Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Caramon MajereProtagonist
Raistlin MajereProtagonist
Tasslehoff BurrfootSupporting Character
Tanis Half-ElvenSupporting Character
Flint FireforgeSupporting Character
GoldmoonSupporting Character
RiverwindSupporting Character
LauranaSupporting Character
Sturm BrightbladeSupporting Character
Kitiara Uth MatarAntagonist

Role Identification

In "Time of the Twins" by Margaret Weis, the characters play various roles in the narrative. The protagonist of the story revolves around the two brothers, Caramon Majere and Raistlin Majere. They are on a quest to alter their destinies and change the world. The supporting characters, including Tasslehoff Burrfoot, Tanis Half-Elven, Flint Fireforge, Goldmoon, Riverwind, Laurana, and Sturm Brightblade, assist the brothers in their journey. Lastly, Kitiara Uth Matar serves as the main antagonist, creating obstacles for the protagonists.

Character Descriptions

Caramon Majere

Caramon Majere is a strong and loyal warrior. He is described as having a muscular build and a warm smile. Caramon is often seen wearing armor and carrying a large sword. He is known for his bravery and protective nature towards his brother, Raistlin.

Raistlin Majere

Raistlin Majere is a powerful and cunning wizard. He has a frail and gaunt appearance, with pale skin and golden eyes. Raistlin is often seen wearing his signature red robes and carrying a staff. Despite his physical weakness, he possesses immense magical abilities and a sharp intellect.

Tasslehoff Burrfoot

Tasslehoff Burrfoot is a mischievous and curious kender. He is small in stature with pointed ears and a constant smile. Tasslehoff is known for his light-hearted nature and his tendency to get into trouble due to his love for shiny objects.

Tanis Half-Elven

Tanis Half-Elven is a skilled and charismatic leader. He has a mix of elven and human features, with long hair and pointed ears. Tanis is often seen carrying a bow and wearing a cloak. He possesses a calm and diplomatic demeanor, making him an essential member of the group.

Flint Fireforge

Flint Fireforge is a grumpy yet wise dwarf. He is short and stout with a long white beard. Flint is often seen wearing heavy armor and carrying a battleaxe. Despite his rough exterior, he has a kind heart and serves as a mentor to the younger members of the group.


Goldmoon is a strong and compassionate warrior. She has long, flowing hair and radiant blue eyes. Goldmoon is often seen wearing traditional tribal clothing and carrying a magical staff. She possesses healing abilities and serves as a source of hope for the group.


Riverwind is a fierce and loyal warrior. He has a muscular build with long dark hair. Riverwind is often seen wearing animal furs and carrying a bow. He is deeply connected to nature and serves as a protector for Goldmoon.


Laurana is a brave and determined elven princess. She has long, golden hair and a regal presence. Laurana is often seen wearing elven armor and carrying a bow. She possesses exceptional archery skills and becomes a key figure in the group's quest.

Sturm Brightblade

Sturm Brightblade is a noble and honorable knight. He has a tall and imposing figure with piercing blue eyes. Sturm is often seen wearing shining armor and carrying a sword. He upholds a strict code of chivalry and serves as a voice of reason within the group.

Kitiara Uth Matar

Kitiara Uth Matar is a cunning and ambitious warrior. She has a striking appearance with long black hair and piercing green eyes. Kitiara is often seen wearing dark armor and carrying a double-edged sword. She serves as the primary antagonist, seeking power and control.

Character Traits

Caramon Majere

  • Strong
  • Loyal
  • Protective
  • Brave

Raistlin Majere

  • Intelligent
  • Manipulative
  • Ambitious
  • Frail

Tasslehoff Burrfoot

  • Curious
  • Mischievous
  • Light-hearted
  • Brave

Tanis Half-Elven

  • Charismatic
  • Diplomatic
  • Skilled
  • Calm

Flint Fireforge

  • Wise
  • Grumpy
  • Mentor
  • Kind-hearted


  • Strong-willed
  • Compassionate
  • Hopeful
  • Healing abilities


  • Fierce
  • Loyal
  • Connected to nature
  • Protector


  • Brave
  • Determined
  • Regal
  • Exceptional archery skills

Sturm Brightblade

  • Noble
  • Honorable
  • Voice of reason
  • Upholds chivalry

Kitiara Uth Matar

  • Cunning
  • Ambitious
  • Striking appearance
  • Seeks power and control

Character Background

Caramon and Raistlin Majere come from a humble background in the small town of Solace. Caramon, the older brother, has always been protective of Raistlin, who was born with a frail body. Raistlin's magical abilities developed at an early age, causing him to be feared and misunderstood by others. The group of supporting characters, including Tasslehoff Burrfoot, Tanis Half-Elven, Flint Fireforge, Goldmoon, Riverwind, Laurana, and Sturm Brightblade, each have their own unique backgrounds and skills that contribute to the group dynamic.

Character Arcs

Throughout the story, Caramon and Raistlin Majere undergo significant character arcs. Caramon learns to trust in his own abilities and becomes a more independent and confident warrior. Raistlin, on the other hand, struggles with his inner demons and faces the temptation of dark magic. His arc explores the duality of good and evil within him and the choices he makes.

The supporting characters also experience their own arcs. Tasslehoff Burrfoot learns the importance of responsibility and gains a deeper understanding of the consequences of his actions. Tanis Half-Elven becomes a more decisive leader and learns to balance his elven and human nature. Flint Fireforge learns to let go of his grudges and finds inner peace. Goldmoon embraces her role as a healer and becomes a symbol of hope for the group. Riverwind discovers his own strength and learns to trust in others. Laurana evolves from a sheltered princess to a fierce warrior. Sturm Brightblade confronts his own doubts and becomes a true knight.


The relationships between the characters in "Time of the Twins" are complex and crucial to the story's development. Caramon and Raistlin Majere share a deep bond as brothers, with Caramon serving as Raistlin's protector and anchor. Their relationship is tested as they face challenges and confront their own inner demons.

The supporting characters form a tight-knit group, relying on each other's strengths to overcome obstacles. Tasslehoff Burrfoot brings a sense of lightheartedness to the group and develops close friendships with many of the characters. Tanis Half-Elven serves as a trusted leader and mediator within the group, forming strong connections with both Caramon and Raistlin. Flint Fireforge acts as a mentor figure to the younger characters, particularly Raistlin. Goldmoon and Riverwind share a deep love and support each other throughout the journey. Laurana develops a romantic relationship with Tanis and grows to be a trusted ally to the group. Sturm Brightblade forms a strong bond with Caramon and acts as a voice of reason within the group.

The relationship between the protagonists and the antagonist, Kitiara Uth Matar, is one of conflict and rivalry. Kitiara seeks power and control, often creating obstacles for the protagonists. Her actions drive the narrative forward and create tension within the group.

In conclusion, "Time of the Twins" by Margaret Weis features a diverse cast of characters with distinct roles, traits, and relationships. The character analysis highlights the growth and development of the characters, their backgrounds, and their interactions throughout the story.