Zero K
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We are born without choosing to be. Should we have to die in the same manner?

Don DeLillo

We can't understand it all. We have to leave some things unexplained.

Don DeLillo

The thing about people is that they die. The universe was not made with us in mind.

Don DeLillo

We are the sum of every moment and every breath we've ever taken.

Don DeLillo

We live in the silence of the failed mission. Nothing is said.

Don DeLillo

They want to live in a state of suspended animation. Just enough life to keep the organs working.

Don DeLillo

We think we're good at hiding things but we're the most transparent creatures on earth.

Don DeLillo

We live in a world where we're not even aware of the forces that shape us.

Don DeLillo

The body is a kind of microcosm of the universe.

Don DeLillo

We talk about death in the abstract but we're really talking about the nature of life.

Don DeLillo