of Jesus signifies a tragic character arc, driven by doubts and conflicting motives.
  3. Mary Magdalene: Mary Magdalene's character arc revolves around her devotion to Jesus and her journey towards redemption. She plays a supportive role in Jesus' life and experiences personal growth, finding solace in her relationship with him.
  4. Peter: Peter's character arc involves his transformation from an impulsive follower to a key figure in the early Christian community. He grows in understanding and loyalty to Jesus, eventually becoming a leading apostle after Jesus' crucifixion.
  5. Pilate: Pilate's character arc explores his struggle with the decision to condemn Jesus to death. He experiences internal conflict and regrets his role in the crucifixion, ultimately standing as a symbol of the secular world's unease with Jesus' teachings.
  6. John the Baptist: Although John the Baptist plays a smaller role, his character arc revolves around fulfilling his purpose to baptize Jesus and provide spiritual guidance. He serves as an influential figure in Jesus' journey towards embracing his messianic mission.


  1. Jesus and Judas: Initially, Jesus and Judas share a close bond as disciples. However, Judas' doubts and conflicting emotions lead to a strain in their relationship, ultimately resulting in betrayal.
  2. Jesus and Mary Magdalene: Jesus and Mary Magdalene share a deep emotional connection and romantic relationship in the novel. Mary provides support and companionship to Jesus, offering him solace in his struggles.
  3. Jesus and Peter: Jesus and Peter have a strong bond, with Peter often acting as a voice of reason and support. Peter's loyalty to Jesus is evident throughout the story, even though he sometimes struggles to fully comprehend Jesus' teachings.
  4. Jesus and Pilate: Jesus and Pilate have a tense relationship due to their differing perspectives and duties. Pilate recognizes Jesus' innocence but succumbs to external pressures, leading to Jesus' crucifixion.
  5. Jesus and John the Baptist: Jesus and John the Baptist share a brief but influential relationship. John baptizes Jesus and serves as a spiritual guide, aiding Jesus in embracing his divine mission.

In "The Last Temptation of Christ," Nikos Kazantzakis skillfully explores the intricate dynamics and personal struggles of the characters, providing an insightful reflection on Jesus' humanity and divine purpose. Each character's unique traits, backgrounds, and relationships contribute to the thought-provoking narrative, offering readers a fresh perspective on one of history's most significant figures.