Kane and Abel
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"Kane and Abel" Characters Analysis

By Jeffrey Archer

fiction | 560 pages | Published in 2017

ISBN_10: 1509808698
ISBN_13: 9781509808694

Estimated read time: 8 min read

In the gripping novel "Kane and Abel" by Jeffrey Archer, the author takes us on a compelling journey of two men, Kane and Abel, who come from contrasting backgrounds and have their paths intertwined by fate. This character analysis delves into the remarkable cast of characters, their roles, traits, backgrounds, arcs, and relationships that make "Kane and Abel" such a captivating read.

List of Characters

Character NameRole
William KaneProtagonist
Abel RosnovskiProtagonist
Thaddeus CohenAntagonist
Richard KaneSupporting Character
Matthew LesterSupporting Character
Anne KaneSupporting Character
Zaphia RosnovskiSupporting Character
Florence KaneSupporting Character

Role Identification

  1. William Kane: The privileged son of a wealthy Boston banker, he represents the American dream and ambition.
  2. Abel Rosnovski: A penniless Polish immigrant who becomes a self-made billionaire, symbolizing resilience and determination.
  3. Thaddeus Cohen: A shrewd and unscrupulous New York lawyer who serves as the primary antagonist, driven by envy and revenge.
  4. Richard Kane: William's younger brother, who struggles to live up to his family's expectations and find his own identity.
  5. Matthew Lester: Abel's loyal friend and business partner, whose unwavering support plays a pivotal role in Abel's success.
  6. Anne Kane: William's devoted wife, who has a strong influence on his decisions and actions throughout the story.
  7. Zaphia Rosnovski: Abel's charismatic and independent-minded daughter, who challenges societal norms and strives for her own happiness.
  8. Florence Kane: William's daughter, who provides a stark contrast to her father's values and ambitions.

Character Descriptions

William Kane

William Kane is a charismatic and confident individual with a natural aptitude for business. He is portrayed as charming, intelligent, and driven to succeed. With a privileged upbringing, he is accustomed to a life of luxury and prestige. However, beneath his polished exterior lies a deep insecurity to live up to his family's legacy.

Abel Rosnovski

Abel Rosnovski, a survivor of World War I, is a resilient and resourceful character. He possesses a strong work ethic, an unwavering determination, and a sharp business acumen. Abel's experiences as an immigrant shape his character, making him resilient and pragmatic in his pursuit of success.

Thaddeus Cohen

Thaddeus Cohen is cunning, manipulative, and driven by envy and resentment. As a skilled lawyer, he uses his expertise to exploit others for personal gain. Cohen becomes Kane's rival, seeking revenge and becoming a formidable obstacle for both Kane and Abel.

Richard Kane

Richard Kane, William's younger brother, struggles to find his place within the shadow of his successful sibling. He is less ambitious and lacks the inherent drive to conquer the business world. Richard's journey involves self-discovery and learning to assert himself against his brother's dominance.

Matthew Lester

Matthew Lester, a loyal and trustworthy friend, stands by Abel's side throughout their journey. He provides unwavering support, assisting Abel in overcoming numerous obstacles and contributing significantly to his rise as a successful businessman.

Anne Kane

Anne Kane is portrayed as a dutiful wife and loving mother. She supports William in his ambitions, offering guidance and companionship along the way. Anne's presence provides a stabilizing influence in William's life.

Zaphia Rosnovski

Zaphia Rosnovski is Abel's determined and independent-minded daughter. She defies societal expectations and strives to forge her own path. Zaphia's character challenges traditional gender roles, making her a compelling and progressive figure.

Florence Kane

Florence Kane, the daughter of William Kane, is a staunch feminist who distances herself from her father's values. She rebels against the materialistic and cutthroat nature of the business world, focusing instead on making a difference.

