The Devil and Miss Prym
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"The Devil and Miss Prym" Summary

By Paulo Coelho

fiction | 224 pages | Published in 2005

ISBN_13: 9780007379927
ISBN_10: 0007379927

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

A small town grapples with its inner demons when a stranger poses a moral dilemma.


"The Devil and Miss Prym" is a thought-provoking novel written by Paulo Coelho, a renowned Brazilian author. Published in 2000, the book is part of Coelho's acclaimed series "On the Seventh Day," which explores profound questions about human nature, morality, and the eternal battle between good and evil. In this gripping story, Coelho weaves together elements of philosophy, spirituality, and psychological thriller, captivating the readers from the very beginning.

Brief Synopsis

The story is set in the quiet and idyllic village of Viscos, nestled in a remote region of the Pyrenees. The tranquil village life is disrupted when a stranger arrives, a dark figure clothed in black, carrying a briefcase. The stranger, who introduces himself as a representative of the devil, approaches Chantal Prym, a young barmaid who dreams of escaping the mundane life in Viscos.

Intrigued by the possibility of exploring the darkness within human nature, the devil presents Chantal with an enticing proposition. He offers her eleven gold bars, a fortune that can transform the lives of the impoverished villagers, on one condition: she must choose one person from the village to be sacrificed within a week. The stranger believes that the choice made by Chantal will reveal the true nature of humanity.

As Chantal grapples with the weight of this decision, the news of her encounter with the devil spreads like wildfire through the village. The villagers find themselves torn between their own desires for personal gain and the moral dilemma of sacrificing one of their own. Fear, suspicion, and deep-seated secrets start to unravel as the deadline approaches, fueling a tense atmosphere in the village.

Main Characters

Chantal PrymA young and ambitious barmaid who is chosen by the devil to make a life-altering decision.
The DevilThe enigmatic stranger who arrives in Viscos, representing the forces of darkness.
BertaAn elderly widow with a haunted past, struggling with her own inner demons.
The MayorThe mayor of Viscos, a power-hungry man who will go to great lengths to maintain control.
SafiraThe village prostitute who dreams of a better life outside of Viscos.

Main Events

  1. The arrival of the mysterious stranger in Viscos and his encounter with Chantal Prym.
  2. The devil's proposition to Chantal: sacrifice one person to save the village.
  3. The spread of the news throughout the village, creating chaos and tension among the villagers.
  4. The internal struggle faced by Chantal as she comes to terms with the weight of her decision.
  5. The unveiling of each villager's true nature as their secrets and desires surface.
  6. Berta's confession about a tragic incident from her past, leading to the revelation of the devil's true identity.
  7. The final decision made by Chantal and the consequences that follow, exposing the depths of human darkness.

Themes and Insights

The Nature of Good and Evil

One of the central themes in "The Devil and Miss Prym" is the exploration of the nature of good and evil within human beings. Coelho delves into the depths of human nature, challenging the reader to question their own capacity for both darkness and light. Through the moral dilemma presented to Chantal, the author forces us to confront the choices we make and the consequences they entail.

Power and Corruption

The theme of power and corruption plays a significant role in the novel. Coelho depicts the mayor as a symbol of authority, willing to sacrifice the well-being of the village for his own gain. This exploration of power dynamics raises important questions about the lengths to which individuals will go to maintain control and the potential corruption that comes with it.

Redemption and Forgiveness

Throughout the story, Coelho explores the possibility of redemption and forgiveness. Characters like Berta, who carry the burden of past mistakes, seek solace and liberation through confession and acceptance. The novel presents the notion that even those who have succumbed to darkness can find redemption if they are willing to confront their sins.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Devil and Miss Prym" is a thought-provoking and introspective novel that challenges readers to reflect on the nature of good and evil within themselves. Coelho's masterful storytelling draws the reader into a web of moral dilemma and psychological tension, keeping them engaged until the very end. The book serves as a reminder that the choices we make, even in the face of darkness, have profound consequences that shape our lives.


In "The Devil and Miss Prym," Paulo Coelho explores profound themes of morality, power, and the human capacity for both good and evil. Set in the tranquil village of Viscos, the novel confronts the reader with a moral dilemma that forces them to question their own moral compass. With its captivating storyline and thought-provoking insights, this book is a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the complexities of human nature.

The Devil and Miss Prym FAQ

  1. What is the main theme of 'The Devil and Miss Prym'?

    The main theme of 'The Devil and Miss Prym' is the exploration of human nature and the battle between good and evil.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Devil and Miss Prym'?

    The author of 'The Devil and Miss Prym' is Paulo Coelho.

  3. What is the plot of 'The Devil and Miss Prym'?

    The plot of 'The Devil and Miss Prym' centers around the arrival of a stranger in the small town of Viscos, who challenges the townspeople to commit a heinous act within a week. The story follows the moral dilemma faced by Miss Prym, one of the town's inhabitants, as she grapples with the proposal.

  4. Is 'The Devil and Miss Prym' part of a series?

    'The Devil and Miss Prym' is not part of a series. It is a standalone novel.

  5. What are some other notable books by Paulo Coelho?

    Paulo Coelho is known for several notable books, including 'The Alchemist,' 'Brida,' and 'Eleven Minutes,' among others.

  6. Is 'The Devil and Miss Prym' suitable for young readers?

    'The Devil and Miss Prym' is aimed at adult readers due to its mature themes and content.

  7. What is the setting of 'The Devil and Miss Prym'?

    'The Devil and Miss Prym' is set in the fictional town of Viscos, which is described as a small, isolated village located in a mountainous region.

  8. What is the message of 'The Devil and Miss Prym'?

    The message of 'The Devil and Miss Prym' is to examine our own capacity for both good and evil and to contemplate the choices we make in life.

  9. How would you categorize 'The Devil and Miss Prym' genre-wise?

    'The Devil and Miss Prym' can be categorized as a philosophical novel or as a work of fiction exploring moral and ethical dilemmas.

  10. Is there a movie adaptation of 'The Devil and Miss Prym'?

    As of now, there is no known movie adaptation of 'The Devil and Miss Prym.'