London Fields
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"London Fields" Quotes

By Martin Amis

fiction | 484 pages | Published in 1990

ISBN_13: 9781409028710
ISBN_10: 1409028712


You've got to trust someone. Sometimes even yourself.

Martin Amis

In London, love and hate beckon each other with a seductive smile.

Martin Amis

Life is a series of chances, and the only way to regret is to miss them.

Martin Amis

London has no sympathy for the weak, it devours them.

Martin Amis

Sometimes the darkest secrets hide behind the brightest smiles.

Martin Amis

In a city of dreams, nightmares find their way to reality.

Martin Amis

Expectations are just promises we make to ourselves, but rarely keep.

Martin Amis

London, love her or hate her, but you can't ignore her.

Martin Amis

In the game of life, there are no winners, only survivors.

Martin Amis

Sometimes the right path is the hardest one to take.

Martin Amis