The Snowy Day
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"The Snowy Day" Characters Analysis

By Ezra Jack Keats

picture books | 28 pages | Published in 1976

Winner of the 1963 Caldecott Medal! No book has captured the magic and sense of possibility of the first snowfall better than The Snowy Day. Universal in its appeal, the story has become a favorite of millions, as it reveals a child's wonder at a new world, and the hope of capturing and keeping that wonder forever. The adventures of a little boy in the city on a very snowy day. "Keats's sparse collage illustrations capture the wonder and beauty a snowy day can bring to a small child."—Barnes & Noble "Ezra Jack Keats's classic The Snowy Day, winner of the 1963 Caldecott Medal, pays homage to the wonder and pure pleasure a child experiences when the world is blanketed in snow."—Publisher's Weekly "The book is notable not only for its lovely artwork and tone, but also for its importance as a trailblazer. According to Horn Book magazine, The Snowy Day was "the very first full-color picture book to feature a small black hero"—yet another reason to add this classic to your shelves. It's as unique and special as a snowflake."—


Estimated read time: 4 min read

"The Snowy Day" is a much-loved children's book written by Ezra Jack Keats. Published in 1962, it tells the story of a young boy named Peter who experiences the joy and wonder of a snowy day. This character analysis will delve into the key characters in the book, their roles, descriptions, backgrounds, traits, arcs, and relationships.

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Peter's MotherSupporting Role
Peter's FatherSupporting Role

Role Identification

  1. Peter: As the protagonist, Peter is the central character whose experiences and emotions drive the narrative forward.
  2. Peter's Mother: Peter's mother plays a supportive role, providing guidance and nurturing his curiosity.
  3. Peter's Father: Peter's father also plays a supportive role, engaging with Peter and sharing in his excitement.

Character Descriptions


  • Peter is a young African-American boy who is full of curiosity and wonder.
  • He wears a bright red snowsuit, making him visually stand out against the snowy landscape.
  • Peter has expressive eyes and a wide, infectious smile.

Peter's Mother

  • Peter's mother is caring and attentive, ensuring Peter is dressed warmly for his adventures in the snow.
  • She has a warm and welcoming smile, always ready to listen and support her son.

Peter's Father

  • Peter's father is playful and affectionate with Peter, sharing in his joy and providing him with guidance.
  • He is dressed in a suit and hat when helping Peter build a snowman, highlighting his role as a working parent.

Character Traits


  • Curious: Peter's curiosity drives him to explore the snowy day, discovering new wonders and experiencing joy.
  • Adventurous: Peter is not afraid to venture out into the unknown, whether it's making footprints in fresh snow or sliding down a snowy hill.
  • Imaginative: Peter's imagination is vivid, as seen when he imagines the snowball he packs will not melt in his pocket.

Peter's Mother

  • Nurturing: Peter's mother is caring and fosters his independence by letting him explore the snow while providing guidance.
  • Supportive: She encourages Peter's curiosity and allows him to discover the world at his own pace.

Peter's Father

  • Engaging: Peter's father actively participates in his adventures, making snow angels together and showing him how to build a snowman.
  • Loving: He expresses his love for Peter through physical affection and a shared sense of excitement.

Character Background


  • Peter is a young boy who lives in an urban neighborhood.
  • He enjoys spending time outdoors and discovering new experiences.
  • Peter's love for nature and the simple pleasures of childhood form the backdrop of his character.

Peter's Mother

  • While not explored extensively in the book, Peter's mother is a caring individual who ensures her son is safe and nurtured.

Peter's Father

  • Peter's father embraces his role as a father figure, participating in Peter's adventures and sharing his knowledge.

Character Arcs


  • In "The Snowy Day," Peter experiences a journey of self-discovery and delight.
  • He begins the day with excitement, ventures out to explore the winter wonderland, encounters new sights and sounds, and ends the day safe and content.
  • Peter's character arc focuses on his ability to experience the present moment, embrace his surroundings, and find pleasure in simple joys.


Peter and Peter's Mother

  • Peter and his mother share a close and nurturing relationship.
  • She supports his curiosity, allowing him to explore the snowy outdoors while making sure he is safe and dressed warmly.

Peter and Peter's Father

  • Peter and his father have a loving and playful bond.
  • They engage in activities together, such as making snow angels and building a snowman, creating lasting memories.

In conclusion, "The Snowy Day" is a beautiful children's book that follows the character of Peter on his adventure-filled snowy day. Peter's curiosity, imagination, and joy bring the story to life. The supportive roles of Peter's mother and father contribute to his exploration of the winter wonderland, making the book a delightful reading experience for children and adults alike.