"Beaches" Quotes
A lifelong friendship between two women is tested through the ups and downs of love, loss, and personal growth.
fiction | 304 pages | Published in NaN
Friendship isn't a big thing – it's a million little things.
Sometimes you just need someone to be there for you. Not to fix anything or do anything in particular, but just to let you feel that you are cared for and supported.
We all have our own unique journey, and it's okay if your path doesn't look like anyone else's.
Life is full of ups and downs, but what matters is how we choose to face them.
Sometimes the people we meet unexpectedly become the most important ones in our lives.
Don't be afraid to take risks and chase your dreams. You never know what amazing things await you.
Love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing the imperfect person perfectly.
In the darkest moments, true friends are the ones who bring light and hope into our lives.
It's not about how many friends you have, but about having true friends who will always be there for you.
Sometimes all we need is a little escape from reality to find ourselves again.