London Fields
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3.71 / 5

"London Fields" Summary

By Martin Amis

fiction | 484 pages | Published in 1990

ISBN_13: 9781409028710
ISBN_10: 1409028712

Estimated read time: 6 min read

One Sentence Summary

A writer's attempt to craft the perfect murder plot takes an unexpected turn when he becomes entangled in a web of deceit and manipulation.


Welcome to the summary page for the book "London Fields" by Martin Amis. In this gripping and darkly humorous tale, Amis takes us on a journey through the streets of London, where a cast of intriguing and morally ambiguous characters find themselves entangled in a web of desire, manipulation, and murder. With his signature wit and sharp observations, Amis crafts a story that delves into the complexities of human nature and the choices we make. Join us as we explore the plot, characters, themes, and insights of this compelling novel.

Brief Synopsis

"London Fields" is set in the gritty and vibrant city of London during the late 20th century. The story revolves around three central characters: Samson Young, a terminally ill writer with a penchant for observation and manipulation; Keith Talent, an unscrupulous and brash petty criminal; and Nicola Six, a beautiful and enigmatic femme fatale who has foreseen her own murder.

The stage is set when Nicola Six predicts her own demise on Guy Fawkes' Day, five days away. She entices both Samson and Keith into her life, using her charm and allure to manipulate them. Samson, despite his impending death, becomes infatuated with Nicola and becomes determined to uncover the truth behind her prophecy. Keith, on the other hand, sees Nicola as an opportunity to fulfill his own dark desires and indulges in a dangerous game of seduction and betrayal.

As the novel progresses, the paths of these three characters become increasingly intertwined. Samson seeks solace in his writing and observations, using his talent for uncovering hidden truths to navigate the murky waters of Nicola's prophecy. Keith, driven by his greed and ambition, becomes entangled in a deadly game that will have far-reaching consequences for everyone involved.

Main Events

1"The Hit Man"The novel begins with a meeting between Samson Young and a hitman, where the plan for a murder is discussed.
2"The Tar Baby"Introduces Keith Talent, an aspiring darts player with a criminal past.
3"The Metropolis"Keith's introduction to Nicola Six, a seductive woman who claims to have foreseen her own murder.
4"The Sacred"Nicola shares her prophetic visions with Keith and manipulates him into doing her bidding.
5"The Cretin"Samson develops an obsession with Nicola and begins to write down his observations of her.
6"The Promenade"Nicola's manipulation of Keith becomes more apparent as she leads him further down a dangerous path.
7"The Misogynist"Keith's criminal tendencies escalate, leading to violent encounters and questionable choices.
8"The Jeweller"Nicola reveals more about her past and her reasons for involving Keith and Samson in her plans.
9"The Foreigner"The tension between the characters intensifies as the date of Nicola's predicted murder draws nearer.
10"The Murder"The novel reaches its climax as the truth behind Nicola's prophecy is revealed in a shocking turn of events.

Main Characters

Let's take a brief look at the main characters of "London Fields":

Samson YoungA terminally ill writer with a talent for observation and manipulation who becomes infatuated with Nicola Six.
Keith TalentAn unscrupulous petty criminal and aspiring darts player who becomes entangled in Nicola's dangerous game.
Nicola SixAn enigmatic femme fatale who foresees her own murder and uses her allure to manipulate Samson and Keith. As the story progresses, her true motives come to light.
Guy ClinchA wealthy and naive young man who becomes unwittingly involved in the web of intrigue surrounding Nicola.
Mark AspreyA writer and friend of Samson's who provides a critical perspective on the unfolding events.

Themes and Insights

"London Fields" delves into a range of themes and offers keen insights into the human condition:

  1. Fate and Predestination: The novel explores the concept of fate and whether it can be altered or evaded. Nicola's prophecy raises questions about the extent to which our lives are predetermined and the consequences of attempting to change our destinies.
  2. Manipulation and Power: Amis delves into the dynamics of manipulation and the power struggles between characters. Keith and Nicola engage in a dangerous game of control, where desire, greed, and the pursuit of personal gain drive their actions.
  3. Morality and Consequences: The characters in the novel often operate outside of societal norms, blurring the lines of morality. The story poses questions about the consequences of our choices and the moral limits we are willing to cross.
  4. Observation and Perception: Samson's role as an observer and writer serves as a lens through which the reader gains insight into the complexities of human behavior. The power of observation and the way we perceive others and ourselves is a recurring theme throughout the novel.

Reader's Takeaway

"London Fields" is a thought-provoking and intense novel that captivates readers with its complex characters and intricate plot. Amis skillfully explores themes of fate, manipulation, and morality, challenging the reader's perception of right and wrong. The sharp wit and biting humor woven throughout the narrative add an extra layer of enjoyment to the reading experience. Prepare to be drawn into the dark and captivating world of "London Fields" and let it leave a lasting impression on your mind.


In "London Fields," Martin Amis delivers a powerful and darkly humorous novel that delves into the depths of human nature. From a prophetic femme fatale to a morally ambiguous petty criminal and a terminally ill writer, the characters navigate a web of desire, manipulation, and murder as they grapple with themes of destiny, power, and perception. Amis's keen observations and skillful storytelling make "London Fields" an engaging and thought-provoking read that will stay with readers long after the final page.

London Fields FAQ

  1. What is the plot of London Fields?

    London Fields follows the story of Nicola Six, a femme fatale who predicts her own murder and starts a twisted love triangle with two very different men.

  2. Who is the author of London Fields?

    London Fields is written by Martin Amis.

  3. What genre does London Fields belong to?

    London Fields is a dark comedy and crime fiction novel.

  4. Is London Fields a standalone novel or part of a series?

    London Fields is a standalone novel, not part of a series.

  5. When was London Fields first published?

    London Fields was first published in 1989.

  6. Are there any film adaptations of London Fields?

    Yes, London Fields was adapted into a film in 2018, starring Amber Heard and Billy Bob Thornton.

  7. What are some other notable works by Martin Amis?

    Some other notable works by Martin Amis include Money, The Rachel Papers, and Time's Arrow.

  8. Is London Fields suitable for all readers?

    London Fields deals with adult themes and contains explicit content. It may not be suitable for all readers.

  9. Is London Fields a fast-paced novel?

    London Fields has a blend of mystery, suspense, and dark humor, making it a gripping and engaging read.

  10. Are there any major twists or surprises in London Fields?

    Yes, London Fields has several unexpected twists and surprises that keep readers guessing until the end.