The Shell Seekers
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"The Shell Seekers" Quotes

By Rosamunde Pilcher

fiction | 560 pages | Published in 2013

ISBN_13: 9781250032195
ISBN_10: 1250032199


One of the most important things in life is what we do for others.

Rosamunde Pilcher

You have to take life as it comes, she said, and make the best of it.

Rosamunde Pilcher

Time softens everything. It's the one thing that can be depended upon.

Rosamunde Pilcher

The best thing in the world is to find yourself married to someone who understands and encourages you.

Rosamunde Pilcher

It's never too late to change things.

Rosamunde Pilcher

One must have something to look forward to, she said, and someone to love.

Rosamunde Pilcher

There's no such thing as too much love, she said. Love is boundless.

Rosamunde Pilcher

There can be no better occupation in this world than to love someone.

Rosamunde Pilcher

It's the small things that make a life, she said. The little things that count.

Rosamunde Pilcher

One must never miss an opportunity of quoting things that are really good.

Rosamunde Pilcher