London Fields
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3.71 / 5

"London Fields" Characters Analysis

By Martin Amis

fiction | 484 pages | Published in 1990

ISBN_13: 9781409028710
ISBN_10: 1409028712

Estimated read time: 7 min read

List of Characters

Nicola SixProtagonist and femme fatale
Guy ClinchInnocent bystander
Keith TalentUntrustworthy narrator
Mark AspreyAspiring writer
Samson YoungMysterious character
DolorosNicola's best friend

Role Identification

In Martin Amis' novel "London Fields," several characters play significant roles in driving the plot forward and shaping the narrative. Each character possesses unique traits and backgrounds that contribute to their overall significance within the story.

Character Descriptions

Nicola Six

Nicola Six, the central character of "London Fields," is a captivating femme fatale who becomes the driving force of the novel. With her striking beauty and enigmatic presence, Nicola is portrayed as an irresistible and manipulative character, using her allure to exert control over the men in her life.

Guy Clinch

Guy Clinch is initially portrayed as an innocent bystander who finds himself helplessly entangled in Nicola's web of deceit. As a rich, naive and somewhat gullible character, Guy acts as a foil to the darker and more complex personas around him.

Keith Talent

Keith Talent, an untrustworthy narrator figure, is a low-life petty criminal. Keith's lack of moral conscience and insatiable desires make him both repulsive and captivating. He becomes obsessed with Nicola and forms a crucial connection in the intricate web of relationships within the story.

Mark Asprey

Mark Asprey, an aspiring writer, serves as a reflection of author Martin Amis himself. Through Mark, Amis presents a self-referential character, exploring the challenges and motivations of a struggling writer. Mark's desire for success in life and literature draws him into Nicola's world, despite his initial reluctance.

Samson Young

Samson Young is a mysterious character, shrouded in ambiguity and secrecy. He represents an enigmatic figure who holds the key to unraveling the novel's central mystery. Samson's connections to various characters make him an essential element in the complex narrative.


Doloros, Nicola's best friend, provides a contrasting character to Nicola's femme fatale magnetism. She is fiercely loyal to Nicola, serving as her confidante and supporter. Doloros' unwavering friendship and genuine concern for Nicola add depth to the character dynamics in the story.

Character Traits

Nicola Six

  • Seductive
  • Manipulative
  • Mysterious
  • Calculating
  • Charismatic

Guy Clinch

  • Naive
  • Innocent
  • Wealthy
  • Vulnerable
  • Trusting

Keith Talent

  • Dishonest
  • Criminal
  • Obsessed
  • Insecure
  • Opportunistic

Mark Asprey

  • Ambitious
  • Writerly
  • Idealistic
  • Self-doubting
  • Observant

Samson Young

  • Mysterious
  • Secretive
  • Influential
  • Charismatic
  • Calculating


  • Loyal
  • Supportive
  • Practical
  • Protective
  • Honest

Character Background

Nicola Six

Nicola Six's background is shrouded in mystery, with little known about her origins. She presents herself as a seductive and intriguing character, appearing to have a certain level of control over her own destiny.

Guy Clinch

Guy Clinch hails from a wealthy background, born into privilege and comfort. As a sheltered and somewhat clueless character, he lacks the street smarts necessary to navigate the treacherous world he finds himself in.

Keith Talent

Keith Talent's background is marked by a life of petty crime and moral depravity. Growing up in poverty, he turned to a life of dishonesty and deceit as a means of survival. This background shapes his desperate and opportunistic behavior throughout the story.

Mark Asprey

Mark Asprey's background mirrors author Martin Amis' experiences as an aspiring writer. Through Mark, Amis explores the challenges, struggles, and aspirations of a writer attempting to find success and recognition in the literary world.

Samson Young

Samson Young's background remains intentionally mysterious and undisclosed, adding to the intrigue surrounding him. It is hinted that he has connections with various characters in the story, playing a pivotal and influential role.


Doloros is portrayed as a down-to-earth character who is both supportive and protective of Nicola. Although not much is revealed about her background, her genuine friendship and unwavering loyalty to Nicola are evident.

Character Arcs

Nicola Six

Nicola Six experiences a character arc that revolves around her desire for control and revenge. As the story unfolds, her true motivations become clearer, demonstrating the depths of her manipulation and calculating nature.

Guy Clinch

Guy Clinch undergoes a transformation from an innocent and gullible character to one who becomes increasingly aware and disillusioned. Through his interactions with Nicola and other characters, Guy's worldview expands and he becomes more astute to the complexities of life.

Keith Talent

Keith Talent's character arc involves his descent into obsession and a tragic downfall. Initially driven by his lust for Nicola, his obsession eventually consumes him, leading to his own self-destruction.

Mark Asprey

Mark Asprey's character arc reflects his journey as an aspiring writer, attempting to find both personal and professional success. Through his experiences and interactions with Nicola and other characters, Mark evolves and gains a deeper understanding of himself and his ambitions.

Samson Young

As one of the most mysterious characters, Samson Young's arc revolves around his unraveled secrets and connections. Through his actions and revelations, his true intentions and motives are gradually unveiled, reconfiguring the dynamics of the story.


Doloros' character arc primarily revolves around her unwavering loyalty to Nicola. Throughout the story, she remains a steadfast force and a valuable source of support for Nicola, even when faced with difficult choices.


Nicola Six and Guy Clinch

Nicola and Guy's relationship is marked by deception and manipulation. Nicola uses her seductive powers to draw Guy into her scheme, while Guy remains oblivious to her ulterior motives. Their interaction exemplifies the power dynamics and themes of control present in the novel.

Nicola Six and Keith Talent

Nicola's relationship with Keith is characterized by their mutual obsession. Their distorted connection is driven by lust, power, and manipulation, with each using the other to fulfill their own desires.

Mark Asprey and Nicola Six

Mark's relationship with Nicola is a complex one, starting with hesitation and ending with a fateful and complicated bond. He is initially wary of her manipulations, but ultimately falls into her web, becoming entangled in her dangerous plans.

Samson Young and Various Characters

Samson Young's relationships with other characters are shrouded in mystery. He maintains connections to multiple individuals in the story, orchestrating events that drive the narrative forward. Through these relationships, Samson remains a shadowy figure, manipulating events from behind the scenes.

Nicola Six and Doloros

Nicola and Doloros share a strong bond of friendship. Doloros serves as Nicola's confidante and ally throughout the story, providing guidance and support even in the face of danger and uncertainty.

In "London Fields," the characters come to life through their complex relationships, transforming the story into a compelling exploration of human desires, motivations, and the consequences of manipulation. Their diverse backgrounds, traits, and character arcs contribute to the intricate tapestry of Martin Amis' narrative, drawing readers into the dark and twisted world of the novel.