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3.8 / 5

"Haunted" Characters Analysis

By James Herbert

horror | 419 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9781400032822

Estimated read time: 10 min read

List of Characters

Character NameRole
David AshProtagonist, Paranormal Investigator
Christina MariellAntagonist, Ghost
Robert MariellChristina's Husband, Ghost
Lisa MariellChristina's Daughter, Ghost
Simon MariellChristina's Son, Ghost
SallyDavid's Love Interest
Dr. John RaymondDavid's Friend, Psychiatrist
Father CallahanPriest
Mrs. JessupHousekeeper

Role Identification

David Ash is the main protagonist in "Haunted" by James Herbert. He is a paranormal investigator who is hired to debunk claims of paranormal activity in Edbrook House, a haunted mansion. Christina Mariell, her husband Robert, and their children Lisa and Simon are the ghosts haunting the house. Sally is David's love interest, and Dr. John Raymond is his friend and psychiatrist. Father Callahan is a local priest who assists David, and Mrs. Jessup is the housekeeper of Edbrook House.

Character Descriptions

David Ash

David Ash is described as a middle-aged man in his late thirties with a strong physique and a determined look in his eyes. He has a calm and collected demeanor, which helps him in his line of work as a paranormal investigator. David possesses a keen intellect and a scientific approach to supernatural phenomena.

Christina Mariell

Christina Mariell is portrayed as a beautiful and ethereal woman. She has a haunting presence and a captivating allure. Her ghostly appearance exudes an air of mystery and sorrow.

Robert Mariell

Robert Mariell is described as a tall and imposing figure. He has a menacing presence and exudes an aura of anger and aggression. As a ghost, he is often seen lurking in the shadows, instilling fear in those who encounter him.

Lisa Mariell

Lisa Mariell is portrayed as a young girl with innocent features. As a ghost, she appears fragile and vulnerable. Lisa's presence evokes a sense of sadness and longing.

Simon Mariell

Simon Mariell is described as a mischievous and restless spirit. He often manifests as a playful child, but his presence can be unsettling. Simon's ghostly form adds an element of unpredictability to the story.


Sally is depicted as an attractive and compassionate woman. She is David's love interest and provides emotional support throughout his investigation. Sally's genuine concern for David's well-being adds depth to their relationship.

Dr. John Raymond

Dr. John Raymond is described as a middle-aged man with a kind and understanding demeanor. He is David's friend and psychiatrist, providing him with guidance and insight into the psychological aspects of the paranormal.

Father Callahan

Father Callahan is portrayed as an elderly and wise priest. He possesses deep knowledge of the supernatural and offers spiritual guidance to David. Father Callahan's presence brings a sense of hope and protection against the malevolent forces at play.

Mrs. Jessup

Mrs. Jessup is depicted as an elderly and loyal housekeeper. She has a no-nonsense attitude and is deeply attached to Edbrook House. Mrs. Jessup's unwavering dedication adds a sense of stability amidst the chaos.

Character Traits

David Ash

  • Intelligent
  • Rational
  • Brave
  • Determined
  • Analytical

Christina Mariell

  • Mysterious
  • Seductive
  • Tragic
  • Vengeful
  • Manipulative

Robert Mariell

  • Angry
  • Aggressive
  • Terrifying
  • Persistent
  • Tormented

Lisa Mariell

  • Innocent
  • Fragile
  • Sad
  • Longing
  • Vulnerable

Simon Mariell

  • Mischievous
  • Restless
  • Unpredictable
  • Playful
  • Troubled


  • Compassionate
  • Supportive
  • Loving
  • Empathetic
  • Strong-willed

Dr. John Raymond

  • Wise
  • Understanding
  • Knowledgeable
  • Analytical
  • Caring

Father Callahan

  • Spiritual
  • Wise
  • Protective
  • Devout
  • Compassionate

Mrs. Jessup

  • Loyal
  • Dedicated
  • Stern
  • Responsible
  • Trustworthy

Character Background

David Ash

David Ash has a background in parapsychology and has dedicated his life to investigating and debunking claims of the supernatural. He is haunted by a traumatic childhood experience involving the death of his twin sister, which fuels his drive to uncover the truth behind paranormal occurrences.

Christina Mariell

Christina Mariell was a beautiful and vivacious woman who tragically died in a fire at Edbrook House. Her death and the subsequent haunting of the mansion are central to the storyline. Christina's ghostly presence is driven by her desire for revenge and her longing to be reunited with her children.

Robert Mariell

Robert Mariell was Christina's husband and died alongside her in the fire. As a ghost, Robert is tormented by his past actions and seeks to assert his dominance over the living. His anger and aggression fuel the malevolent energy within Edbrook House.

Lisa Mariell

Lisa Mariell, Christina and Robert's daughter, was just a young girl when she perished in the fire. Her ghostly form reflects her innocence and sadness over her untimely death. Lisa's presence serves as a reminder of the tragic events that unfolded at Edbrook House.

