The Moor's Last Sigh
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"The Moor's Last Sigh" Characters Analysis

By Salman Rushdie

fiction | 452 pages | Published in 1997

OTHER: UOM:39015056504353

Estimated read time: 5 min read

"The Moor's Last Sigh" is a novel written by Salman Rushdie that explores intricate relationships, complex characters, and the historical backdrop of India. This character analysis delves into the various personalities that play significant roles within the novel, their backgrounds, traits, and relationships.

List of Characters

The book introduces a multitude of characters, each with their distinct role and significance. Some key characters include:

Character NameRole
Moraes ZogoibyProtagonist
Aurora ZogoibyMoraes' mother
Boonyi KaulMoraes' lover
Abraham "Abram" ZogoibyMoraes' grandfather
Moinuddin DarPolitical enemy of Moraes
Menenaxe "Minnie" ZogoibyMoraes' sister
Vina AsparaMoor's wife

Role Identification

  1. Moraes Zogoiby: The protagonist and narrator of the story. He is born with a unique gift, the ability to see into the past through his dreams.
  2. Aurora Zogoiby: Moraes' mother, a strong and independent woman who plays a central role in his life.
  3. Boonyi Kaul: Moraes' lover, an enigmatic character who intrigues him throughout the story.
  4. Moor: The narrator of the story, representing Moraes' perspective and experiences.
  5. Abraham "Abram" Zogoiby: Moraes' eccentric grandfather who has a profound impact on his life.
  6. Moinuddin Dar: A political enemy of Moraes, who holds power and influence.
  7. Menenaxe "Minnie" Zogoiby: Moraes' sister, who shares a complicated relationship with him.
  8. Vina Aspara: Moor's wife, who adds depth and complexity to the narrative.

Character Descriptions

Moraes Zogoiby, the novel's protagonist, is a vibrant and complex character. Born with a unique deformity, resembling a peacock's tail, he becomes known as the "Moor." Moraes possesses an exceptional memory and dreams that allow him to relive past events. He is a charismatic individual, fluent in multiple languages, and possesses a sharp intellect.

Aurora Zogoiby, Moraes' mother, plays a vital role in shaping his character. She is a free-spirited woman, strong-willed, and intellectually curious. Aurora's independence and progressive views pave the way for Moraes' growth and individuality.

Boonyi Kaul is a significant character in Moraes' life. She is a talented Kathak dancer, mesmerizing him with her grace and beauty. Boonyi's passionate personality and deep connection with Moraes make her a pivotal figure in the protagonist's journey.

Moor, the narrator, provides a distinct perspective on the events unfolding in the story. As Moraes' alter ego, Moor provides insight into his thoughts, emotions, and experiences, giving the readers an intimate understanding of the protagonist's journey.

Character Traits

Moraes Zogoiby's character is defined by his intelligence, wit, and his perpetual quest for identity and belonging. He possesses a sharp tongue, often using sarcasm and irony to cope with the challenges he faces. Moraes' ability to remember past events with extraordinary clarity adds depth and complexity to his character.

Aurora Zogoiby is characterized by her resilience, independence, and progressive mindset. She breaks societal norms, challenging the traditional roles assigned to women in Indian society. Aurora's passion for art, literature, and freedom of expression shapes her son's worldview.

Boonyi Kaul embodies beauty, grace, and sensuality. Her love for Kathak transcends all boundaries and inspires Moraes on his journey of self-discovery. Boonyi's strong emotions, combined with her loyalty and dedication, create a magnetic force that draws Moraes towards her.

Character Background

Moraes Zogoiby is born into a wealthy family in Bombay, India, with a complex heritage spanning different cultures and religions. His father, Abraham Zogoiby, is a Portuguese Catholic, while his mother, Aurora, has Jewish and Indian roots. Moraes grows up amidst a diverse cultural landscape, steeped in rich historical influences.

Moraes' upbringing is shaped by his relationship with his mother, who encourages his education and independence. Despite his family's wealth and prestigious background, Moraes faces a constant struggle to define his identity and find his place in Indian society.

Character Arcs

Moraes Zogoiby's character undergoes significant transformation throughout the novel. Initially torn between his Indian and Portuguese heritage, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery, trying to reconcile his multiple identities. Moraes' unique ability to recall past events through his dreams serves as a catalyst for his personal growth and understanding of his place in the world.

His relationships with Aurora, Boonyi, and other influential characters shape his emotional and intellectual development. As the story progresses, Moraes faces betrayal, loss, and political turmoil, which test his resolves and push him towards self-acceptance and forgiveness.


The novel presents a complex web of relationships, each serving as a lens through which the characters' motives and desires are revealed.

Moraes' relationship with his mother, Aurora, is one of profound love and respect. Her intellectual influence and unwavering support guide him through his journey. Despite their strong bond, their relationship is also marked by the challenges faced due to their divergent cultural heritage.

Boonyi Kaul becomes Moraes' lover, adding intensity and romantic entanglement to the narrative. Their relationship is passionate yet tumultuous, with multiple obstacles and betrayals that deeply affect Moraes' emotional state.

The relationship between Moraes and his grandfather, Abram, is one of both admiration and resentment. Abram's eccentricities and rebellious nature contribute to Moraes' rebellious spirit. However, their relationship is also marred by secrets and family conflicts.

In conclusion, "The Moor's Last Sigh" presents readers with a rich ensemble of characters, each with their intricate background, traits, and arcs. Salman Rushdie masterfully weaves these characters together, allowing them to explore identity, love, and the complexities of Indian society in a gripping and thought-provoking narrative.