Character Traits

Character NameTraits
William KaneAmbitious, charismatic, insecure
Abel RosnovskiResilient, determined, resourceful
Thaddeus CohenCunning, manipulative, vengeful
Richard KaneUnderdog, timid, introspective
Matthew LesterLoyal, supportive, wise
Anne KaneDutiful, nurturing, influential
Zaphia RosnovskiIndependent, progressive, determined
Florence KaneFeminist, compassionate, idealistic

Character Background

William Kane

William Kane was born into a wealthy Boston family and enjoyed a privileged upbringing. He attended Harvard and joined the family banking business, striving to exceed expectations and make a name for himself.

Abel Rosnovski

Abel Rosnovski was born in a small Polish village. After his family's tragic demise during World War I, he endures hardship and eventually immigrates to the United States, driven by a desire to start anew and achieve success.

Thaddeus Cohen

Thaddeus Cohen hails from a middle-class background in New York City. He acquires legal education and becomes a formidable lawyer, using his skills to manipulate others, seeking retribution against William Kane.

Richard Kane

Richard Kane grew up in the shadow of his elder brother William. He constantly struggles to find his own identity and build a life separate from his brother's influence.

Matthew Lester

Matthew Lester, a loyal and trustworthy friend, comes from a humble background. He crosses paths with Abel during their respective struggles, forming a lifelong friendship.

Anne Kane

Anne Kane, the daughter of an influential family, marries William Kane and becomes an influential figure in his life. Her background is that of privilege and sophistication.

Zaphia Rosnovski

Zaphia Rosnovski is raised by Abel as a single father. Her background is a mix of Polish heritage and American upbringing. She challenges societal norms and strives for independence.

Florence Kane

Florence Kane, as the daughter of William Kane, grows up in a wealthy and privileged environment. However, she distances herself from her father's world, advocating for social causes.

Character Arcs

William Kane

William Kane begins as an ambitious and insecure young man, seeking to prove himself to his family and the world. Throughout the story, he experiences personal and professional highs and lows, eventually finding contentment in both his personal and professional life.

Abel Rosnovski

Abel Rosnovski starts as a penniless and determined immigrant. He overcomes significant challenges to become a self-made billionaire. His character arc revolves around resilience, adaptability, and reconciling his tough past with his success.

Thaddeus Cohen

Thaddeus Cohen's character arc revolves around revenge and his relentless pursuit of William Kane. As the primary antagonist, his arc demonstrates the destructive nature of envy and resentment.

Richard Kane

Richard Kane's character arc is one of self-discovery and asserting his independence. He gradually distances himself from his brother's shadow, finding his own passion and purpose in life.

Matthew Lester

Matthew Lester's character arc centers around loyalty and friendship. His unwavering support contributes significantly to Abel's journey, showcasing the power of steadfast relationships.

Anne Kane

Anne Kane's character arc is primarily defined by her unwavering support and influence on William Kane. She evolves from a young wife to a nurturing and supportive partner.

Zaphia Rosnovski

Zaphia Rosnovski's character arc revolves around her desire for independence, defying societal expectations, and forging her own path.

Florence Kane

Florence Kane's character arc highlights her rebellion against her father's values and her determination to make a difference in the world.


Character NameRelationship
William Kane - Abel RosnovskiFierce Rivalry
William Kane - Thaddeus CohenAdversaries
William Kane - Richard KaneBrothers, Sibling Rivalry
Abel Rosnovski - Matthew LesterLoyal Friends, Business Partners
William Kane - Anne KaneHusband and Wife
Abel Rosnovski - Zaphia RosnovskiFather and Daughter
William Kane - Florence KaneFather and Daughter

The intricate web of relationships in "Kane and Abel" adds depth to the narrative, driving the plot forward and shaping the destiny of the characters. From the intense rivalry between William Kane and Abel Rosnovski to the loyal friendships that sustain them, every relationship plays a vital role in the characters' development and the overall story.

In conclusion, "Kane and Abel" offers readers a rich ensemble of characters with diverse backgrounds, conflicting ambitions, and remarkable arcs. These characters, their traits, and relationships make this novel an engrossing exploration of family, ambition, and the pursuit of success. Jeffrey Archer's masterful storytelling ensures that "Kane and Abel" remains a timeless classic.