How the Mind Works
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"How the Mind Works" Quotes

By Steven Pinker

psychology | 660 pages | Published in NaN

ISBN_13: 9780393318487


The mind is a system of organs of computation, designed by natural selection to solve the problems faced by our ancestors in their foraging way of life.

Steven Pinker

The mind is not a blank slate, but neither is it written in stone.

Steven Pinker

The human mind is a remarkably efficient and reliable computer.

Steven Pinker

The mind is a complex system of organs, each with a specialized function, and each designed by natural selection to serve a function.

Steven Pinker

The mind is modular, with many parts cooperating to generate a train of thought, emotion, or behavior.

Steven Pinker

The emotions are the software and the bodily and facial expressions the output the mind uses to control the body in the service of goals.

Steven Pinker

The mind is a complex system designed to extract information from the environment, to make sense of the world, and to act in it to achieve our goals.

Steven Pinker

The mind is a kluge, and as we shall see, many of its features are poorly designed or incompatible with each other.

Steven Pinker

The mind is an information-processing system, and that the tasks it can perform are the result of evolutionary adaptation.

Steven Pinker

The mind is a product of natural selection and that you can't understand it if you don't understand how it was designed.

Steven Pinker