The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
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"The Trick Is To Keep Breathing" Quotes

By Janice Galloway

fiction | 240 pages | Published in 2010

ISBN_13: 9781409046509
ISBN_10: 1409046508


We're all just trying to keep breathing, aren't we?

Janice Galloway

Breathing is the bridge between body and soul.

Janice Galloway

Sometimes, all you can do is take a deep breath and keep moving forward.

Janice Galloway

Inhale courage, exhale fear.

Janice Galloway

When life gets overwhelming, just remember to breathe.

Janice Galloway

Breathing reminds us that every moment is an opportunity to start anew.

Janice Galloway

Breathe in the beauty of the present; exhale all worries about the past and future.

Janice Galloway

Breathing is a constant reminder that we are alive and capable of experiencing the world.

Janice Galloway

The trick is to keep breathing, even when it feels like the world is suffocating you.

Janice Galloway

Your breath is your anchor in the stormy sea of emotions.

Janice Galloway