The Woman in Black
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"The Woman in Black" Quotes

By Susan Hill

horror | 138 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9781567921892


They ask no questions, make no remarks, don't listen, don't see, don't speak.

Susan Hill

I heard the sound of a pony and trap coming along the road from Crythin Gifford. I turned and looked.

Susan Hill

The sound of the pony and trap had faded, muffled now by the mist, but I was still staring, open-mouthed, at the child.

Susan Hill

The corridor ended in a door, and I heaved this open, too, and went in.

Susan Hill

I was not alone. I was with the Woman in Black.

Susan Hill

I was frozen with terror.

Susan Hill

I have seen her. She is a ghost: a woman in black.

Susan Hill

The woman in black, one dark and misty night, came to Eel Marsh House.

Susan Hill

I understood that the woman was a prisoner of her own despair, held fast by the memory of the child.

Susan Hill

I heard the sound of the pony and trap again, and then I saw it, coming out of the mist.

Susan Hill