The Quiet American
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"The Quiet American" Quotes

By Graham Greene

fiction | 162 pages | Published in 2021

ISBN_13: 9780099478393
ISBN_10: 0099478390


Youth is a curse, and exceptional talent a devil.

Graham Greene

We mustn't get on to moral ground, just not on that ground.

Graham Greene

In wars, things always change rapidly, and seldom for the better.

Graham Greene

You know how it is. To put your life in danger, no problem, but it's hard to take a lover for the first time.

Graham Greene

Boredom is a sickness the cure for which is work; pleasure is only a palliative.

Graham Greene

I had come out here to make war on the Communists.

Graham Greene

Nothing is more desirable than the impossible.

Graham Greene

It's easy to bash the Americans. They're so friendly.

Graham Greene

There are many ways to win a war, even more to lose it.

Graham Greene

The only sin is to be boring.

Graham Greene