The World According to Garp
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"The World According to Garp" Summary

By John Irving

fiction | 544 pages | Published in 2018

ISBN_13: 9781524744809
ISBN_10: 1524744808

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A coming-of-age novel about the unconventional life of T.S. Garp.


In "The World According to Garp," renowned American author John Irving presents readers with a compelling and darkly comedic exploration of life's complexities. Published in 1978, this novel became an instant classic and established Irving as a master storyteller. With its thought-provoking themes and unforgettable characters, "The World According to Garp" remains a beloved and influential work of literature.

Brief Synopsis

"The World According to Garp" takes place across several decades, immersing readers in the life of T.S. Garp, a complex and fascinating character. Set in various locations, including New England and Europe, the novel delves into Garp's journey as he navigates love, family, and the pursuit of his own identity.

The story begins with Garp's unconventional upbringing. Raised by his fiercely independent mother, Jenny Fields, Garp is exposed to feminist ideals and a liberal lifestyle from an early age. As he matures, Garp becomes a talented writer, finding success with his debut novel, "The World According to Bensenhaver."

Garp's personal life is marked by both tragedy and triumph. He falls in love with his childhood friend, Helen, and they marry, eventually having two children. However, their marital bonds are tested by infidelity and Garp's own complex desires.

Throughout the novel, Garp is surrounded by a cast of eccentric characters, including Jenny, a formidable figure who becomes an influential feminist leader; Roberta Muldoon, a transgender ex-football player who becomes a close friend; and various members of Garp's literary community.

Main Events

Below is a summary of the main events in "The World According to Garp":

Garp's birth and upbringingGarp is born to Jenny Fields, an independent and unconventional woman who raises him with feminist ideals.
Garp's writing careerGarp finds success as a writer with his debut novel, "The World According to Bensenhaver."
Garp's marriage and family lifeGarp marries Helen, his childhood friend, and they have two children. Their relationship faces challenges due to infidelity and Garp's complicated desires.
Jenny's rise as a feminist iconGarp's mother, Jenny Fields, becomes a prominent and controversial figure in the feminist movement.
Garp's encounter with Roberta MuldoonGarp forms a close friendship with Roberta Muldoon, a transgender ex-football player.
Tragic events and their aftermathThe lives of Garp and his family are touched by sudden and unexpected tragedy, leading to major changes in their lives and relationships.

Main Characters

"The World According to Garp" presents readers with a rich array of characters whose lives intersect with Garp's. Here are the main characters:

T.S. GarpThe protagonist of the novel, Garp is a talented writer who grapples with his own desires, relationships, and the impact of his unconventional upbringing.
Jenny FieldsGarp's mother, Jenny Fields, is a formidable and independent woman who becomes a prominent feminist icon. Her influence shapes Garp's worldview and contributes to his own struggles with identity.
HelenGarp's childhood friend and later his wife, Helen is an intelligent and complex woman who navigates the challenges of marriage, infidelity, and motherhood.
Roberta MuldoonRoberta Muldoon is a transgender ex-football player who befriends Garp. Her presence in the novel challenges traditional notions of gender and adds depth to the exploration of identity and self-acceptance.

Themes and Insights

"The World According to Garp" weaves together several themes that invite readers to reflect on various aspects of life. Here are some of the key themes and insights explored in the novel:

  1. Identity and Self-Discovery: The novel delves into the complexities of personal identity and the search for self. Garp's journey is marked by a longing to understand himself better and find a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  2. Feminism and Gender Roles: Through the character of Jenny Fields, Irving explores feminism and challenges traditional gender roles. Jenny's influence on Garp and the broader feminist movement in the novel highlight the ongoing struggle for women's equality and empowerment.
  3. Love and Relationships: "The World According to Garp" presents a nuanced exploration of love, marriage, and fidelity. Garp's relationships with Helen, as well as his encounters with other characters, demonstrate the complexity of human connections and the challenges they present.
  4. Mortality and Tragedy: The novel confronts themes of mortality and the fragility of life. Unexpected tragedies shape the lives of the characters and force them to confront the reality of mortality, leading to moments of reflection and personal growth.
  5. Writing and Literature: As a writer himself, Irving delves into the world of literature and the power of storytelling. Through Garp's experiences and successes as a writer, the novel explores the impact that words can have on individuals and society.

Reader's Takeaway

"The World According to Garp" is a thought-provoking novel that leaves readers pondering the complex themes and questions it raises. Its dark humor, memorable characters, and exploration of identity and relationships make it a captivating and engaging read. By delving into the human experience with honesty and depth, John Irving crafts a story that resonates long after the final page.


"The World According to Garp" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its engaging storytelling and exploration of profound themes. Through its compelling characters, the novel challenges societal norms and delves into the complexities of identity, love, and the pursuit of self-discovery. John Irving's skillful prose and compelling narrative make "The World According to Garp" a must-read for fans of thought-provoking and emotionally resonant literature.

The World According to Garp FAQ

  1. What is the plot of 'The World According to Garp'?

    The book follows the life of T.S. Garp, from his unconventional upbringing as the son of a strong-willed feminist, his career as a writer, and his experiences with love, loss, and societal norms.

  2. Who is the author of 'The World According to Garp'?

    The book was written by John Irving.

  3. When was 'The World According to Garp' first published?

    The book was first published in 1978.

  4. Is 'The World According to Garp' a work of fiction or non-fiction?

    It is a work of fiction.

  5. What is the genre of 'The World According to Garp'?

    It is a literary fiction novel.

  6. Are there any movie adaptations of 'The World According to Garp'?

    Yes, in 1982, a film adaptation of the book was released, starring Robin Williams as T.S. Garp.

  7. Is 'The World According to Garp' part of a series?

    No, it is a standalone novel.

  8. What are some major themes explored in 'The World According to Garp'?

    Some major themes include identity, gender roles, sexual politics, and the complexities of human relationships.

  9. Is there any controversial content in 'The World According to Garp'?

    Yes, the book includes some controversial topics and explicit scenes.

  10. Is 'The World According to Garp' suitable for young readers?

    The book is intended for mature readers due to its language, sexual content, and sensitive themes.