Simon Mariell

Simon Mariell, Christina and Robert's mischievous son, also died in the fire. As a restless spirit, Simon seeks attention and plays pranks on the living. His troubled nature adds a layer of complexity to the haunting and contributes to the eerie atmosphere of the story.


Sally is a kind-hearted woman who forms a romantic connection with David Ash during his investigation. Her background is not extensively explored in the novel, but her presence offers a sense of stability and emotional support to David.

Dr. John Raymond

Dr. John Raymond is a trusted friend and psychiatrist to David Ash. He provides psychological insight into the paranormal phenomena occurring at Edbrook House. Dr. Raymond's background in psychiatry adds a scientific perspective to the supernatural events unfolding in the story.

Father Callahan

Father Callahan is a local priest who is well-versed in the supernatural and spiritual matters. His background in exorcism and spiritual guidance make him a valuable ally for David Ash in his fight against the malevolent forces at Edbrook House.

Mrs. Jessup

Mrs. Jessup has been the housekeeper of Edbrook House for many years. Her loyalty to the mansion and its history underscores her deep attachment to the property. Mrs. Jessup's background and personal history are not extensively explored in the novel, but her presence adds a sense of continuity and stability to the story.

Character Arcs

David Ash

Throughout the story, David Ash undergoes a significant character arc. Initially skeptical and rational, he is forced to confront his own traumatic past and face the reality of the supernatural. As he delves deeper into the paranormal events at Edbrook House, David's beliefs are challenged, and he must confront his own fears and vulnerabilities. By the end of the novel, David has transformed from a staunch skeptic to a believer in the supernatural.

Christina Mariell

Christina Mariell's character arc revolves around her desire for revenge and her longing to be reunited with her children. As the story progresses, Christina's ghostly presence becomes more malevolent, and her actions become increasingly manipulative. Her character arc culminates in a climactic showdown with David Ash, where her true intentions and motivations are revealed.

Robert Mariell

Robert Mariell's character arc is driven by his anger and desire for control. As a ghost, he becomes more aggressive and menacing, seeking to assert his dominance over the living. Robert's character arc reaches its peak in a confrontation with David Ash, where his tormented past is exposed.

Lisa and Simon Mariell

Lisa and Simon Mariell, as child ghosts, do not undergo significant character arcs in the traditional sense. Their presence serves to enhance the haunting and add layers of complexity to the story. However, their interactions with David Ash and their manifestations play a crucial role in the development of the plot.

Sally, Dr. John Raymond, Father Callahan, and Mrs. Jessup

These characters do not undergo significant character arcs. Their roles primarily revolve around supporting David Ash in his investigation and providing insights into the supernatural occurrences at Edbrook House.


David Ash and Sally

David Ash and Sally form a romantic relationship throughout the course of the novel. Sally provides emotional support and acts as a grounding force for David as he faces the horrors of Edbrook House. Their relationship evolves from a tentative connection to a deep bond forged through shared experiences.

David Ash and Dr. John Raymond

David Ash and Dr. John Raymond share a close friendship built on trust and mutual respect. Dr. Raymond provides psychological insights into the paranormal occurrences, assisting David in his investigation. Their relationship showcases the importance of teamwork and collaboration in the face of supernatural challenges.

David Ash and Father Callahan

David Ash and Father Callahan form a partnership as they battle the malevolent forces at Edbrook House. Father Callahan's spiritual guidance and knowledge of the supernatural complement David's scientific approach. Their relationship highlights the intersection of science and spirituality in the face of the unknown.

David Ash and Christina Mariell

David Ash's relationship with Christina Mariell is one of conflict and intrigue. As the main antagonist, Christina's interactions with David are filled with tension and manipulation. Their relationship serves as a catalyst for David's character development and his journey to uncover the truth behind the haunting.

David Ash and Robert Mariell

David Ash's relationship with Robert Mariell is one of fear and confrontation. As a menacing and aggressive ghost, Robert poses a significant threat to David throughout the novel. Their interactions are fraught with danger and violence, culminating in a climactic showdown.

David Ash and Lisa and Simon Mariell

David Ash's relationship with Lisa and Simon Mariell is one of curiosity and empathy. As child ghosts, Lisa and Simon add an element of innocence and vulnerability to the story. David's interactions with them provide insights into their tragic past and the motivations driving the haunting.

David Ash and Mrs. Jessup

David Ash's relationship with Mrs. Jessup is one of mutual respect and reliance. Mrs. Jessup's knowledge of the history of Edbrook House and her dedication to the property prove invaluable to David's investigation. Their relationship underscores the importance of trust and collaboration in uncovering the truth.

In conclusion, "Haunted" by James Herbert features a diverse cast of characters with complex relationships and intriguing character arcs. The interactions between David Ash, Christina Mariell, and the other characters drive the narrative forward, creating a chilling and suspenseful exploration of the supernatural.