First Love
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3.78 / 5

"First Love" Characters Analysis

By Ivan Turgenev

classics | 124 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780974607894

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
Vladimir PetrovichProtagonist
Zinaida AlexandrovnaLove interest
Princess ZasyekinaZinaida's mother
Count MalevskyRival romantic interest
SitnikovVladimir's friend

Role Identification

In Ivan Turgenev's novel "First Love," the characters play various roles that contribute to the development of the story. The protagonist, Vladimir Petrovich, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and explores the complexities of love. Zinaida Alexandrovna, the love interest, captures Vladimir's heart and becomes a pivotal figure in his coming-of-age story. Other characters, such as Princess Zasyekina, Count Malevsky, and Sitnikov, add depth and conflict to the narrative.

Character Descriptions

Vladimir Petrovich

Vladimir Petrovich is the central character and the narrator of "First Love." He is a sixteen-year-old boy with a sensitive and introspective nature. Vladimir is intelligent, observant, and prone to romantic idealism. As the story progresses, he experiences a range of emotions, from infatuation to heartbreak, as he navigates the complexities of first love.

Zinaida Alexandrovna

Zinaida Alexandrovna is the object of Vladimir's affection and the catalyst for his journey of self-discovery. She is a beautiful and enigmatic young woman, full of charm and charisma. Zinaida possesses a captivating presence that draws people to her, including Vladimir. Her actions and decisions throughout the novel shape Vladimir's perceptions and deeply impact his emotional growth.

Princess Zasyekina

Princess Zasyekina is Zinaida's mother and a significant character in the story. She is a wealthy and influential woman who values social status and appearances. Princess Zasyekina's desire for her daughter to marry a man of wealth and high social standing creates tension and conflict in Zinaida's romantic relationships, particularly with Vladimir.

Count Malevsky

Count Malevsky is a rival romantic interest who competes with Vladimir for Zinaida's affections. He is a charming and sophisticated man who represents the societal expectations of a suitable partner. Count Malevsky's presence intensifies the conflict between Vladimir and Zinaida, adding an element of jealousy and rivalry to the narrative.


Sitnikov is Vladimir's friend and a secondary character in the book. He provides a contrast to Vladimir's introspective nature, often offering practical advice and serving as a sounding board for Vladimir's emotions. Sitnikov's presence adds a touch of realism and provides a different perspective on love and relationships.

Character Traits

Vladimir Petrovich

Vladimir Petrovich is characterized by his emotional sensitivity, idealistic nature, and introspective personality. He is intelligent and perceptive, often analyzing his own feelings and the actions of others. Vladimir's romantic nature leads him to experience intense emotions and a deep longing for love and connection.

Zinaida Alexandrovna

Zinaida Alexandrovna is portrayed as mysterious, captivating, and somewhat elusive. She is confident, charismatic, and skilled at captivating the attention of those around her. Zinaida possesses a complex personality, capable of both tenderness and manipulation. Her ability to charm others, including Vladimir, is a defining trait.

Princess Zasyekina

Princess Zasyekina is characterized by her focus on social status and material wealth. She is a pragmatic woman who values societal expectations and appearances. Princess Zasyekina's desire for her daughter to marry a wealthy man reflects her priorities and influences the choices Zinaida must make in her own romantic relationships.

Count Malevsky

Count Malevsky is depicted as charming, sophisticated, and manipulative. He presents himself as an ideal suitor, appealing to Princess Zasyekina's desire for a wealthy match for her daughter. Count Malevsky's manipulative nature and rivalry with Vladimir add tension and conflict to the story.


Sitnikov is portrayed as a practical and down-to-earth character. He offers a contrasting perspective to Vladimir, often providing advice grounded in practicality rather than idealism. Sitnikov's friendship and guidance play a significant role in Vladimir's emotional journey throughout the novel.

Character Background

The characters in "First Love" come from different social backgrounds, each influencing their actions and motivations. Vladimir Petrovich, the narrator, is the son of a retired army officer. His upbringing is relatively privileged, allowing him the freedom to explore his emotions and pursue intellectual interests. Zinaida Alexandrovna, on the other hand, comes from a wealthy and influential family. Her social status and upbringing shape her expectations and choices regarding love and marriage. Princess Zasyekina, as Zinaida's mother, represents the traditional upper-class society, where financial security and social standing are highly valued. Count Malevsky's background aligns with these values, as he also seeks to secure his position in society through marriage. Sitnikov's background is less explored in the novel, highlighting his role as a friend and confidant rather than a romantic interest.

Character Arcs

Vladimir Petrovich

Vladimir Petrovich undergoes a significant character arc throughout "First Love." At the beginning of the novel, he is idealistic and naive, driven by his romantic notions of love. As he becomes infatuated with Zinaida, Vladimir experiences the tumultuous emotions of first love and begins to question his beliefs. Through heartbreak and self-reflection, he matures emotionally and gains a deeper understanding of the complexities of love and relationships.

Zinaida Alexandrovna

While the story primarily revolves around Vladimir, Zinaida Alexandrovna also experiences her own character arc. Initially, she appears as an alluring and mysterious figure, captivating the attention of those around her. As the novel progresses, Zinaida's true nature is gradually revealed, showcasing her vulnerabilities and manipulative tendencies. Her character arc explores the consequences of her actions and decisions, leading to emotional growth and self-discovery.


The relationships in "First Love" play a crucial role in shaping the characters' experiences and development.

Vladimir and Zinaida

The relationship between Vladimir and Zinaida is at the core of the novel. Vladimir is infatuated with Zinaida from the moment he meets her, and their interactions fuel his emotional growth. Their relationship encompasses the excitement and intensity of first love but also exposes the complexities and challenges that come with it.

Vladimir and Princess Zasyekina

Princess Zasyekina's role in the story centers on her influence over Zinaida's romantic choices. Vladimir's interactions with Princess Zasyekina highlight the clash between his idealistic notions of love and her pragmatic focus on social status and wealth.

Vladimir and Count Malevsky

Count Malevsky serves as a rival romantic interest, competing with Vladimir for Zinaida's affections. Their relationship is one of jealousy and rivalry, reflecting the internal struggles Vladimir experiences as he navigates his feelings for Zinaida.

Vladimir and Sitnikov

Sitnikov's friendship with Vladimir provides a contrasting perspective on love and relationships. Their relationship is one of camaraderie and support, with Sitnikov offering practical advice and a grounded perspective to counterbalance Vladimir's idealism.

Overall, the characters in "First Love" are intricately woven into the narrative, each contributing to the exploration of love, self-discovery, and the complexities of human emotions. Ivan Turgenev masterfully crafts a story that delves into the depths of the characters' psyche, leaving the reader captivated by their journeys of growth and self-realization.