We Were the Lucky Ones
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"We Were the Lucky Ones" Characters Analysis

By Georgia Hunter

historical fiction | 403 pages | Published in 2017

ISBN_13: 9780399563089

Estimated read time: 6 min read

List of Characters


Role Identification

The characters in "We Were the Lucky Ones" fulfill various roles such as protagonists, family members, survivors, and witnesses of the Holocaust. They navigate through the tumultuous period of World War II, each with a unique perspective and experience.

Character Descriptions


Addy is the eldest daughter in the Kurc family, who displays resilience and strength as she navigates the challenges of war and separation from her loved ones.


Genek, the only son in the Kurc family, exhibits courage and determination as he faces the horrors of the Holocaust while striving to reunite with his family.


Halina, the matriarch of the Kurc family, embodies wisdom, compassion, and unwavering love for her children, serving as a source of strength during their darkest days.


Mila, the wife of Genek, exhibits resourcefulness and adaptability as she confronts the harsh realities of war and strives to protect her family.


Jakob, the youngest son in the Kurc family, demonstrates resilience and bravery as he endures the atrocities of the Holocaust, showcasing unwavering hope for reuniting with his family.


Felicia, the daughter of the Kurc family, displays tenacity and empathy as she grapples with the challenges of war and strives to maintain a sense of normalcy amidst chaos.


Sol, a close family friend, exhibits loyalty and compassion as he provides support to the Kurc family during their harrowing journey, embodying the true meaning of friendship.


Nechuma, the wife of Addy, showcases strength and determination as she navigates the complexities of wartime, demonstrating unwavering love and resilience for her family.


Julian, the husband of Mila, exhibits courage and fortitude as he confronts the horrors of the Holocaust, displaying unwavering dedication to protecting his loved ones.


Lusia, the sister of Halina, demonstrates resilience and perseverance as she grapples with the hardships of war, showcasing unwavering hope for reuniting with her family.

Character Traits

The characters in "We Were the Lucky Ones" exhibit a myriad of traits including resilience, courage, compassion, determination, loyalty, empathy, and hope. Each character's unique traits contribute to the collective strength and fortitude displayed by the Kurc family and their loved ones as they navigate the tumultuous landscape of World War II.

Character Background

The characters in "We Were the Lucky Ones" hail from a close-knit Polish family, each with their distinct backgrounds and aspirations. As they confront the harrowing realities of the Holocaust, their individual backgrounds shape their responses to the challenges they face, ultimately influencing their journeys and resilience throughout the narrative.

Character Arcs


Addy's character arc is marked by her evolution from a young woman filled with aspirations to a resilient survivor, showcasing unwavering strength and fortitude in the face of adversity.


Genek undergoes a transformative character arc, evolving from a determined young man to a resilient survivor who navigates the horrors of the Holocaust while striving to reunite with his family.


Halina's character arc is defined by her unwavering love and strength as she transitions from a nurturing mother to a beacon of hope and resilience for her family during their darkest days.


Mila's character arc is characterized by her adaptability and resourcefulness, as she transforms from a carefree young woman to a determined survivor who confronts the challenges of war with unwavering resolve.


Jakob's character arc unfolds as he matures from a naive young boy to a brave survivor, showcasing resilience and hope as he endures the atrocities of the Holocaust in his pursuit of reuniting with his family.


Felicia's character arc is marked by her tenacity and empathy, as she evolves from an innocent young girl to a resilient woman who grapples with the complexities of wartime while striving to maintain a sense of normalcy for her family.


Sol's character arc is defined by his unwavering loyalty and compassion, as he transitions from a devoted friend to a pillar of support for the Kurc family, showcasing the true essence of friendship amidst adversity.


Nechuma undergoes a transformative character arc, evolving from a devoted wife to a resilient survivor who navigates the challenges of wartime with unwavering love and determination for her family.


Julian's character arc unfolds as he transforms from a steadfast husband to a courageous protector, confronting the horrors of the Holocaust with unwavering dedication to safeguarding his loved ones.


Lusia's character arc is marked by her resilience and perseverance, as she evolves from a hopeful young woman to a survivor who clings to unwavering hope amidst the hardships of war, yearning for a reunion with her family.


The characters in "We Were the Lucky Ones" share profound and enduring relationships, shaped by love, resilience, and unwavering support amidst the backdrop of World War II. Their familial bonds, friendships, and connections serve as the cornerstone of their collective strength and fortitude as they navigate the tumultuous landscape of the Holocaust.

This character analysis delves into the multifaceted personas of the characters in "We Were the Lucky Ones," illuminating their traits, arcs, and relationships as they navigate the harrowing realities of World War II. Each character's resilience, courage, and unwavering hope contribute to the powerful narrative, showcasing the enduring spirit of the human experience amidst adversity.