
Why should it be that in the long run, in a world so incalculable in its events as ours, the present should always be so clearly traceable back to the near past, and the future should so often with such startling unexpectedness descend out of the unseen and unknown?

Thomas Hardy

I shouldn't mind being a poor man if the person I loved was as poor as I.

Thomas Hardy

There are some who are liable to heart-sickness from excessive mental activity, and these are driven to take a tonic–or to die.

Thomas Hardy

It was the beginning of a time when it was almost as hard to be in love as it was to be poor.

Thomas Hardy

The most affecting aspect of Jude’s performance was its air of unconsciousness.

Thomas Hardy

How should it be that in the very least particular it was brought about? Why should it be that in the long run, in a world so incalculable in its events as ours, the present should always be so clearly traceable back to the near past, and the future should so often with such startling unexpectedness descend out of the unseen and unknown?

Thomas Hardy

The two or three minutes of her’s that he had shared had been the sublimest of his life.

Thomas Hardy

The ethical life may be the logical one, probably is the logical one: but it is not the only logical one.

Thomas Hardy

In all the faces which surrounded him he read a potential capacity for change, except in the hard, familiar face of his father.

Thomas Hardy

His outward manner, too, in consequence of his long and intimate knowledge of her, was the texture of a mere fibrous growth, which had no permanence about it.

Thomas Hardy