We Were the Lucky Ones
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"We Were the Lucky Ones" Summary

By Georgia Hunter

historical fiction | 403 pages | Published in 2017

ISBN_13: 9780399563089

Estimated read time: 5 min read

One Sentence Summary

Separated by World War II, a Jewish family struggles to survive and reunite against all odds.


"We Were the Lucky Ones" by Georgia Hunter is a gripping historical novel that follows the remarkable story of the Kurc family during World War II. Set against the backdrop of the Holocaust, the novel offers a poignant portrayal of survival, resilience, and the enduring power of hope in the face of unimaginable adversity. Through the experiences of the Kurc family members, the author sheds light on the human capacity for courage and endurance in the most harrowing of circumstances.

Brief Synopsis

The story unfolds across various settings, including Poland, France, and Siberia, as the Kurc family members are scattered and forced to navigate the perilous landscape of wartime Europe. As they grapple with separation, loss, and the constant threat of danger, each family member embarks on a personal journey marked by perseverance and the will to survive.

Main Events

Chapters 1-5The Kurc family, consisting of parents Sol and Nechuma, and their five adult children—Genek, Halina, Addy, Mila, and Jakob—finds their lives upended by the outbreak of World War II. With the invasion of Poland by Nazi forces, the family members are forced to confront the harsh realities of war and the looming specter of persecution.
Chapters 6-10As the war escalates, the Kurcs are separated, each embarking on their own harrowing journey. From the streets of Warsaw to the depths of Siberia, they struggle to survive, often facing unimaginable hardships and risking their lives to reunite with their loved ones.
Chapters 11-15Amidst the chaos of war, the family members courageously confront the challenges of displacement, persecution, and the constant threat of death. Their resilience and determination to endure against all odds become the defining features of their experiences.
Chapters 16-20The Kurcs’ individual paths lead them across Europe and Asia, as they endure the trials of forced labor, imprisonment, and the ever-present danger of Nazi persecution. Despite the overwhelming obstacles they face, the family members cling to hope and the prospect of reuniting with one another.
Chapters 21-25The novel reaches a crescendo as the Kurcs’ journeys converge, and they grapple with the aftermath of the war. Amidst the devastation and loss, they are bound by the enduring strength of their familial bond, finding solace and healing in the face of immeasurable suffering.

Main Characters

Sol Kurc

The patriarch of the Kurc family, Sol embodies resilience and unwavering determination in the face of adversity.

Nechuma Kurc

Nechuma, the matriarch of the family, is a source of strength and compassion, providing solace to her children in the midst of turmoil.

Genek Kurc

The eldest son, Genek demonstrates courage and resourcefulness as he navigates the perils of war and strives to protect his family.

Halina Kurc

Halina, the only daughter, exhibits fortitude and resilience as she confronts the challenges of displacement and persecution.

Addy Kurc

Addy, the second son, grapples with the realities of war and incarceration, displaying unwavering determination to survive.

Mila Kurc

Mila, the youngest daughter, embodies resilience and hope as she confronts the horrors of war and imprisonment.

Jakob Kurc

Jakob, the youngest son, navigates the trials of war and imprisonment with a spirit of resilience and an unyielding will to survive.

Themes and Insights

Survival and Resilience

The novel explores the indomitable human spirit and the capacity for survival in the face of extreme adversity. Through the experiences of the Kurc family, the author illuminates the enduring strength of the human will and the resilience that enables individuals to persevere in the darkest of times.

Family and Unity

At its core, "We Were the Lucky Ones" is a testament to the unbreakable bonds of family and the profound impact of unity amidst turmoil. The Kurc family’s unwavering devotion to one another serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of familial love and solidarity in the face of profound hardship.

Hope and Endurance

Amidst the horrors of war, the novel underscores the significance of hope and endurance as guiding forces that sustain the human spirit. The Kurc family’s unwavering determination to survive and reunite embodies the transformative power of hope in the most dire circumstances.

Reader's Takeaway

"We Were the Lucky Ones" offers readers a compelling and deeply moving portrayal of the human experience during one of the darkest periods in history. Through the poignant narrative of the Kurc family, readers are invited to witness the triumph of the human spirit, the enduring power of familial love, and the resilience that enables individuals to endure even the most harrowing of trials.


In "We Were the Lucky Ones," Georgia Hunter masterfully weaves a narrative that captures the triumph of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity. Through the experiences of the Kurc family, the novel resonates as a testament to the enduring power of hope, the resilience of the human will, and the unbreakable bonds of family. This poignant and evocative work serves as a poignant reminder of the indomitable nature of the human spirit, even in the darkest of times.

We Were the Lucky Ones FAQ

  1. What is 'We Were the Lucky Ones' about?

    The book 'We Were the Lucky Ones' by Georgia Hunter is a novel based on the true story of a Jewish family separated at the start of World War II. It follows the family members as they experience the horrors of the war and strive to survive and reunite.

  2. Is 'We Were the Lucky Ones' based on a true story?

    Yes, 'We Were the Lucky Ones' is based on the true story of the author's family. Georgia Hunter conducted extensive research and interviews with family members to accurately depict their experiences during World War II.

  3. What themes are explored in 'We Were the Lucky Ones'?

    The book explores themes of resilience, family bonds, survival, and the impact of war on individuals and communities. It also delves into the strength and determination of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

  4. Who would enjoy reading 'We Were the Lucky Ones'?

    Readers who are interested in historical fiction, particularly stories set during World War II, as well as those who appreciate family sagas and narratives of resilience, would likely enjoy 'We Were the Lucky Ones.'

  5. Is 'We Were the Lucky Ones' a sad book?

    The book does contain emotionally intense and harrowing scenes due to its depiction of the Holocaust and its impact on the characters. However, it also showcases the strength and hope of the human spirit, offering moments of inspiration and resilience.