Zero K
Goodreads ratings
3.19 / 5

Estimated read time: 7 min read

One Sentence Summary

A billionaire seeks to preserve his wife's life by freezing her until a future where death can be conquered.


"Zero K" is a thought-provoking and enigmatic novel by Don DeLillo that delves into the complex themes of mortality, technology, and the human condition. Set in a near-future world, the book challenges the reader to contemplate the ethical and existential implications of radical advancements in science and technology. With its compelling narrative and profound philosophical insights, "Zero K" offers a captivating exploration of the intersection between life, death, and the quest for transcendence.

Brief Synopsis

Plot Overview

"Zero K" centers around the character of Jeffrey Lockhart, who is summoned to a remote compound in Central Asia by his billionaire father, Ross. At the compound, a secretive organization known as the Convergence is conducting groundbreaking experiments in cryogenics, with the goal of preserving human consciousness and achieving a form of immortality. As Jeffrey becomes immersed in the Convergence's activities, he grapples with his own existential uncertainties and confronts the complex moral dilemmas brought about by the pursuit of eternal life.


The novel unfolds in various locations, including the remote Central Asian compound where the Convergence conducts its experiments, as well as in New York City and other global hubs. The juxtaposition of these settings serves to highlight the stark contrast between the technological advancements of the Convergence and the everyday realities of the outside world.

Main Characters

The following table outlines the main characters in "Zero K" along with brief descriptions of their roles and motivations.

Jeffrey LockhartThe protagonist of the novel, Jeffrey is a deeply introspective and contemplative individual who grapples with existential questions and moral dilemmas.
Ross LockhartJeffrey's billionaire father, Ross is the enigmatic founder of the Convergence. His unwavering commitment to the pursuit of immortality drives much of the novel's central conflict.

Story Points Over Chapters

Chapter 1-3: The Convergence

Jeffrey arrives at the Convergence compound and is introduced to the organization's radical experiments in cryogenics. He becomes increasingly intrigued by the prospect of transcending mortality and seeks to understand the motivations behind the Convergence's quest for immortality.

Chapter 4-6: Ethical Dilemmas

As Jeffrey delves deeper into the Convergence's activities, he grapples with profound ethical dilemmas surrounding the preservation of human consciousness and the potential consequences of achieving immortality. He confronts the moral complexities inherent in the Convergence's mission.

Chapter 7-9: Personal Reflections

Jeffrey reflects on his own life experiences and relationships, contemplating the significance of mortality and the fleeting nature of human existence. His introspective journey leads him to question the implications of the Convergence's endeavors on a deeply personal level.

Chapter 10-12: The Limits of Technology

The novel delves into the limitations of technology in the quest for immortality, prompting profound philosophical inquiries into the nature of consciousness, identity, and the human soul. The Convergence's experiments raise fundamental questions about the intersection of science and metaphysics.

Chapter 13-15: Confronting Mortality

Jeffrey grapples with the inevitability of mortality and the transient nature of human life, leading to a profound internal struggle as he confronts the complexities of his own existence. The novel delves into the existential angst that arises from the prospect of transcending mortality.

Main Events

The following table presents the key events that drive the narrative of "Zero K" and contribute to the novel's thematic depth.

Jeffrey's ArrivalJeffrey's arrival at the Convergence compound marks the beginning of his immersive journey into the organization's radical experiments and the profound philosophical questions they evoke.
Ethical ContemplationsJeffrey's contemplation of the ethical implications of the Convergence's mission prompts him to confront complex moral dilemmas surrounding the preservation of human consciousness and the potential ramifications of achieving a form of immortality.
Personal ReflectionsJeffrey's personal reflections on mortality, human existence, and the fleeting nature of life lead to a deeply introspective exploration of the novel's central themes, as he grapples with the significance of his own experiences in the context of the Convergence's pursuits.
Limits of TechnologyThe novel delves into the philosophical limitations of technology in the quest for immortality, prompting profound inquiries into the nature of consciousness, identity, and the human soul, as the Convergence's experiments raise fundamental questions about the intersection of science and metaphysics.
Confronting MortalityJeffrey's internal struggle as he confronts the inevitability of mortality and the transient nature of human life serves as a pivotal moment in the novel, delving into the existential angst that arises from the prospect of transcending mortality and the complexities of his own existence.

Themes and Insights


"Zero K" explores a diverse range of themes that prompt profound contemplation and philosophical inquiry. These themes include:

  • Mortality and Immortality: The novel delves into the ethical and existential implications of the quest for immortality, prompting reflections on mortality, the transient nature of life, and the human longing for transcendence.
  • Technology and Humanity: "Zero K" raises fundamental questions about the intersection of technology and humanity, exploring the moral dilemmas and philosophical limitations inherent in the pursuit of radical scientific advancements.
  • Identity and Consciousness: The novel prompts contemplation on the nature of consciousness, identity, and the human soul, as characters grapple with the profound implications of preserving human consciousness beyond the boundaries of mortality.


"Zero K" offers thought-provoking insights into the human condition and the complexities of existence, prompting readers to contemplate the following:

  • The ethical dilemmas surrounding the pursuit of immortality and the preservation of human consciousness.
  • The limitations of technology in addressing profound existential questions about mortality and the human experience.
  • The significance of personal reflections and introspective journeys in confronting the transient nature of life and the quest for transcendence.

Reader's Takeaway

"Zero K" offers readers a captivating and intellectually stimulating exploration of mortality, technology, and the human quest for transcendence. The novel's thought-provoking narrative and profound philosophical inquiries prompt readers to contemplate the ethical dilemmas and existential implications of radical advancements in science and technology. With its rich thematic depth and compelling characters, "Zero K" invites readers to engage in introspective reflection and philosophical contemplation on the complexities of the human condition.


In conclusion, "Zero K" by Don DeLillo is a masterful work that delves into the profound philosophical questions surrounding mortality, technology, and the human quest for transcendence. Through its compelling narrative, thought-provoking themes, and introspective insights, the novel offers a captivating exploration of the ethical dilemmas and existential uncertainties inherent in the pursuit of immortality. With its rich thematic depth and compelling characters, "Zero K" leaves a lasting impression on readers, prompting profound contemplation on the complexities of the human experience and the enigmatic intersection of life, death, and the quest for transcendence.

Zero K FAQ

  1. What is 'Zero K' about?

    Zero K is a novel by Don DeLillo that explores themes of technology, cryogenics, and the nature of identity. The story follows a billionaire who funds a secretive compound where individuals can undergo cryonic preservation in the hope of being revived in the future.

  2. Who is the author of 'Zero K'?

    Zero K is written by Don DeLillo, a renowned American author known for his distinctive style and exploration of contemporary American life and culture.

  3. What genre does 'Zero K' belong to?

    Zero K is a work of literary fiction that incorporates elements of speculative and philosophical fiction, as well as social commentary.

  4. What are some key themes in 'Zero K'?

    Some key themes in 'Zero K' include the intersection of technology and humanity, the quest for immortality, the nature of consciousness, and the ethical implications of scientific advancements.

  5. Is 'Zero K' part of a series?

    No, 'Zero K' is a standalone novel and is not part of a series.