The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
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"The Trick Is To Keep Breathing" Summary

By Janice Galloway

fiction | 240 pages | Published in 2010

ISBN_13: 9781409046509
ISBN_10: 1409046508

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A woman's descent into madness following the death of her married lover.


In the book "The Trick is to Keep Breathing," author Janice Galloway explores the depths of mental health and the impact it has on one's life. Published in 1989, this powerful novel tells the story of a woman named Joy Stone and her struggle with depression after the untimely death of her lover. Through a nonlinear narrative and fragmented writing style, Galloway provides readers with a raw and intimate portrayal of the protagonist's psychological journey. "The Trick is to Keep Breathing" delves into themes of grief, identity, and the search for meaning in an often chaotic and overwhelming world.

Brief Synopsis

Set in the 1980s in a fictional Scottish town, "The Trick is to Keep Breathing" takes readers on a haunting and emotional journey through the mind of Joy Stone. Joy is a thirty-year-old drama teacher who has recently experienced a traumatic loss - the death of her boyfriend, Gerry. This tragic event plunges Joy into a deep depression, leaving her grappling with feelings of shame, guilt, and confusion.

Galloway's narrative style mirrors Joy's state of mind, as the book is filled with disjointed and fragmented thoughts, diary entries, and abrupt shifts in perspective. Joy's world becomes increasingly chaotic as she attempts to navigate her daily life while concealing her inner turmoil from those around her.

Main Characters

Character NameDescription
Joy StoneThe protagonist of the story, a thirty-year-old drama teacher struggling with depression and grief.
GerryJoy's boyfriend, whose sudden death triggers her mental decline.
KateJoy's best friend, who tries to support her through her struggles.
Dr. BissetJoy's psychiatrist, who helps her on her journey to recovery.
MargaretJoy's colleague at the school, who often misunderstands her struggles and offers judgment instead of support.

Summary of Story Points over Chapters

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

In the first chapter, readers are introduced to Joy Stone and the initial shock of Gerry's death. Joy's emotional distress is palpable as she grapples with feelings of guilt and loss. We see her attempt to maintain a facade of normalcy, but it becomes increasingly clear that she is struggling to keep her life together.

Chapter 2: Dissolving Realities

The second chapter delves deeper into Joy's deteriorating mental state. Her reality becomes fragmented, and she experiences hallucinations and disorienting moments where she cannot distinguish between the past and the present. The reader gains insight into the inner workings of Joy's mind as she documents her thoughts and experiences in her diary.

Chapter 3: Seeking Solace

In this chapter, Joy seeks solace in various forms of escape. She turns to alcohol, prescription drugs, and self-harm as ways to cope with her overwhelming emotions. Her relationships with those around her become strained, including her friendship with Kate, who struggles to understand and support Joy through her darkest moments.

Chapter 4: Professional Help

Joy seeks professional help from Dr. Bisset, a psychiatrist who attempts to guide her towards recovery. Their sessions provide a glimpse into Joy's internal battles and the challenges she faces in trying to reclaim her life. Dr. Bisset tries various therapeutic approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication, but the road to healing proves to be long and arduous.

Chapter 5: Confronting the Past

As the narrative progresses, Joy confronts painful memories from her past that have contributed to her current state of mind. Childhood trauma and strained family dynamics come to the surface, further complicating her journey towards healing. Galloway explores the ways in which our past experiences shape our present reality and the immense strength it takes to confront and overcome them.

Chapter 6: Epiphany and Acceptance

In the final chapter, Joy reaches a breakthrough moment of self-realization and acceptance. She acknowledges her own agency in her mental health struggles and makes a commitment to prioritize her well-being. The ending is not a neatly wrapped resolution but rather a glimmer of hope and the recognition that the journey towards mental health is ongoing.

Main Events

  • Gerry's sudden death and Joy's subsequent spiral into depression
  • Joy's battles with self-harm, alcohol, and prescription drug abuse as coping mechanisms
  • Joy's therapy sessions with Dr. Bisset and her struggles with extended periods of silence
  • Joy's strained relationships with loved ones, particularly Kate and Margaret
  • Joy's exploration of her past trauma and its connection to her present struggles
  • Joy's moment of self-realization and commitment to her ongoing journey towards mental health

Themes and Insights

  • Mental Health: "The Trick is to Keep Breathing" sheds light on the complexities of mental health, exploring the impact of depression and grief on an individual's psyche. Galloway's portrayal of Joy's struggles serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of understanding and compassion towards those battling with mental health issues.
  • Identity and Self-Perception: The novel delves into the ways in which Joy's mental health struggles and societal expectations intersect to create a fragmented sense of self. Galloway challenges traditional notions of identity and encourages readers to question the roles they play in shaping their own lives.
  • Grief and Loss: Through Joy's journey, the novel illuminates the harsh realities of grief and the ways in which it can upend one's life. Galloway explores the various stages of grief and the complex emotions that accompany the process.
  • Power of Connection: "The Trick is to Keep Breathing" emphasizes the significance of human connection in times of crisis. Joy's relationships with Kate and Dr. Bisset highlight the power of empathy, understanding, and support in the recovery process.

Reader's Takeaway

"The Trick is to Keep Breathing" offers a raw and unflinching exploration of mental health and the human spirit's capacity for resilience. Through Janice Galloway's masterful writing, readers gain insight into the often-misunderstood world of depression, grief, and recovery. This novel serves as a reminder that, even in the darkest of times, there is hope, and the trick truly is to keep breathing.


Janice Galloway's "The Trick is to Keep Breathing" is a profoundly moving and thought-provoking novel that captures the complexity of mental health with unparalleled honesty. Joy Stone's journey through grief, depression, and ultimately self-discovery will resonate with readers on a profound level. With its fragmented narrative style and poignant exploration of themes, this book stands as a literary masterpiece that offers an empathetic understanding of the human condition.

The Trick Is To Keep Breathing FAQ

  1. What is the genre of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing'?

    The genre of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' is contemporary fiction.

  2. Who is the author of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing'?

    The author of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' is Janice Galloway.

  3. What is the main theme of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing'?

    The main theme of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' is mental health and the struggle with grief and depression.

  4. What is the plot of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing'?

    The book follows the story of a woman named Joy Stone as she navigates her increasingly fragmented life after a personal tragedy. It explores her mental and emotional state, as well as her coping mechanisms.

  5. Is 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' a true story?

    No, 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' is a work of fiction.

  6. Is 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' suitable for young readers?

    Due to its content and themes, 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' is generally recommended for adult readers.

  7. Does 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' have a happy ending?

    The ending of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' is subjective and open to interpretation. While it may not have a traditional 'happy' ending, it offers resolution and a sense of understanding for the main character.

  8. Are there any trigger warnings for 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing'?

    Yes, 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' contains themes related to mental illness, depression, grief, and loss. It may not be suitable for readers who are sensitive to these topics.

  9. What is the writing style of 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing'?

    Janice Galloway employs a stream-of-consciousness narrative style in 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing', reflecting the fragmented and introspective nature of the protagonist's thoughts and experiences.

  10. Has 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' won any literary awards?

    Yes, 'The Trick Is to Keep Breathing' has won several literary awards, including the MIND/Allen Lane Book of the Year Award and is widely regarded as a critically acclaimed novel.