The Sense of an Ending
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"The Sense of an Ending" Characters Analysis

By Julian Barnes

fiction | 160 pages | Published in 2011

ISBN_13: 9781446467626
ISBN_10: 1446467627

Estimated read time: 7 min read

"The Sense of an Ending" is a thought-provoking novel written by Julian Barnes, which delves into the complexities of memory, regret, and the subjectivity of truth. The book revolves around the life of the protagonist, Tony Webster, and his relationships with several key characters. In this character analysis, we will explore the different characters in the novel, their roles, traits, backgrounds, arcs, and relationships.

List of Characters

Before delving into the individual character analysis, let's take a look at the main characters in "The Sense of an Ending":

Tony WebsterProtagonist
Adrian FinnTony's close friend
Veronica FordTony's former lover
Margaret WebsterTony's ex-wife
Sarah FordVeronica's mother

Role Identification

Each character in "The Sense of an Ending" contributes to the narrative and the development of the protagonist, Tony Webster. They play influential roles that shape Tony's understanding of himself and the world around him.

  • Tony Webster: Tony is the central character and the novel is largely narrated from his perspective. He serves as the lens through which readers experience the story. Tony is a retired man who reflects on his past and deals with the consequences of his youthful decisions.
  • Adrian Finn: Adrian is Tony's close friend from school. He is portrayed as intelligent, philosophical, and mysteriously enigmatic. Adrian's presence challenges Tony's perception of truth and the fragility of memory.
  • Veronica Ford: Veronica is Tony's former lover and characters from his youth. She is described as unpredictable and complex. Veronica's actions and decisions significantly impact Tony's life trajectory.
  • Margaret Webster: Margaret is Tony's ex-wife. While not prominently featured in the book, her relationship with Tony sheds light on his past and provides insights into his character.
  • Sarah Ford: Sarah is Veronica's mother and plays a pivotal role in the unraveling of the story. Her interactions with Tony reveal important secrets and truths that have shaped Tony's life.

Character Descriptions

Tony Webster

Tony Webster is a middle-aged man in his sixties with a reserved and contemplative nature. He is a retired divorcé who leads a seemingly uneventful life. Tony possesses a keen sense of introspection, frequently questioning his own memory and actions. He is described as an observer, constantly analyzing the world around him.

Adrian Finn

Adrian Finn is portrayed as an intellectually superior and enigmatic character. He possesses a philosophical disposition and often challenges Tony's view of reality. Adrian's presence in Tony's life prompts him to examine the nature of time, memory, and accountability.

Veronica Ford

Veronica Ford is depicted as an enigmatic and sometimes aloof character. She is described as beautiful and intelligent but carries an air of unpredictability. Veronica's complex relationship with Tony becomes a catalyst for introspection and self-discovery.

Margaret Webster

Margaret Webster plays a smaller role in the novel but is significant in understanding Tony's past. As Tony's ex-wife, she provides insights into their failed marriage and his behavior during their relationship.

Sarah Ford

Sarah Ford is introduced later in the story, but her presence has a profound impact on Tony's perception of reality. Her interactions with Tony unveil important secrets and challenge his understanding of past events.

Character Traits

Tony Webster:

  • Introverted
  • Reflective
  • Rational
  • Observant
  • Self-doubting

Adrian Finn:

  • Philosophical
  • Intellectual
  • Mysterious
  • Contemplative
  • Challenging

Veronica Ford:

  • Enigmatic
  • Independent
  • Complex
  • Unpredictable
  • Beautiful

Margaret Webster:

  • Supportive
  • Understanding
  • Resilient
  • Empathetic
  • Reflective

Sarah Ford:

  • Reserved
  • Secretive
  • Perceptive
  • Influential
  • Thought-provoking

Character Background

Tony Webster:

Tony grew up in a middle-class family and attended school with Adrian Finn and Veronica Ford. After studying at university, he settled into a rather uneventful life, navigating his failed marriage and retirement. Tony's relationships and encounters during his youth shape his understanding of love, friendship, and the reliability of memory.

Adrian Finn:

Adrian comes from a similar background as Tony and stands out for his intellectual capacity. His philosophical outlook on life and mysterious nature intrigue both Tony and other characters. Adrian's untimely fate leaves a lasting impact on Tony's life.

Veronica Ford:

Veronica comes from a wealthy and distant family and becomes Tony's first serious love interest. Her complex relationship with Tony raises questions about trust, love, and the unreliability of memory.

Margaret Webster:

Margaret, Tony's ex-wife, provides insights into the failures of their marriage and serves as a reflection of Tony's past choices and behaviors.

Sarah Ford:

Sarah, Veronica's mother, adds an element of secrecy and intrigue to the story. She becomes a key figure in unveiling the truth behind Tony's past, making him question his own recollection of events.

Character Arcs

Tony Webster:

Tony's character arc revolves around self-reflection and the realization of the fallibility of memory. As he delves into his past, Tony is forced to confront the consequences of his choices and examine the subjective nature of his own recollections. His journey ultimately leads him to a deeper understanding of himself and the limitations of memory.

Adrian Finn:

Adrian's character arc is tragically cut short, leaving readers to piece together his motivations and ideals from Tony's recollections. Adrian represents the complexities of intellectualism and serves as a catalyst for Tony's own self-reflection.

Veronica Ford:

Veronica's character arc is largely revealed through Tony's memories and perceptions. Her relationship with Tony and subsequent choices force him to reevaluate the foundations of their connection, leading to personal growth and insights into love and trust.

Margaret Webster:

Margaret's character arc is limited in the novel but provides glimpses into Tony's past and the failures of their marriage. Through their interactions, readers gain a clearer understanding of Tony's character and emotional journey.

Sarah Ford:

Sarah's character arc is intertwined with Tony's voyage of self-discovery. Her cryptic revelations push Tony to question the validity of his memories, shedding light on past events and shaping his understanding of truth.


The relationships in "The Sense of an Ending" play a significant role in shaping the narrative and character development. These connections influence the choices and actions of the characters:

  • Tony and Adrian: Tony and Adrian's friendship is central to the story. Their intellectual discussions and conflicting viewpoints serve as catalysts for Tony's introspection and quest for understanding.
  • Tony and Veronica: Tony's relationship with Veronica is complex and evolves over time. Their interactions raise questions about memory, perception, and the lasting impact of past events.
  • Tony and Margaret: Tony's ex-wife, Margaret, provides a window into their failed marriage, reflecting Tony's past behaviors and choices. Their interactions reveal Tony's growth and reflection.
  • Tony and Sarah: Sarah's presence sparks Tony's exploration of the truth and the fallibility of memory. Her revelations challenge Tony's understanding of his past and himself.

In conclusion, "The Sense of an Ending" provides readers with a captivating exploration of memory, truth, and the intricacies of human relationships. Through the character analysis of Tony Webster, Adrian Finn, Veronica Ford, Margaret Webster, and Sarah Ford, we come to appreciate the depth and complexity of Julian Barnes' work and the enduring themes it explores.