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"Haunted" Quotes

By James Herbert

horror | 419 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9781400032822


Fear can be conquered, but it never goes away. It simply waits, biding its time, until we let our guard down.

James Herbert

In the darkest corners of our minds, the monsters we create are far more terrifying than any that could exist in reality.

James Herbert

Sometimes, the most haunted places are not houses or castles, but the depths of our own souls.

James Herbert

Ghosts are not always the spirits of the dead. They can also be the echoes of our past mistakes, haunting us relentlessly.

James Herbert

The true horror lies not in the supernatural, but in the twisted minds of those who embrace it.

James Herbert

Sometimes, the scariest demons are the ones we carry within ourselves.

James Herbert

In the face of fear, courage is not the absence of fear, but the refusal to let it control us.

James Herbert

The past is a ghost that will forever haunt us until we find the strength to confront it.

James Herbert

Haunted houses are not built with bricks and mortar, but with the memories and secrets of those who dwell within.

James Herbert

Fear is a double-edged sword. It can paralyze us or push us to overcome our greatest nightmares.

James Herbert