First Love
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I know love is a talent, not a virtue.

Ivan Turgenev

The first love is a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity.

Ivan Turgenev

The greatest happiness in life is to love and be loved in return.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is not a union of two souls, but a union of two bodies.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is a beautiful torment.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is the only thing that can save us from ourselves.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is like a flower, delicate and fragile, but with the power to bloom and bring joy.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is a fire that burns from within.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is both a blessing and a curse.

Ivan Turgenev

Love is blind, but it can also open our eyes to the beauty around us.

Ivan Turgenev